Chapter 27

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Chapter 27: Flighty Bird

May 2nd Week- Dreux France

     On the night of the full moon, The Duke of Dreux Jules Dreux-Soubize stared at his glass of wine as he reclined lazily on his chair. His golden eyes flickered as he let out a lazy smile and asked.

" How unexpected for the gentleman thief of the night to enter through my windows. What does the gentleman thief need? "

The smile and the look in his eyes turned threatening.

" I do not require your presence at all, Monsieur Theophraste. "

Theophraste Lupin who has just entered through the Duke's windows retorted.

" So, I can't come into your luxurious home if you didn't need something from me? "

Dress, in a black tuxedo, top hat, cape, and a monocle on his face, Duke Dreux-Soubize commented inside his mind.


A thief dressing up in a flamboyant way, he has never seen one except for this one man.

With his declaration of everything that he would steal, he garner the attention of the people in this country. Commoners, Nobles, and Bourgeoisie alike.

He was a man who wanted his name to be known by everyone.

An entertainer thief that wanted to take the spotlight.

" How cruel of you Duke Jules. "

Theophraste commented after he heard the dismissal of the duke.

" It was said by the majority that the Duke Dreux-Soubize is a pleasant conversation partner. But it seems that it wasn't the truth. "

Duke Dreux-Soubize took a sip of his wine as his golden eyes stared intensely at the gentleman thief of the night.

" You do not deserve to be treated pleasantly. "

The Duke said after taking a sip of his blood-red-colored wine. Theophraste look surprised for a moment before he regained his composed expression and his purple eyes turned into smiles.

" How cruel of you Duke! I wasn't giving the treatment of a gentle and polite facade like everyone? "

The way that Theophraste said those words, it wasn't known whether he was sarcastic or just genuinely feeling curious.

In the next seconds, there was a trace of hostility and killing intent coming from the Duke.

" Enough. "

The voice was sharp and cold. If ordinary people experience them, they would faint in fright.

Theophraste who have experienced them now shivered slightly. But there was a smile that formed on his face and a trace of excitement in his eyes.

" It was truly wonderful! Your killing intent duke has even exceeded the most heinous criminals and murderers that I have encountered. Truly deserving of the leader of our country's secret security organization! "

The Duke Dreux-Soubize pursed his lips in annoyance. He finds this man in front of him unpleasant. The only thing that he found about this man useful was his current status in France's Underworld. Other than that, it was his contribution to making his nephew exist in this world.

He dropped his killing intent and glared at the man in front of him.

" So, you didn't come here because you are bored and decided to play around wouldn't you? "

Theophraste remove the top hat on his head and stared at the moon.

" No. I just want to confirm whether I need to ask permission or not. "

" Permission? "

" Yes, I wanted to inform you that I have been growing bored of this country lately.. "

The Duke Dreux-Soubize stared at the man unimpressed. As expected of this despicable man.

" I would like to travel around the world and going around neighboring countries to steal their gems isn't satisfying enough... What I wanted was to travel to different continents! "

Theophraste stretched out his hand as if he was reaching toward the beautiful full moon. The pair of purple eyes are shining under the moonlight.

" Since Duke Jules Dreux-Soubize is experienced enough, I would like to leave the matters of this country's underground world to you. "

Duke Dreux-Soubize smile's on his face turned ugly.

" Since you are the leader of the I.R.I.S. such matters should be easy for you to take care of right? I was looking forward to what treasures the different continents other than Europe have to offer! "

" You.. "

Theophraste grinned.

" You are free to manage my subordinates and do whatever you want towards the criminals outside of my little group of subordinates. "

Despicable. This man was truly despicable.

How could such a man exist in this world?

Theophraste Lupin is a man who was wild and unrestrained to a terrifying degree. What this man wants more than treasures was his 'Freedom'.

For the sake of this 'Freedom', he was willing to abandon anything.

Even the subordinates and the status that he accumulated after the past years in their country's underworld. Love can give love to anyone but he wasn't willing to give anyone his all.

Over the past years, this man has had a lot of affairs but he ended up abandoning all of the women who have fallen for his devilish charisma and looks.

Theophraste was a bird of prey that doesn't want to be locked up in a cage. The closest cage that manage to lock him up was Henriette.

His love for her has nearly managed to drown him. But his desire for freedom was greater than his love. So in the end, Henriette 'discovered' his crook ways. But it wasn't enough for Henriette to abandon him. It seems that she was willing to let him get by for the sake of her love and their family.

So, Theophraste decided to be more unjust in his methods.

Henriette then discovered her husband's affairs with someone. She can't endure it anymore so she decided to take her child with her and abandon her husband.

Theophraste abandoned his love for the sake of his freedom.

Since then, he was unrestrained. No person can't manage to get a hold of him.

No person can restrain him except Henriette but the latter doesn't care for Theophraste anymore.

So there is no one to stop this flighty bird who become more daring and willful over the past years.

Duke Dreux-Soubize thought that he could keep this flighty crow for a meanwhile to become an asset to his security organization.

He estimated for a year.

But a pity, that it was only for months.

"North America's development has been surging. I'm looking forward to the unique treasures that it has to offer. "

After saying those words, Theophraste place his top hat on his head and jumped into the 3rd's floor window of the Dreux Mansion. Looking through the window, the Duke Dreux-Soubize can't see any trace of him anymore. It was like he vanish out of nowhere.

Once he that man once again, he was looking forward to tearing out his feathers. See, if he can willfully do anything he wanted again!

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