Chapter 32

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Chapter 32: Pictures

[ Les Nouvelles

February 26, 1871

Did the war end with a treaty in Versailles?

On the.. ]

[ Les Nouvelles

March 26, 1871

The Rise of Paris Commune

The people.. ]

[ Les Nouvelles

May 10, 1871

The Treaty of Frankfurt was established!

German... ]

[ Les Nouvelles

May 21, 1871

Duke Dreux-Soubize makes his stance!

Duke Jules Dreux-Soubize.. ]

[ Les Nouvelles

August 31, 1871

The Paris Commune Falls peacefully?


[ Les Nouvelles

September 02, 1871

The fall of Savah Group...

The Savage group declared bankruptcy on..]

[ Les Nouvelles

December 20, 1871

Savah Group is reborn anew. Avenir Group Established.. ]

[ Les Nouvelles

December 23, 1871

Henriette Andresy the Avenir president, who is she? ]


( 8 years later... )

An adolescent young man was holding various pictures in his hand. Different from the normal black-and-white photos of this era, the pictures in the young man's hand were colored.

Various captions were also written at the back of the picture.

In the first picture, it was indicated in the back that it was the year 1874 August. The first picture shows a group of Sojourn students with smiles on their faces with an exception of one young man scowling. But one thing that is particularly eye-catching in this picture is a young kid who doesn't belong in the group standing beside a blond-haired lady with her hair tied into two braids. The lady has a warm smile on her face and dark blue eyes shining with happiness. Besides the lady, the brunette kid with eye-catching golden eyes made a peace sign which is out of this era towards the cameraman.

The second picture shows a picture of the same brunette child with golden eyes but younger than a man in his 50s. The man was showing a trace of indulgence toward the young child while the man was holding a camera in his hand. The brunette child was holding a picture of the man in color and it shows that the picture has a signature on it. There was a large grin on the young child's face. In the second picture, at the back, it was written that it was the year 1872.

On the back of the 3rd picture, it shows that the year is 1875 of December. It shows the brunette with 2 ladies, a young man and a man in his late 30s.
The same as the brunette child, the man in his late 30s has a pair of golden eyes and is also a brunette. It was common for them to be mistaken as a pair of father and son. Besides the 2 ladies was the blond-haired young man with a pair of amber eyes. He has an awkward expression on his face as he stared at the camera.

The 4th picture is taken in the year 1876. The brunette was scowling as he was hugged by a raven-haired man with unique amethyst-colored eyes who was dressed in the most peculiar fashion ever. The man was wearing a monocle on his left eye and his attire is in all white as well as his top hat. The smile on his face could be described as mischievous.

The 5th picture is taken in the year 1873. The brunette child was with 3 teenagers and a man in his early 20s. 2 of the teenager is young men while the other one is a young lady. One of the young men has light blond hair and piercing light blue eyes. His neck was covered in gauze and he was dressed elegantly. There was a slight smile on his face but there wasn't any trace of happiness in his eyes. Besides the light blond hair young man is a brunette young man who was staring at his friend in concern. One of his hands was holding the hand of his friend tightly. Lastly, the young lady dressed like a noble wasn't paying attention to the camera as she was engrossed in a book titled "Future". The man with them was dressed in the Police Uniform of France in this era.

The last picture was taken in the Year 1878. It shows the picture of the adolescent brunette that has a pair of golden eyes dressed like he was in some kind of a play. The brunette was dressed like a prince and he has an arrogant expression on his face. Besides the young man the various actors dressed in their roles. One was dressed in leather armor and holding a fake sword, one was dressed like a princess, and another was dressed like a demon lord, etc. The only odd one in the picture was a plump middle-aged man who was holding a stack of papers and was dressed like he wasn't part of the story. He was giving a jovial attitude.

The young man who was holding the various colored pictures could feel a smile on his face. His golden eyes crinkled gently. He then sighed and decided to hide the colored pictures in his journal that was currently on a table. Besides the journal on the small round table is a camera. The young man then frowned when the wind suddenly entered the room. It resulted in his brown locks being blown by the wind.

While he was frowning, a person entered the room and informed the young man.

" Young master Raoul, Maestro Clovis is calling for you. "

Raoul gazes for a moment at Francis before sighing. He then asked.

" What it is this time? Isn't he still satisfied with the idea that I have given him? "

" He wanted to consult you about the message that the play would left. And as Maestro Clovis has said to me, “ Don't you think Raoul's idea is a little bit morbid? Why would we make a play about a love tragedy on a ship that is sinking? ” That's what he said, young master. "

Listening to Francis, a trace of amusement appeared on Raoul's face. His lips curled up like a Cheshire cat.

" Since Maestro would hold a play on the maiden voyage of a Ship, just think of the story as a cautionary tale. A safety precaution if you will for people to be careful when traveling in a ship. "

" Young master..  "

Listening to Raoul who was wearing a smile as if he was hiding something, Francis sighed. Once upon a time, several years ago, if his young master heard that he was acting like his Uncle, he would shudder and proceed and consciously change the behavior.

But now, if he heard Francis comment about it, Raoul's smile would become more prominent and people would see the mirth in his Golden eyes.

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