Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: Anger and Resentment

      Raoul stared at the bright full moon in the sky. He was feeling tired, angry, and exasperated. It was a complicated mix of emotions.

" Thief!! "

" After him! "

" Get back here! "

Damn it all.

Raoul can hear the angry cries of the chasers. The police force was running after the thief who stole the treasure. Amid these events, Raoul wanted to berate himself from being involved. He wanted to whack his head for being stupid.

But... No, maybe he was already involved in these events unknowingly to him the moment that he attended this birthday party of his cousin Bernard Andresy. He stepped in, clueless of the situation, and trapped himself in the spider's web. He has fallen into the spider's machination.

And Raoul has a high suspicion on who is that damnable spider that deserves to be eaten and sucked his blood dry by a black widow. Who could it be other than his uncle?

His uncle is the one who insisted on him coming to his cousin's birthday party. Convince his mother to attend and talk some nonsense about meeting his other family and time for him to start to learn socializing with other people.

Pui! Socializing? He already knows how to socialize! He knows a lot of people in the Soubise commune. He even knows the famous moonlight maestro of France and he would always go to the nearby towns to tell stories to kids and teach them how to read and write! There was also his matter of introducing himself to those 'special people. Raoul knows how to damn socialize!

And talking to those bourgeois and nobles who flaunted their wealth and chat about useless gossips like who cheated who are not what Raoul considered socializing. He doesn't want to be the cute angel child displayed in front of those assholes. And he also doesn't want to flatter them, kneel and kiss their asses.

Those fuckers on the party don't even make the effort to donate to the orphanages, appreciate their servants, or involve themselves in any activity that would make some contribution to the betterment of the country. All of those people that his uncle introduced the name of... Raoul read them on his uncle's files. Those people are just leeching off and fattening themselves.

If they didn't change, Raoul was considering putting them in the middle of the slaughter by next year. This country is better without those people who attended the birthday party of his cousin Bernard.

" Are you okay, S– Kid? "

Raoul was interrupted by his dark thoughts and musings by a voice. He moves his head up slightly and comes face to face and stare at the man's piercing purple eyes. Raoul feels weirded out by the color of his eyes. It was a very strange and unique color. This person is the one who he has encountered to have purple eyes. But a few moments after being entranced by the unique colored eyes, Raoul glared at the man. He still felt angry at the events that happened at the birthday celebration earlier and this man has even made them worse.

" Okay? Yes, Monsieur I am okay and fine. "

Raoul said his words. His voice is biting with sarcasm and venom.

" Considering that I am kidnapped by a self-proclaimed gentlemen thief. "

The man who was kidnapped and currently running away from the police stared at him for a few seconds before started chuckling.

" Since you are taken care of in a Noble family, I expected some manners from you kid. "

Raoul scoffed at the man while he was still being carried while man was running.

" Who cared about manners right now? I am angry at those people at my cousin's birthday celebration earlier. "

" Yes indeed, those people didn't deserve respect, aren't they? "

Raoul stared at the man as the latter give him a sincere smile. The man was handsome. Devilishly handsome. Raoul knows that with that kind of face, many ladies would swoon and fall in love with him.

Just like his mother...

Raoul could feel anger rising on him. His words were much worse and filled with more venom than before.

" A thief like you also didn't deserve any respect from me. "

It was maybe an illusion but Raoul saw a flash of hurt on that handsome face before it was wiped instantly. Raoul regretted what he said. But he reasoned that this man doesn't deserve any reason of sympathy from him.

This man... His despicable father.

Raoul after learning the tale of how his mother came upon his uncle's doorsteps from his aunt doesn't want to do anything from that hateful man. He doesn't want to do anything from his father. A dishonest and disgusting man.

He doesn't bother asking about him from his mother. Knowing that it would bring her pain. In truth after hearing the tale, he doesn't want to know or hear what is the man doing. He doesn't care about him.

But now, he finally met him. With certainty, he was certain that it was because of his uncle's machinations. Raoul can't understand. Why did his uncle even bother scheming this kind of plot?

" You have some kind of way with your mouth, boy. "

His father, Theophraste Lupin said. The way that he addresses him is much more distant than before. It lacked that lackadaisical and careless tone. This one is composed and cold.

Yet, Raoul didn't care about the tone of this man's voice.

" Tell me, what does dear uncle get in having you kidnap me, crook and despicable thief? "

Theophraste Lupin's eyes become colder than before. Raoul also noted that Theophraste was slowing down from his running around here at the Andresy Manor.

" Oh, I didn't know that your uncle let you dabble on his politics. Is he grooming you to become his heir? Training you to become a confidant of the emperor who doesn't even listen to his advice?  "

So, he was aware of something.

Raoul becomes silent at that. Theophraste continue his running around the Andresy Manor and didn't bother asking Raoul again. On Theophraste's neck, the precious necklace and family heirloom of the Andresy dangle on him.

Truly despicable to steal something from Andresy because his mother left him. On the other hand, Raoul doesn't want to become a thief. Is it their way of fulfilling the flow of the story? Supplying someone in case of role avoidance...  Fate sure is a bitch.

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