Chapter 59

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AN: Here's another new chapter

Chapter 59:  Distant Relatives

     After leaving the clinic, Francis and Raoul went to have lunch in one of the restaurants in the West End of London. After ordering their food and eating, they left and went to Baker Street.

This time, instead of going to Baker Street 221B or even to Miss Hudson's apartment, Francis was surprised to find that they decided to pass by the home of young master Raoul's latest obsessions/ admired people.

Seeing the strange expression on Francis's face, Raoul shot him a look.

" What's with that face? Are you still upset that I have sent you to Durham Yesterday? We're equal now with the things that we have done, Francis. You sent a letter to my uncle without informing me and I sent you to the Moriarty Manor at Durham to give the apology gifts to the Moriarty Household. "

Sighing, Francis sent his young master a suspicious look and questioned.

" Young master, you aren't leading us to danger, aren't you? "

Blinking his golden eyes, Raoul put on the most oblivious and innocent expression that he had.

" Why would think of that Francis? Since when did I have ever lead you to danger? "

Shooting his young master the most unimpressed look that he have, Francis replied.

" Since the day that you became 5 years old young master. At the age of 5, you have been kidnapped 1 time, and since then it become worse as you get older. Some of the people that you have met and befriended are dangerous people. "

" Hey! That's uncalled for Francis! We are already entangled with Sister Josephine because my uncle is associated with her mother. "

It was really strange the relationship between his uncle Jules and Josephine's mother. At one of the parties in the past few years, Raoul has asked the current Countess Cagliostro if she and her uncle are a former couple.

The look that she directed him and his uncle at that time made Raoul feel that he had done a stupid or there was something wrong with his IQ.

" Dio Santo! Why would you think that Brat? I would sooner kill myself than be associated with that disgusting guy as a couple. "

" Raoul... Why would that enter your mind? "

"... I'm sorry. It looks like the two of you are very familiar with each other.  "

" (Sigh) .. No. Even if she was the only remaining woman in the world, I wouldn't fall in love with her. And to answer the question that bothers your mind, dear Raoul, the proper term for our relationship is rivals who also happened to be distant relatives. "

For Raoul, it was interesting to learn that they are distant relatives of Sister Josephine. They are related through their Great great grandfather. The 1st Generation Josephine Balsamo/ Countess Cagliostro was Raoul's Great-great Grandfather's older sister.

Among his great-great-grandfather's siblings, he was the youngest son and child of their parents. The 1st generation Josephine Balsamo was the youngest daughter and the second youngest according to his uncle.

Other than the 1st generation Countess Cagliostro, Josephine Balsamo, his Great-great-grandfather has many other older siblings. Unfortunately, most of them passed away when they were young due to complications or diseases. Including Countess Cagliostro 1st, his great-great-grandfather has only 5 siblings who survive to adulthood.

When Raoul pried any other information regarding his great-grandfather, his uncle refused to tell more other than that the Great-great-grandfather is the one responsible for establishing the secret organization that his uncle is currently the head of.

If Raoul wants more information, he should accept the offer of being the next-in-line head of the I.R.I.S. which Raoul denied. He doesn't want to do anything with his Uncle's shady organization even though he has no choice but to inherit that damn organization once his uncle passed away.

According to his uncle, he was the most qualified to be the next in line among their current relatives. Raoul has no interest in managing a secret organization. The thing that Raoul wanted in this life was to live happily and die of old age. Being the head of a secret security organization wouldn't help in Raoul's goal. It would only give him gray hair and lessen his life expectancy.

And if Raoul's uncle doesn't want him to know more about his great-great-grandfather, Raoul wouldn't force the information from him.

As for their other relatives, his cousin Bernard and Bernard's father don't know anything about their great-great-grandfather.

As for his mother's parents... until now Raoul hasn't managed to introduce himself and interact with them. Both his mother and uncle doubt that they would be interested in interacting with him. His grandparents hated his father. It wasn't only him being a commoner but his father being related to one of the people who was involved in the French Revolution.

His grandparents have great hatred towards the people responsible for the French Revolution. They blame them for their current status and state of living. Their name and status as a noble weren't as respected as they used to be.

Towards the French Revolution, Raoul has conflicted thoughts about it. He wasn't certain if it was the same French Revolution that happened back in his former world or if there were divergences.

If Queen Marie Antoinette was innocent of the accusations regarding her infamous necklace... Regardless, her ignorance of her people's plight and her living circumstances incurred the wrath of the people.

While Raoul was engrossed in his thoughts and walking around Baker Street with Francis, Raoul remembered the answer to the inquiry that he made to the current Josephine Balsamo the 5th. His friend would become the villainess if Raoul just happened to follow his destiny as Arsene Lupin.

Raoul wanted to know more about his great-great-grandfather or perhaps the 1st Countess Cagliostro.

" I'm afraid that the information is sensitive Raoul. However, as your friend, I would give you a clue. There will be always a Josephine Balsamo until our bloodline's greatest goal is achieved. "

" That's too vague. "

" How about a second clue? Do you know the color of Queen Marie Antoinette's eyes? "

Raoul also remembered the time that he met Queen Victoria.

" I can see the resemblance. You are indeed one of them. Bearing golden eyes makes you a descendant of Pater Europae. "

If Raoul wasn't wrong in his conjecture, Marie Antoinette has golden eyes like him, his uncle, and the women of the Countess Cagliostro Bloodline.

If Raoul accepted the role of being the heir to IRIS, even if he avoided the role of the Gentleman Thief, he and Josephine would end up in the role of rivals and enemies.

He has no intention of giving in to fate and destiny. He would live a happy life free and die in old age. Fulfill his dreams and collected various autographs from people that he respected.

Eventually, passed Baker Street, Raoul, and Francis arrived at a secluded alley. On the secluded alley was a group of children who were staring at them warily.

One of them stepped forward. Bringing Raoul and Francis's attention towards him. The person is a boy with messy brown hair and brown eyes. Like the other children, his clothes are messy.

With suspicion and hostility in his eyes, the boy says.

" Mr.Holmes told me that I need to wait here this morning. Are you the annoyance that he mentioned? "

Not erasing the enthusiastic smile on his face Raoul nodded his head and asked the boy a question.

" You're Wiggins, right? I have an offer for you and the other children! "

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