Chapter 52

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Chapter 52: The Doctor of the West End London

     The day after, Fred Porlock the information broker and gatherer of the Lord of Crime arrived in the East End of London from Durham.

The east end along with the rest of London is covered in mist. The dawn hasn't still arrived and neither has the sunrise.

Everyone wasn't still awake. But some people are early risers.

The East End was famous and has a very deep history. Nowadays, the place is infamous for its deep poverty, overcrowding, and social problems.

A place of disease and crime was what is this place known for.

Most of the nobles who lived in London preferred to avoid the East End like the plague. For them, stepping into that place means trouble and none of them want that.

Most of their attitudes toward the citizens of the East End were disdainful. Viewing all of the poor people living there as someone full of disease or a criminal. For them, East End was a filthy splotch in their perfect world. A blot in the great face of Britain's progress and advancement.

Narrow-minded nobles who didn't even think that the East End was the result of their negligent attitude and ignorance. With Britain's Industrial Revolution, the East end of Crime, disease, and poverty that the place was known for was due to the greed of Britain for the so-called era of the Industrial Revolution.

The Industrial Revolution indeed helped Britain to advance in a new age. But with this rapid progress, the gap between the nobles and commoners widened. A very big difference between wealthy and poor people.

The nobles only cared about their hides and were apathetic to the plight of the commoners. If only they had cared, the problem would have ended with the East End resulting in a place of misery, crimes, and illness.

Wandering around the East End and gathering information, eventually the dawn and sunrise have passed. It was already around 8:00 a.m.

Fred Porlock has gathered various information from the people that he asked and exchanged information. Today, it seems that none of the people who asked him need Master William's advice to them.

Petty simple grudges against each other and not of the nobles. Thievery and affairs which Fred thought that he didn't relay to Master William.

A slight smile was on Fred today. It's good that this world won't be always so dreary.

Currently, Fred continued his wandering around London. But unlike the atmosphere of East  End which was bustling of crimes and poverty. This place is the opposite.  It is better.

The atmosphere of this place was lively. The West End of London. Places like Coven Garden, Leicester Square, marketplace and commercial purposes of Oxford Street, Regent Street, and Bond Street, the area encompassing Trafalgar Square, Strand, Aldwych, and the district of Theatreland.

West End London was one of the busiest places in Britain. Its purpose is mainly for Commercial businesses and Entertainment venues.

Looking at the lively place bustling with happy people, Fred has forgo wearing the light blue scarf that he had worn on his head since he was at the East End earlier like a makeshift hood that covered his face.

At the East end, Fred needed to wear the scarf over his head so that he wouldn't reveal his identity. In East End, the people there aren't particularly nice and Fred wouldn't risk indicating the Moriarty Brothers and their reputation so that they could continue their goals.

He needed to be more cautious than ever that there was Sherlock Holmes who was uncovering his Master's crimes.

In the West End, it would be suspicious if he kept his scarf over his head. In the East End, it was necessary. But here, it would only bring suspicion and attention. Fred doesn't want the attention being on him and people giving him wary looks. Instead, the blue scarf covers his neck as it's intended while he is dressed in a white dress shirt covered by navy blue pants which are held by Y-back suspenders, and a black coat over his shirt.

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