Chapter 47

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Chapter 47: Two Inspectors

       When Raoul arrived at the Banquet Hall, he notice the presence of the police officials of this Victorian Era. Among those people is an adult man with short brown hair and stubble on his chin. The man has grey eyes. He was around 5'11 or 180cm tall.

Beside the man was another adult man with parted brown hair to the side and he possessed a pair of green eyes. The former was talking to the latter. The latter was listening to the former with rapt attention.

Not far away from them is a tall man with black hair and dark green eyes. He was wearing thin-framed glasses with square lenses. He was wearing a black three-piece suit, a gray waistcoat, and a maroon tie. There was another man beside the former who was yelling or scolding the glasses guy.

He was an adult man with black slicked-back hair, and dark eyes with an extended goatee. He wears a white shirt with a waistcoat and a dark tie.

Noticing his presence, the previous man who was yelling became silent and immediately approached him. He approached Raoul and extended his hand.

" It's a pleasure to meet you, Earl Oxford-Maximillian. I am Arterton, the Chief Inspector of London's Metropolitan Police Crime Investigation Department. "

Despite the introduction, Raoul doesn't feel any sense of recollection from Mr. Arterton despite his important position. Arterton– His name doesn't ring any bell in his mind. The only thing that he knows was that the London Metropolitan Police is another world for...

" Scotland Yard? "

Raoul muttered as he returned the handshake firmly before letting go. Arterton smiled when his handshake was returned and this high-profile and very important young master wasn't ignorant and sheltered as the rumors have depicted him as. It was a source of his pride that the nobles were aware of his new Scotland yard.

" Yes, my lord. My London Metropolitan Police name is known as New Scotland Yard. "

Raoul followed when Mr. Arterton walked toward the two people that he notice before. Two people were currently talking to Sherlock and there was also Watson accompanying Sherlock.

With the presence of Sherlock and Watson and their interactions with those people– Raoul could deduce the identity of one of those people.

" Lord Oxford-Maximillian, let me introduce you to one of my most promising subordinates Inspector Lestrade. The one accompanying him is also one of my subordinates. He is the assistant inspector Mr. Gregson. "

Upon hearing their name, Raoul's eyes lit up and offered his hands to the two inspectors. They were surprised by the sudden and forward response that they received but they accepted the positive response that they got in the end. Specifically for Gregson who was just a mere assistant inspector. It was out of his expectation for someone important and of nobility to place importance on him. Nobles don't usually put him in their eyes until they became a suspect in the murders at the crime scenes that the New Scotland Yard handles.

The pair of golden eyes were gazing at them intensely. Raoul's smile brightened when they returned the handshake and said

" Thank you for your hard work inspectors. From what I have learned New Scotland Yard's territory is the Greater London
To have come here to Oxford. I am grateful for your time. Would you permit me to call you by your name inspectors? Mr. George? Mr Tobias? "

The two inspectors of the Scotland Yard department shivered when they heard the young master calling them by their first name. Immediately, their gazes turned to the man beside Sherlock. The first culprit that they immediately thought responsible.

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