Chapter 45

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Chapter 45: Whose who?

The Earth is vast. Yet, at the same time, it was so small. By coincidence or chance, people met and become intertwined with each other. Raoul just never realize how small the world is until now. He was someone who never believes in fate and destiny.

But as someone who has experienced the impossible, he thought about the possibility of the existence of God. Perhaps, it was now time for him to start believing in destiny... or just being plain unlucky.

Seeing Mr. William with the Napoleon of Crime Albert James Moriarty himself, various emotions surface in Raoul's mind. Not just emotions but various questions.

The most prominent of them all was why is Mr. William with the arch nemesis of Sherlock.

Despite the confusion and apprehension, it would result in nothing if Raoul just remained standing. His questions and confusion would remain unanswered.

Forcing courage into himself, Raoul decided to walk towards where Mr. William and Moriarty were engaging in conversation along with their entourage.

Both of them notice Raoul and stopped in their conversation.

" Mr. William, Earl Moriarty. "

Raoul greeted the two and nodded toward the rest. He then notice that there was a flash of confusion and intrigue in one of their associate's eyes before it disappeared.

Mr. William and Earl Albert Moriarty then both smiled. The former was a comforting smile while the latter is a smile that makes Raoul not comfortable. He doesn't want it to be directed at him. Still, he doesn't let it show on his face.

" Young master. " " Count Oxford-Maximillian. "

Both of them replied in greeting.

" I am glad that you have arrived. "

Raoul then let his confusion show on his face as he directed his golden gaze between Mr. William and the Earl. But they don't notice it much to Raoul's frustration.

" We're delighted and honored that you have invited us, young master. "

The Crime Napoleon replied with a smile on his face that made some of the noble ladies that Raoul have invited swoon and blush. They were impacted by the devilish charms of the Earl of crime.

Raoul keeps a smile on his face despite the confusion and uneasiness that he feels.

Just why was Mr. Williams with Earl Moriarty? From what he has seen in the distance, Mr. William and Earl Moriarty appear to be comfortable with each other. The way they treat each other appears to be not strangers but they are treating each other as familiar. And judging more closely now, Raoul could tell that they weren't just mere acquaintances but closer. Much closer than friends perhaps. That was what Raoul's gut or guess is telling him. There was a strange expression on Raoul's face for a moment before it disappeared and was replaced by an expression of acceptance. Then it was replaced by the usual amiable and calm smile that he usually directs when it comes to interacting with other nobles or on formal occasions. Of course, that strange expression was noticed both by William and Albert. As well as the others that came with them.

" The honor is also mine to have your presence blessed my celebration. I hope Earl Moriarty and Mr. William as well as your companions wouldn't be bored. Inside the mansion within the great hall, I have prepared some entertainment and attractions regarding some interesting knowledge and information about other countries. And the foods that were prepared for catering are various dishes and cuisines around the world. But if you aren't interested in foreign cuisine, there is regular British cuisine. "

William then replied.

" We are looking forward to it young master. "

He then glances at his companions and introduced them. The first one that he introduced was a blond-haired like Mr. William. And he also has a scarlet eye. Interestingly, he was wearing glasses and a side of his hair was trying its best to cover the scar that was on his face. But with the person's movement, it was hard to hide the scar on his face.

Raoul decided to not avoid looking at the man's face. He thought that it would be also disrespectful if he avoided staring at the man. Raoul would just treat everything normally like how was it supposed to be.

" This is our little brother, Louis James Moriarty. "

Mr. William then told Raoul those damning words that finally destroyed the confusion that he felt earlier.

" It's a pleasure to meet you, Count Oxford-Maximillian. "

Raoul felt frozen like an ice statue. He wanted to respond but he couldn't. He felt shivers all over his body and he could feel the very fast beat of his heart.

Louis then frowned when he noticed that the young master wasn't responding to him. Now he was starting to doubt his brothers and Fred's judgment and observation of the young master. The others have also noticed the young master not responding to Louis. But a moment later they noticed his stiff smile and body posture.

" Young Master? "

William decided to defuse the tense atmosphere by inquiring about the young master. Out-of-focus golden eyes stared at him before finally uttering a few words.

" ..M-Mr. William Moriarty? "

The words were so faint and silent that they couldn't almost hear them. William feels uneasy at the tone of the young master. But he still replied.

" Is something wrong, young master? "

There was a flinch on the young master Raoul's before the posture of the young noble became relaxed. But instead of the atmosphere relaxing, it became tenser when the young master suddenly became unconscious much to their surprise.

" Young Master! " " Earl Oxford-Maximillian! "

It was out of reflex and skills that Moran managed to stop the young master from dropping to the ground. But after the young master became unconscious, they were now the center of attention.

" Yo, William! Did the young master faint again? If this keeps going, he needs to stop drinking hot chocolate. Too many sweets aren't good for his heart. "

Then there was a familiar voice coming toward them. William then turned his head and as expected, he saw the Detective, Mr. Watson, and their landlady.

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