Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: Appreciation

      Since knowing that he was the same sort of version of that infamous gentlemen thief Arsene Lupin, he swore that he would live a different life from that man. That man's life was unordinary and unusual. As expected of a protagonist of a story. But he wouldn't grow up like him. He would be different. Raoul wouldn't end up as some kind of womanizer and if possible, he doesn't want to end up as a thief.

Yet, as he said those words to himself. The latter would be probably impossible. Somehow, he knows that it would be hard to escape from his escapades of becoming a thief. He discovered that he has started developing some kind of strange habit.

Other than his uncle and mother, his aunt has left some kind of imprint on him.

Her aunt Clarissa is not your typical noble lady. Her aunt Clarissa is educated and knowledgeable about a lot of things. She was an archaeologist and a proud owner of an auction house in Paris. She was probably one of the best appraisers that existed in France at this time.

With mere glances, she can gain a lot of information about an item. It was very amazing. Raoul would never forget the 1st time that she showed him her talent and skills in deciphering items.

" Aunt Clarissa, that was amazing and cool! "

" Cool? You have a strange way of saying your amazement, Raoul. "

" Well... "

Among his 3 guardians, her aunt is his second favorite. The 1st was his mother and his least favorite was his uncle. Raoul always feel that he was mentally exhausting himself every time that he deals with his uncle since he learned that his uncle was doing his hand-wavy subtle grooming and manipulations.

Her Aunt is also the one who likes to spoil and indulge him in every way that she can. She would give him toys, food, and any items that she could to him.

All of those gifts are good-quality items. If he was just a normal child, he would probably end up like a bratty and selfish young master because of all the indulging that her aunt has done to him. But thankfully, he wasn't. He has still the sensibility to remain as polite and morally upright. He has still the qualities of the same old him. It's just that there is a lot of news and extra appendages being inserted on him and his personality.

He was still the man who sees knowledge as the most important thing in the world. He only ends up learning his guardian's strange quirky habits. Learning from his aunt, Raoul couldn't help but appreciate items and decipher them. They are so beautiful.

( He also wanted to take them as his own. Those things that weren't his own. He wanted to take them. But he was resisting the urge! He wouldn't end up as a kleptomaniac! He wouldn't end up stealing those pretty and shiny gems that were decorating a random noble lady or bourgeoisie on their body. He wouldn't steal things. It wasn't right. Even those people are corrupt. His Aunt said that everything is precious. And Raoul knows that there are more important things than items. For example, there are people. Any object or item can't replace the importance of a person. What's more, if they are skilled and so very TALENTED. Hehehe... Raoul couldn't help but imagine what it was like to have a very talented and skillful person around him– Ahhhhh!! What is he thinking?! That was worse than stealing!! He wouldn't end up kidnapping people! Bad thought! Bad thought! )


    Raoul rubbed his eyes tiredly. He has woken up from a very awful and confusing dream. Staring at his surrounding, it registered that he was inside a carriage and his uncle was staring at him with an amused expression on his face.

" Oh my, you look awful. My dear little nephew. "

Just like what was entailed on their deal, after being accompanied by Francis and meeting his future scribe, Raoul would go and attend with his uncle on the commune of Andresy. They would attend on his cousin's birthday.

Raoul was surprised when his mother has agreed and permitted him to attend on the matters of the Andresy nobles. After all those years of rejecting every birthday party celebration that would be held by his uncle so that he would be introduced in the matters of high society. Raoul wasn't also allowed to attend every social gathering held by every influential and rich person of their country.

But now, his mother has agreed to his uncle's request. Of course, Raoul knows that it probably involves a lot of pleading and promises towards his mother. Even after all of those years, his grandfather probably hasn't still warmed up towards his mother. And his mother Henriette was also hesitant to ask his uncle what was the condition of his grandparents and his mother's older brother. His mother didn't accompany him to attend the party with his cousin.

As Raoul looks at the Duke Dreux-Soubize's amused expression on his face. He wondered about one thing.

" Uncle, did mother's older brother aware that you are attending my cousin's birthday celebration and you are bringing me to the celebration? "

" No. "

A blunt and nonchalant reply. Raoul couldn't help but reveal a displeased expression. As expected of his uncle.

" Your grandparents aren't also aware of your existence. For all they know, Henriette was still living with your Father. "

But, it wasn't the case. His mother already left that unfaithful man. And Raoul didn't care about that guy at all and what was he doing right now.

" You didn't inform them? "

Still, he just learned that his uncle didn't even inform his ignorant relatives of his mother's current situation.

His uncle looks at him with a smiling face. But the smile didn't reach his eyes. Casually starting at the carriage's window and the view outside of it, he replied with the cold and hard truth.

" And if I inform them, Raoul did you expect that your grandparents would care about your mother at all? They wouldn't not. Even in this progressing country, their reputation and face were more important than their daughter. "

Raoul sighed and lowered his head as he heard those words. He was feeling disappointed in his grandparents and worried for his mother.

" What's more, they hate your father since they are aware of his background. "

At those words, Raoul look up from staring at his own hands that were resting on his lap. He wanted to know what did his uncle meant by that statement.

" What your grandparents hate the most is those people who changed the status quo of this country. Your father Theophraste Lupin has the blood of a revolutionary in his veins. And so are you, my dear little nephew. "

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