Chapter 15

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AN: I didn't give any permission for the NovelHd to copy my works of Fanfiction and my original stories.

Chapter 15: Plans for the New Year

     By the end of the last week of December, Raoul found himself watching one of the Theatre performances that were created by Monsieur Clovis. Together with his mother, Francis, and a few of their servants in Paris.

Mirror Moon is the name of the story. A story of a distressed man who met a kind lady under a full moon night. Plagued with his problems, the man was offered advice every time they would meet under the full moon of the night. Unknowingly as the time passed and the man tells most of his life story to the mysterious lady, he couldn't but feel curious about the mysterious but kind lady herself. Eventually, the man fell in love with the lady. Despite being eccentric and mysterious, she was genuine in her kindness and her advice are helpful.

The man decided to gather his courage and asked the lady out. He was refused by the lady saying that they didn't belong to each other and even it was, she says that it was too late. Disappointed, the man left and didn't meet the lady on the next instance of the full moon.

The man then got arranged to marriage by his grandmother to a very well of family. To a well-off family. A noble family. There, he met the lady. But she didn't even admit that she was the lady he met under the moonlight. Appearing clueless and disdainful of him. She hated how she got engaged to a man that she didn't love. Many things have happened after.

Finally, the man decided to meet the lady under the moonlight again. In the middle of the story, it was revealed that the lady was a twin of his unintended betrothed, she passed away last year and a ghost. For her to leave the life of the living, she wanted to discover the truth of her death. The man professed himself to help her go to the afterlife in peace. The story became a mystery, fantasy, and action pack instead of what the people thought to be just a simple romance. But then, the story's tune changed once more to revenge and tragedy once the truth of the lady's death was revealed. Most of the audience weep when the man plunged himself into the lake where the lady and he would meet under the moonlight.

“ If I cannot give you a time to pass peacefully, I shall accompany you in your suffering forever. ”

The man died but his ghost didn't live on. As a man whose life was mostly satisfied, he would never become a wandering soul on earth bent on revenge and misery forever. It was a good thing as he wouldn't suffer like the lady who would forever live alone. She didn't want the man to suffer the same fate as her.

The Audience stood up from their seats after the performance and give their standing applause and cheers. Raoul was among the ones who gives his clap. Staring at the bowing actors and actresses on the stage, he gained an idea of what would be one of his plans in the next year.

It was now time for him to write again.


     One week after the new year and on January 10th, Raoul receives a surprise birthday celebration from his mother, Francis, and the other servants in the Soubise. His uncle and to his surprise, Aunt Claire arrived. Raoul has a bright smile on his face as he rushed forward and enthusiastically gave his Aunt a very tight hug.

" Aunt Claire! "

It has been a long time since Raoul hasn't seen his Aunt.

" My Raoul, that was quite a very tight hug. If I would dare to presume, you are glad because I arrived or is it because of my gifts? "

Unrepentant and shamelessly, he replied.

" Why not both? "

Raoul's mother glared. Chastising him for his rudeness.

" But... I am happier to see you again Aunt. "

Raoul amended. His aunt return the hug quite enthusiastically and tight like the way he hugged her.

" For that cheekiness, you would receive fewer gifts. "

Raoul pouted and replied.

" I am fine with fewer gifts as long as you are here, I am satisfied. "

" Really? "

" ... Some gifts aren't bad too. "

" you cheeky brat. "

His Aunt then proceeds to pinch his cheeks. It was an attribute that he didn't like from her Aunt. Raoul wouldn't understand why would she pinch his cheeks. It hurts. Raoul dislike having his cheeks pinched. Someway or another, there was a silly thought on his mind shouting that her Aunt was a sadist. Just look at his uncle for proof, even he was given a cold shoulder or harsh words, there was still the perfectly crafted smile on his face. The smile on his face wouldn't even slip off no matter how many rebuttal or hostile looks are directed to him by people or the nobles. Getting out of his musings, Raoul celebrated his birthday celebration with a bright smile on his face. The birthday celebration was small and only celebrated with his family and the servants in the house of Soubise.

The next day after the birthday celebration, Raoul was surprised by the various presents that were sent to the doors of their house. He wasn't talking metaphorically, but literally. People in the commune have been sent to their doors, it was also a surprise for him to learn that the people in the nearby towns sent their gifts. There is a various assortment of things that were sent on their doors. Fruits, vegetables, handmade crafts, a letter of congratulations, stickman drawings which were obviously from children, a basket of flowers, and even a sack of rice, Raoul didn't reject any of the gifts. It was all a heartfelt gift coming towards the people. Even they weren't expensive like the gifts that his Aunt lavished him, it was still as important as those things.

Raoul took note to himself that he would give his thanks to the sender of the gifts.

3 days later, Raoul receives a gift sent by Monsieur Clovis and his troupe. They were also apologizing for not knowing when is his birthday. It was fine for Raoul since he never told them. He was surprised that they even managed to learn of the celebration and them sending gifts at all. A week later of his birthday celebration, Raoul receive a gift delivered by an unknown person. He mercilessly rejected the gift and glared at the 'mailman'. He ordered Francis to see the man out. Raoul didn't tell his mother about that certain incident. And he hoped that she would never learn of it.

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