Chapter 16

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Chapter 16: A buzzing first month of the year

      The year 1870, another new, year and another goal. Raoul made sure that all of the things that were listed in the book had no deficit information. He knows that his memories were faulty and imperfect. He was only a human after all. Yet, he was still trying to fill in as much information that he remembered from the story.

After Raoul's celebration of his birthday, he has started doing one of his plans to enact one of the bigger plans that he had shortly. There was an event this year, that would change the status quo of this world. It was an event that would lead towards a bigger event that would make its mark on history.

If possible, in this Alternate World, Raoul decided to erase the hesitations that he have in his mind for a moment regarding the possible negative consequences that he would cause if he decided to change something. He was a butterfly. An insect that would flap its wings. The nearest Grand plan on this year would serve a proof if a butterfly-like him would be enough to cause a change.

The smell of smoke and a burnt body. Imagining them, Raoul can already feel bile rising from his throat.

With determination and will of steel, he gripped his pen and started writing a story.

A story of Another World.

Different Kingdoms struggling for supremacy.

A Faust who would rise to become Mephistopheles himself.

And the scene of the end.

An Apocalypse.

War, Death, Famine, and Plague.

Through it all, the helpless Jean cried and mourned for all of the life that was a loss.


     Through Raoul started writing his stories that he would make sure to affect many people, he still didn't forget the visit of the kids in the nearby towns. He still made his time for them. But it wasn't as frequent as it used to be. He was glad that the children were understanding of his circumstances. But it must behave all to do with the small schools that were being built.

Most of the nobles held various opinions of the actions that his Duke have taken in recent years. They must be thinking of his uncle as a fool for doing various charity projects and building schools and establishing scholarship programs. But, Raoul knows that those nobles and bourgeoisie are a bunch of close-minded and selfish people. They are the one who was a fool. Can't they understand that by spreading knowledge and supporting the children, his uncle was helping in making the country a better place?

Anyway, the kids do seem fine and would be alright even Raoul doesn't go there anymore. It was what they have claimed. Raoul doesn't know if he should have faith in those little kids or trust them with their words. On the other hand, Raoul suspected that it has to do with them not wanting to bother Raoul since they started discovering his identity as a novel. The adults in those nearby towns have been respectful and polite towards him lately. It was really unlike the first few times which was just treated as a smartass kid who they decided to indulge and not take seriously which was infuriating. But Raoul miss those experiences a little bit.

Despite having more time now for the stories and writing, Raoul's last few days aren't occupied by writing a story that he would make sure to affect the many people of France. Other than his birthday celebration, there was someone whose birthday just also happened to be in January.

January 23, 1870. Clarisse Dreux-Soubize. It was his aunt's 31st birthday. There would be never a day for his uncle where he wouldn't celebrate the birthday of his wife. Yet, he grudgingly relented to have her birthday celebration reduced to a simple only family celebration. Raoul was certain that the noblemen and Bourgeoisie alikes who dislike his uncle wouldn't be able to say something rude and cause a little bit of chaos since there would be never a big party celebration that would happen for his Aunt's birthday.

Raoul has already had his gifts prepared. With certainty, he can tell that it wouldn't be lavish like the gifts that his Aunt love to shower and lavish him. It wasn't expensive and there were only a few which could be counted of the finger on a single hand. It was a gift that Raoul made with his hard work. Hopefully, it was a gift that his Aunt would appreciate.

When the day of the 31st birthday of his Aunt arrived, Raoul together with his mother and Francis has arrived in the Dreux where his uncle and aunt live with their servants. The celebration was simple. Congratulations and wishes well for his Aunt. Thanks for the wishes by his Aunt. Eating foods and finally, giving gifts.

The shameless man that he is, his uncle Dreux-Soubize claimed to be the first one who would always give his wife his presents to her. His Aunt Clarisse hugged his uncle when she learned of his gift. The present wasn't a jewel or any accessories, but it was a very old book. From his mother, she played music for his Aunt. Last was his gift.

" So where is my gift, Raoul? "

" Myself. "

Raoul could hear his uncle choking over the food that he have eaten and Francis sputtering over his statement.

" Young Master!! "

" Get your mind out of the gutter Francis! I didn't mean it like those whatever your mind was thinking! "

Aunt Clarisse glance at him with amusement on her face.

" You're a delight, Raoul. Yet, I must decline your proposition. Your uncle despite him a man of flaws and mistakes, was someone whom I love. "

Raoul flushed bright red. They are making fun of him. Duke Dreux-Soubize decided to join in making fun of him.

" Through I can understand why you would find yourself propositioning yourself to my dear, Clarisse...There was no need to be ashamed. "

Raoul glare at his uncle. Yet it was a betrayal when he saw his mother let out a drop of tears from laughing too much.

When Raoul would look like that he would decide to not give his gift, they finally decided to stop making fun of him. He decided to calm himself for a while before he started singing. After the song, Francis then delivered the little painting that he have made to his Aunt.

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