Chapter 21

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Chapter 21: Attending and meeting the prince's friend

           Maybe it was a parallel world that Raoul didn't find that there would be things that were different even most of the things are the same. People that exist and people that exist have their names altered. In the latter part, it was even uncertain if those people would remain the same just like in his previous world.

Sighing, Raoul shook his head. Francis was staring at him with a frown and worried expression.

" Monsieur if you are worried about the Duke, it would be fine. I am certain that he would eventually arrive with your Aunt. "

Raoul smiled slightly at the assurance and the concern that Francis has towards him. But he wasn't really worried about his uncle. He was more apprehensive with the intentions of the Prince who invited him to his birthday celebration. That's why he was here today with Francis. Attending the gathering which was held in this place that Raoul thought he would see in its undamaged state.

In his past life, he has once gone to France as a tourist. Among the historical locations that he visited was this place. Tuileries Palace which was used to be housed by French Monarchs. Located on the right bank of the River Seine and in front of the Louvre Museum. He never expected to see it again.

Different from the scene on his past life, the Tuileries Palace wasn't ruined and its wall wasn't ash-colored. Even looking from the outside, you can see its majestic elegance. The lively colors and beautiful decorations adorn the structure. It deserves to be called the residence of the Monarchs.

Through, the Tuileries Palace would be burned once more, if those events from his past life still happened here. Even with the difference that this is a Parallel World, some things remain the same and would be hard to change.

Once Raoul have appreciated the Tuileries Palace for a few minutes, he decided to go inside the Palace inside with Francis. Just like how the other nobles and persons and people with high status enter the Palace. Some have looked at him strangely as he was entered the Palace with Francis, they have asked if he was lost which he has denied. Through, some familiar-looking people recognized him as the Duke Dreux-Soubize heir. Some of them asked about his uncle while others attempted to have him chat with their children.

Eventually, when Raoul and Francis decided to arrive at the hall where most of the visitors have gathered, Raoul decided to stay put on the sidelines. Sitting in one of the chairs while Francis was standing beside him. He wanted to have Francis sit down beside him since there was a vacant chair, but it would be considered rude behavior for Francis. And Raoul can't have most of the people here who have traditional views to be offended by his servant.

" Young Monsieur, do you want me to fetch refreshments and sweets for you on one of those tables? "

Raoul stared in the direction where Francis was pointing, he can see a group of clustered tables which has many arrays of food. Mostly sweets and desserts.

" No need. "

Raoul denied. It's not worth eating the food If Francis wouldn't be also eating.

" We have already eaten before we got here. "

Francis stared at him carefully for a few seconds. Searching for something on his face before giving him a warm smile.

" You're right.. young monsieur. We can't have you getting fat don't we? "

" Hey! "

Now, that was Francis being rude. Shouldn't have been concerned about whether he eats or not.

While the two of them are bickering, eventually, Raoul and Francis both notice a person that was approaching them. It was a teenage boy, looking like he was in the same age range as the Prince who invited him to his birthday celebration.

" Excuse me, if I am not wrong in my presumptions, you are the son of Dreux-Soubise am I right? "

He was polite. But Raoul was already getting annoyed with the people asking about his uncle. Still, he decided to remain polite as ever and endure with the pleasantries.

" Yes, you are right. Indeed, I am the heir of Dreux-Soubise. May I ask your identity? "

Upon the question, the person smiled slightly looking relieved. He was smiling which Raoul thought didn't look like a fake smile.

" Good looks like Loulou wasn't wrong. "

" Loulou? "

Who the heck is Loulou?

Maybe, upon seeing the confusion on his face, the person decided to clear his confusion.

" Loulou is Lionel. I apologize. I hastily forgot to introduce myself because of my excitement. My name is Louis Conneau. I'm Loulou's childhood and best friend. "

Conneau. He heard it from his uncle before when he was giving him lessons about the most important people of this country. If he wasn't wrong from what he remembered, the personal doctor of the emperor and empress was called Dr. Henri Conneau. And presumably, Louis is his son?

" it was nice to meet you. "

Raoul inclined his head, he doesn't know why but his actions have brought a smile to Louis's face.

" As expected, Loulou was right! Anyway, the party celebration is boring and it wasn't time for Loulou to arrive yet, perhaps, is there a topic or conversation that you would like to talk about with me? "

After deliberating on his mind for a moment, since it was one of the topics that seem harmless and Raoul could speak with confidence, Raoul started narrating a story. Descriptions of different and amazing places around the world.

The Pyramids, not just in Egypt. But in Sudan and Nigeria. But Raoul also didn't forget that pyramids can also be found other than those places. There are also in Mesoamerica and places in the people that usually wouldn't expect. By the end of his tale, Louis was looking at him with a gleam in his eyes and it also happened that they have also attracted some attention.

Among those groups of people was a young girl ranging from the age of 12-14. She was staring at him intensely and Raoul can't understand why.


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