Chapter 25

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Chapter 25: The rebellious young writer and the foreign lady student

     " Amazing! "

Raoul couldn't help but exclaim in excitement and admiration as he stared at the displays that lay before him. His eyes were full of wonder like a genuine child who was gazing at his favorite toys.

Currently, he was looking at the literary works of the authors. He was in the literary exhibition right now. Earlier, Raoul has joined Monsieur Clovis Durand in the literary meeting being introduced as his apprentice.

The meeting earlier has mostly flown over his head. Raoul was happy that the meeting earlier has lead him a meeting many talented authors. He requested autographs from them which they found a little strange.

The concept wasn't entirely familiar to them and Francis said earlier that the people would find him odd if he continue with his behavior.

Speaking of Francis, he was currently next to him and was also staring at the displays. Raoul was glad that Francis has learn to know a lot of things about authors and books since the first time that he had met him.

He was really glad that he had come so far.

While he was engrossed in his thoughts, Francis awkwardly called lit to him.

".. Raoul.. "

He muttered with a frown as if tasting the name in his mouth. The way he said his name was unsure which made Raoul feel amused.

Well, it was understandable that Francis would feel awkward. He was used to calling 'master', 'young master', 'monsieur', and 'young master Raoul' many times.

Francis was the servant and Raoul was the master. There was never a time when Francis would call Raoul by his name. Raoul was always a master to Francis until now.

Since Raoul was in disguise, he was just a simple young child who happened to be the apprentice of a playwright. He wasn't a noble but just a commoner child in his current identity.

In the meeting earlier, it was detrimental if someone who wasn't Mister Clovis learned of his identity. As most of the people in that meeting earlier happened to hate nobles or affluent people in the high class.

Raoul still remembered what happened earlier when some of the guests started getting too political for his tastes. Even though his uncle had taught him some lessons about it, the affairs of the people in power in this country aren't something he was really glad to learn or study.

Tapping his shoulders, Francis called out to Raoul who started wondering his mind again.

" Raoul... We should go home now.. "

Raoul sighed when he heard Francis look at the exhibition with a mournful expression.

" But.. "

" No buts! What would happen if your mother learned of this you– Raoul? "

Raoul sighed as he listened to Francis's words. He was right. Thinking of his mother, Raoul was afraid of the consequences of what would his mother do once he learned of his travels.

A few moments later, Raoul and Francis, we're already heading out towards the exit of the literary exhibition.

Raoul thought inside his mind that it would take a while before he would have this kind of opportunity to do this kind of thing again. There was no doubt that what would happen in the next few months would result in him being preoccupied.

While Raoul was distracted by his thoughts, Francis stopped from keep walking.

" What is it, Francis? "

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