Chapter 39

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Chapter 39: Delivery

          After leaving Raoul and Francis in her guest room and giving them tea, she instantly went to Sherlock who has already heard the request of his new client.

The new client is a lady who was dressed in black and she wore a veil that greatly obscures her face. Miss Hudson watched the lady be escorted to the door by Dr. Watson.

She then glances at Sherlock and says,

" You have another client. It appears to be a young master since he was accompanied by his servant. Yet it is strange that he would have trouble for someone of his age...Well considering it is Noble, then it was to be expected. "

" Please be patient, Miss Hudson. "

Dr. Watson was surprised when they heard that they have a new client. They were then escorted to Miss Hudson's guest room where Raoul was seen immersed in a book while Francis was sipping his tea. Raoul's cup of tea is still full.

" Oh, it's the young master. "

Sherlock muttered in surprise. He didn't expect the young master who was his fan to seek him.

Raoul hearing Sherlock, close the book and was preparing to greet Ms. Hudson and the detective. But stopped when he noticed another person with them.

Again, Raoul was proven wrong in his speculations. He wasn't in the Pre Canon story of Sherlock Holmes.

Dr. Watson's curiosity then peaked when Sherlock knows their new possible client.

" Young master? "

" Yes, it is a young master that I met previously on my case on Noahtic before your arrival. Young master, you are not here as my client. If you don't have any interesting case that you brought with you, I wouldn't waste my time with you. "

" Sherlock, please don't be rude! "

While Miss Hudson was berating Sherlock for being disrespectful towards Raoul, the latter was calming himself after another revelation and averted his eyes from Sherlock's stare and replied.

" No, I am not indeed here to be one of your clients Mister Sholmes! "

Both Miss Hudson and Dr. Watson look at Sherlock who looks a little annoyed at his mispronounce name.

Francis then place a case on the table and opened them. It was revealed to contain a bunch of disposable gloves, magnifying glasses, paper bags, surgical masks, and some other unknown things.

" I'm just here to give this to you and I hope that it would be helpful with your investigations, Mr. Sholmes. "

Sherlock took a look at the items in the case and was surprised by the young master's behavior.

When the moment he met him, the young master is an interesting piece of the puzzle. He was a person with various contradictions. A noble who was willing to disguise himself as a commoner and join in their seats. Someone who values justice and life over some status.

For some reason despite being a foreigner who wasn't aware of the things that happened to this country for the past years, the young master is aware of his identity. It is both a suspicious and a very interesting mystery.

The young master's admiration towards him is very genuine compared to the clients that he has helped in the past. It was so genuine– that it was very overwhelming.

If it was other people, they would already be uncomfortable with the young master's treatment of them.

Starting with the bunch of items on the case given to him, Sherlock's mood was currently experiencing fluctuations.

" How is it Mister Sholmes? Ah, also sorry for arriving without informing you. "

The young master wasn't apologetic with how brightly he was smiling. Sherlock sighed. It seems having a very genuine fan wasn't something that he was looking forward but he should thank the young master before Miss Hudson chastised him for his ungrateful and impolite behavior.

" Hmm... The gloves are convenient. I don't know what are these other things but I hope you would explain them later young master, thanks for these items. "

Raoul grinned when he heard Sherlock thanking him. He feels very giddy and full of energy. Still, he should compose himself.

" Don't worry about it Mister Herlock! I hope it would be useful in your future investigations and cases. With your deduction skills, I hope no cases you would handle turn cold. "

Sherlock was suddenly reminded of what happened in his most recent case. The Study of Scarlet– according to the debut short story published by Conan Doyle. The identity was the pen name of his recent flatmate, Doctor John H. Watson.

In the end, Hope died in the prison. If he have choose a different option and shot him. Hope would reveal the identity of the mastermind behind him.

Before he could delve into his thoughts, he heard Raoul then say

" There is no perfect crime, only imperfect investigations. "

" There is always evidence left at the crime scene even if you can't see it. "

" If you find no evidence at the crime scene, there could exist another crime site and the location is bigger than originally thought. "

" Criminals would always leave behind evidence no matter what. "

Hearing Raoul says those words, Miss Hudson and Dr. Watson were stunned for a moment before they were then interrupted.

" Those were the wise words of the people I have known. "

Sherlock then picks one of the disposable gloves and comments.

" Since you are already done with imparting the words of those people, I assume that you aren't just here to deliver and give this item to me. "

Raoul shook his head.

" No, I'm not. As expected of Mister Sholmes. "

Raoul then took out a sealed small envelope.

" This is an invitation to a party that would be held 3 weeks later. I hope that Mister Sholmes would be able to attend even if it would be inconvenient for you and doesn't appear to be someone who enjoys celebrations, Mr. Holmes. I promise that the party would be different from the usual celebrations of the nobles. "

Raoul smirked a little bit then glances at Miss Hudson and Watson.

" You are also free to go with other people... Like your landlady and are you, Doyle, perhaps? "

" Conan Doyle, the author of the recent famous short story Study in Scarlet. But it is a mere alias to hide my true identity young master. My name is John H. Watson, it is a pleasure to meet you. "

Raoul's golden eyes dimmed when he heard those words from John Watson. It was disappointing that he wouldn't meet the real Arthur Conan Doyle himself. But he can't do anything with the background of this world. It is what it is.

" Before I appeared, it seems that you have a client Mister Sholmes. "

" Yes. My client is a stepdaughter of a noble. The lady's name is Helen Stoner and requested my help because her life is in danger. "

Hearing the name of the client, a sense of familiarity appeared in Raoul's mind. If he wasn't wrong, then it should be about the Adventure of the Speckled Band.

Smiling with a mysterious glint in his eyes, Raoul then asked the detective and his assistant.

" Can I and my servant perhaps accompany you to the case Detective Sholmes? "

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