Chapter 53

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Chapter 53: Motives

   Outside of Louis' clinic, Raoul was teaching the lining-up patients some interesting information that they could use in their lives.

" Dysmenorrhea or Period Pain as they are commonly called can be relieved with home remedies. Please, don't rely on laudanum. Recent studies have shown that laudanum has several bad side effects. Heating Pad was the best thing to use during the first days of a period when you can't have painkillers. Chamomile and Peppermint teas also help. There was also the use of essential oils like lavender to massage the lower abdomen.. "

" When you don't have medicine for coughs. There are alternatives like a teaspoon or two teaspoons of Honey. Honey is known for killing germs. But please don't give honey to babies under 1 year old since it can cause botulism— a rare case of food poisoning for babies. But if you can't afford Honey there are also other alternatives like Hot drinks to soothe your cough. Ginger is also one of the possible remedies for cough since it is known to relax muscles that tighten your airways. Ginger roots can be eaten raw or you can drink them into a hot tea mix with some honey. When you have a cough, you can also drink a lot of water or you can steam yourself...As for the others. "

The engrossed audience watched Raoul take out two items from the bag that he brought earlier, Raoul took out a menthol rub and a cough drop and showed them to the audience.

" This is a menthol rub and a cough drop. The menthol is a compound commonly found in peppermints. Menthol rubs can help in opening your airways to breathe more easily. As the name implied, they are used for rubbing and it wasn't recommended for them to be taken. Please, don't eat or consume menthol rubs. As for this cough drop, this is a hard candy menthol flavored which you can consume safely. Anyway, you may wonder about where you can get this item.. don't worry everyone! Dr. Louis' clinic would have this thing for free starting tomorrow unfortunately, it would be only a limited supply. These things would be only given to those patients who have only coughs and do not have those coughs as a symptom of something else. Got it? "

Raoul asked his audience and they nodded their heads. With a smile on his face, Raoul continued spreading knowledge of treating fever, and muscle pain with home remedies and informing everyone of the importance of hygiene and the risks of unsafe sex to everyone.

Eventually, Raoul decided to end things when it was passed noon.

While Raoul let out a sigh, he was surprised when a hand holding a bottle of cold water entered his sight, he looked up at the owner of those hands and he met a pair of grey eyes staring at him.

" Fred! "

Raoul exclaimed. He can feel his heart pounding fast. Looking at the flustered Raoul, Fred told the young master.

" Dr. Louis told me to give them to you. "

" .. Thanks. "

Raoul hesitantly accepted the cold cup of water offered to him and thanked Fred Porlock whom he encountered and met again today.

Instead of chugging it down, Raoul decided to slowly sip and savor the cold water. It was also dangerous for him to gulp all of the water when there was a risk of them entering the wrong passageways inside his body.

Even though he was slowly sipping, after drinking the whole glass of cold water, some water still dripped down from his chin which caused Raoul to be surprised and embarrassed at the same time.

Seeing the sight, Fred decided to offer his handkerchief when Raoul couldn't find his own around his pockets or underneath his vest.

Raoul was surprised at first,  but without hesitation, he accepted it and thanked Fred.

" Thanks, once again..."

Raoul trailed off and asked the information broker with a smile on his face.

" Could I address you as big brother Fred? "

The calm Fred quirked his eyebrow at the question and with the young master asking him permission. He didn't also expect the young master to accept the handkerchief offered to him without hesitation.

At the question, Fred replied.

" Go ahead, young master. "

Raoul smiled seeing that Fred appeared and didn't mind being called by him as Big Brother. But inside his mind, Raoul grumbled that he was supposed to be the one who was Big Brother. But because Fred looks physically older compared to him by a few years, Fred is the Big Brother instead of Raoul.

Reincarnation is complicated.

While Raoul was wiping his lips and glanced at Fred who was also staring at him calmly with an intense gaze, Raoul broke out in a cold sweat inside his mind. He was nervous and uncertain about his future.

Who wouldn't be nervous when Moriarty's lackey and information broker is observing him?

Today was just supposed to be a peaceful day. After the events that happened back in the manor a few days ago, today was supposed to be a break day where Raoul could take his mind off things and enjoy this day peacefully.

The appearance of Fred Porlock destroyed this peaceful day.

Somehow, on things unknown to him, Raoul knows that Fred was sent here to the West End of London for a specific reason. Then Fred offered his help and it seems Fred's goal was befriending and getting acquainted with him.

With his knowledge of Sherlock Holmes, even Fred Porlock has only a minor appearance in the valley of fear– Raoul knows that he is an informant.


Raoul has a very pessimistic thought that enters his mind.

' Am I on the Lord of Crime's S(hit) list?! What did I do to earn Mr. William's ire? I'm just my usual self... Did Mr. William get tired of my fawning over Sherlock? Should I distance myself from Mr. Holmes?  '

Thinking of distancing himself from Mr Sherlock... It makes his chest ache.

He was a fan of Mr. Sherlock Holmes before he was even reincarnated. Sherlock Holmes was his rank #1 detective second only to Mr. Poirot.

As for Conan. He was ranked 10th since both Conan and the criminals of his world are just absurd.

Those criminals are always so dramatic and creating elaborate crime scenes– that most of the scenes are hard to imagine happening in reality.

Seeing Raoul letting out a sigh, Fred asked.

" Is something wrong young master? "

With a face that looks wronged and faces injustice, Raoul replied.

" Big Brother Fred, I'm too young to die! "

" Pardon? "

Fred asked. Sounding confused and surprised at the same time.

The young master proves himself to be more eccentric the more things they learn about him. Who knows how his mind works or what is going on in his mind?

Eventually, Fred left the west end of London at 2:00 pm and returned to the Moriarty Manor approaching evening. He relayed the things that happened that day to William, Louis, Albert, and Moran.

" Interesting.. "

William thought. Maybe, the young master is aware of Fred's true nature. On a subconscious level, there was a possibility that he knew Fred was someone who had stained his hands with blood.

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