Chapter 58

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AN: I can't believe I have made such a mistake for some of the chapters and let it fester for months.

Thankfully someone pointed out the mistake in the fanfic and I have already corrected it.

New update.. Just a short chapter.

Chapter 58: Conflicted Thoughts

    The day after Raoul and Francis's respective visits to Sherlock and Moriarty's camp, the pair of young master and servant spent their entire morning outside the West End London's Clinic.

Raoul continues with his home remedy trivia knowledge and most of the time free lessons on reading and writing not just for the waiting patients outside the clinic but other people who are interested in learning. Adults and children alike, Raoul doesn't care as long as they are willing to learn. Providing them with writing materials so they could practice their reading and writing.

Francis assisted him along with Fred Porlock who became a frequent visitor of the clinic every morning since he first came here. After spending their entire morning outside the clinic, just before Raoul and Francis left, Fred called him out hesitantly.

" Excuse me, young master. "

Turned his head back to glance at Fred who was gazing at him, Raoul asked.

" What is it Big Brother Fred? "

Under the inquiring golden eyes, Fred returned the gaze calmly. The pair of gray eyes staring at Raoul was filled with complicated emotions.

" ... I want to thank the young master for the gift that he gave to us. "

Raoul was stunned for a moment before he directed Fred with a pleased smile.

Over the past times that Raoul spent his time outside Louise's clinic with Fred and the patients, the first time that he encountered him, Raoul was wary about his intentions. Knowing who was behind Fred Porlock, Raoul was suspicious.

Because of his actions or maybe they were interested in Louise or Lionel, the Moriartys decided to send Fred Porlock here. Whether it was him that was Fred's goal or the latter two, it was both equally dangerous.

Who knows what the Moriartys would do if they acquired information about the last legitimate royal heir of France doing here in Britain? Nowadays, the country of France has become a republic stepping more towards modernization and progress. However, there were still those selfish Royalists who would use Lionel for their self-political gains if they caught wind of the last 'royal' heir of France still alive.

Lionel just wanted to live his life in peace together with Louise. It would be bad if the news of him being alive reached those selfish Royalists.

However, despite Fred Porlock going to the clinic to gather intel, Raoul was still grateful that he was helping in the clinic and Raoul in spreading homemade remedy knowledge, and teaching how to read, write, and count to those interested people who wanted to learn.

Even though he was a spy, Raoul thought of Fred as a helpful acquaintance and maybe a... Friend.

Hopefully, it would continue like that, and Raoul, Francis, Louise, and Lionel would have kept their life safe.

" You don't need to be grateful for the gifts. It is only natural to give Professor Moriarty and the others a gift considering what happened.  "

Fred becomes silent for a moment. A frown appeared on his face before he replied.

" I would say what Master Moriarty said that it wasn't the young master's fault. However, it wasn't the gift that I was grateful for but for the thoughtfulness of your gift young master. "

Gifts that hold their interest.

It shows how different the young master Raoul is from those usual types of nobles. The scum and leeches who have done nothing but make the people beneath them suffer.

Most of the nobles who visited the Moriarty Manor gave Master Moriarty a useless gift and they didn't even bother to send something to Fred, Moran, and Mr. Jack.

Master Albert likes wines, Moran has a habit of smoking, Master Louis likes to cook, Master William is a Math Professor and Fred knows that he has mentioned once in one of the visits outside the clinic that he was in charge of Gardening in Moriarty Manor in one of his conversations with the young master.

The young master's gift toward him was unexpected. For him and the others. Fred expected a gardening tool or an instruction book rather than a portrait painting of him holding sunflowers.

It made him uncomfortable. Considering that the gift towards him is more personal than the others. The young master didn't buy any of them. He has put his effort into creating the gift for him.

Fred was conflicted. Any of the Moriarty brothers especially Master William was supposed to be the one who was given a more personal gift rather than him. Master William has interacted with the young master a few times.

However after Francis leaves the Moriarty Manor and Fred receives the gift and expresses his conflict, Master William thinks that there is nothing wrong with Fred's gift having more effort than them. According to Master William, Fred is the one who has interacted the most with the young master. And perhaps, the young master considered him a friend.

After thanking the young master, Raoul eventually left dragging Francis with him. But not before saying goodbye to Louise, Lionel and Fred.

Watching the young master's silhouette disappear in the distance along with his servant, Fred was more conflicted.

If the young master indeed views him as a friend, it puts a horrible taste in his tongue. Deceiving the young master to gather information about his origins and identity. He knows that as time passes, Fred becomes convinced that the young master isn't someone who is hiding a hideous facade or personality behind his enthusiasm and care toward the people around him. He was someone who cared about commoners.

However, he must continue to gather information for Master William and the others. Continuing to taint his hands red and forsaking the rules established by the laws to benefit the upper echelon if it means creating a world of equality.

Willingly following Master William's plan to sink London in crimes and death if it means destroying the safety net of the corrupt and selfish nobles.

Eventually, Fred left the clinic and went to a bar in the East End of London. Wrote the requests of the criminals but did not promise that Master William would take interest in their selfish requests.


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