Chapter 48

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Chapter 48: Thorn Countess (Part 1)

'  Playing God because you know a part of a future. How egoistical of you Raoul. '

' In the end you changed nothing for the better. '

' You made it worse. '

' You killed the Emperor. '

' You killed Lionel's father. '

' The increased death toll? It's your fault. '

' You prevented Lionel's Death but was it better to live without a voice for him? He's living but he's suffering. '

' You killed his dearest servants. If they didn't know, they wouldn't end up dying. '

' You killed Lionel's mother. The former queen shouldn't have ended up being assassinated. '

' It's your fault... '

' It's your fault... '

' It's your fault...'

' All of the tragedies that happened because of your meddling, it's your fault, Raoul. '


The breakdown of the young master in front of the crowd was unexpected. Francis guided Raoul back to his room. Seeing the young master breaking down, William thought that there was more than of the young master than it meets the eyes.

Those crying pair of golden eyes, the ugly expression unbefitting of a noble– without dignity and strength. Lost in memories as the young master continuously apologize for whatever mistake that he made.

' Guilt. '

The young master has a tremendous amount of guilt that buried on him. Seeing the victim's corpse, it triggered the young master and the accusation of the victim's mother, it resulted in the young master Raoul breaking down.

' The victim is a child. '

William noted this fact. It was known that the young master was known to be nice and caring towards the children. But what if it was the result of a guilt? Something must have happened in the past of the young master that cause this reaction from him.

His reaction, there must something unpleasant that happened in the young master's past. And William was starting to doubt his judgement again towards the young master. Without any substantial information regarding the mysterious young master, any conclusions that William may speculate and judge may ended up wrong.

William sighed.

" Is something in your mind William? "

Albert asked his little brother.

"  A difficult problem is on my mind that I can't solve brother Albert. Without the necessary information, how can I solve it? "

Albert sent an apologetic gaze.

" The director is tight lipped with the information that you need William. "

Glancing at Sherlock, Albert then suggested.

" I advice you to use outside sources and not solving the problem on your own can help in making things easier, William. "

Beside them, Fred, Moran, Jack and along with Louise and the other nobles and guests have born witness to the spectacle.

William was grateful for his brother's advice.

" Thank you brother Albert. "

While the moriarty group was observing Sherlock, Watson and the Scotland Yard, the noble lady who have slapped Raoul started demanding to the inspectors and Sherlock that they solve the case as soon as possible.

She ignored the gazes directed at her from the crowd. In fact, she glared at the crowd fiercely. William and the others then started hearing the murmurs of 'thorn rose countess'.

Currently, the people left in the banquet hall were the people who have been here when the child of thorn rose countess died. In total there were 54 people but those who Sherlock deemed earlier as innocent and have given perfect alibi were allowed to go home but after only they have given the testimony of the events that happened – as suggested by the servant of the host of this party.

There were only 24 remaining with the moriarty and Sherlock group included. The people from the Scotland Yard didn't count.

Their total count is 9. Eliminating them from the possible suspects, there are 15 possible criminals.

The young lady died because she was poisoned. So far, none of the dishes and drink serve on the party showed signs of poisoning according to Sherlock's investigation earlier. The accessory to murder wasn't still discovered by Sherlock and the method of poisoning wasn't still determined.

Sherlock should have already in the process of determining the cause of murder but the young master have woke up from his unconsciousness. It was unexpected for the detective to get distracted. 

William was also relieve and delighted towards the detective's actions. He witnessed that the consulting detective is someone who still shows that he care for some things outside of his obsession of solving murders. He have chosen right. Sherlock Holmes as his protagonist on the stage that he have set— William wouldn't allow for the person that he have chosen to be so cold and callous while he was solving cases. If Sherlock is like that, he may force to remove him from the stage.

The 15 remaining criminals, 8 gentlemen and 7 ladies.

On the 8 gentlemen, there was a 2 cooks of the Oxford-Maximillian household, A pianist guest, novelist, lawyer, a professor from Oxford University, a doctor and the quiet friend of the doctor.

On the seven ladies, was the mother of the victim herself, her fellow noble lady friend, a guest singer, a historian, a famous and skilled seamstress, a nun and a painter.

William have noticed that among the people that have attended the celebration. 60% are nobles while the remaining 40% are commoners who came from different professions of life.

William then decided to approach the detective. He can confidently enter the stage of crime because this isn't the stage that he set up and it was something that was outside of his control and supervision.

Even in the crimes that he set up, William can perfectly keep his act knowing that the people that he killed are depraved and sinful people who have committed atrocities.

'It wouldn't remove the fact that my hands are also tainted. '

When William are already at the center stage, he could hear the thorn countess accusing the doctor of being the one that killed her child.

When it came to knowledge of poisons, the doctor is the one who was most suspicious. But the case should have been already solve if it was so easy like that.

William then directed his gaze towards the friend of the doctor who was coldly looking at the thorn countess. The Nun was biting her lip and glancing at everyone with a worried expression on her face while her hands was clasped together as if she was preparing to pray for God. The two cooks were anxious. The Oxford University Professor we're ignoring what was happening in favor of talking with Seamstress who weren't interested. The pianist and singer are glancing at each other every now and then. Showing familiarity towards each other and there were concern directed at each other. The painter, historian, lawyer and the friend of the thorn countess were quiet but they were paying attention.

' Detective, you should have guessed who is the culprit, am I correct? '

William thought in his mind when he saw Sherlock step forward and declare.

" I have solve the case. "

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