Chapter 56

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Chapter 56: The landlady, frustrated detective, and worried doctor.

Early in the morning, Miss Hudson woke up before dawn. Recently, Sherlock has been growing frustrated and brooding according to Doctor Watson. Miss Hudson couldn't understand why would he become frustrated when there were a lot of clients that kept coming here to the apartment. There are a lot of cases, didn't Sherlock love puzzles and mysteries?

Doctor Watson can't understand why Sherlock would become frustrated. Miss Hudson also doesn't understand that man and she is certain that she will never come closer to understanding how that detective's mind works even if he was living in her apartment for some time.

Thankfully with the recent addition of Doctor John Watson, Miss Hudson was glad that Sherlock would be able to afford the rent of the flat. He would reduce being a headache to her in that way.

After changing her clothes and taking a bath in the morning, she left her apartment to buy some things in the marketplace. While walking to the marketplace to buy ingredients to cook for her breakfast, lunch, and ingredients for her dinner, Miss Hudson frowned when there was still fog. It was a particularly chilly morning today. Thankfully, even though there was still a fog around, the street lamps of London were working.

Eventually, Miss Hudson made her way to the marketplace. After picking out her ingredients for the day and making sure that they are in good condition. Some vendors assured her that their products were fresh. Some of those vendors are truthful while others aren't.  Thankfully, Miss Hudson isn't someone who is easily fooled. Thanks to her experience of being the landlady of a certain detective, she picked up some useful things from him. After haggling with the vendors and reasoning their prices, with ingredients in her bag, she made her way to her apartment.

Before Miss Hudson left the marketplace, she heard some people whispering about rumors about a ghost and missing children around the East End of London. Hearing the rumors, Miss Hudson was disturbed. But rumors are rumors... Most of the time rumors aren't true.. If only someone could verify if it was true.

While Miss Hudson was near her apartment, her emerald eyes widened when she saw a familiar person standing in front of her apartment. The person smiled at her. His distinguished golden eyes turn into crescents.

" Good morning, Miss Hudson! "

The young master Raoul waved his hand, before tipping his hat and bowing like a gentleman. Miss Hudson was surprised by his presence in Baker Street and front of her apartment. But what surprised her more was the absence of his servant.

Approaching Raoul, Miss Hudson returned the greeting but she wasn't in the state to return the bowing since she was holding a lot of ingredients.

" Good morning as well, young master. May I ask what are your business with Sherlock today? "

Raoul blinked his golden eyes. Glancing at the ingredients that Miss Hudson is carrying, he asks Miss Hudson.

" Miss Hudson, do you want me to help you carry the ingredients? "

After the question, Miss Hudson peered down at the large and suspicious white sack that Raoul was carrying. It looks full. Miss Hudson was both curious and wary of what Raoul was hiding inside the huge sack. Seeing his hands full, Miss Hudson rejected.

" I may not look like it, but I am very strong, young master. I can carry all of my ingredients by myself and you currently have your hands full. I can't determine how would you carry some of my ingredients with that sack of yours. "

" If there's a will, there's a way.... "

Raoul muttered while pouting. Sighing, he continued.

" But you're right...  Then let me just escort you in front of your flat Miss Hudson and answer your question earlier, it isn't only Mister Herlock that I have business today. "

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