Chapter 29

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Chapter 29: Prohibition and Hunt

            In life, there is no smooth sailing journey. Raoul who has gotten used to the peace and bliss of his life unexpectedly receives a message that surprised him.

On the first week of June, everyone receives a message from the emperor. The message declared the prohibition of Nostra Farsight books and offered a reward for bringing the ever-mysterious writer alive. Any useful information about the writer would be also rewarded handsomely. And those who dare to do false claims and give false information would be punished severely for their lies and greed.

Reading the newspaper given to him by Francis in the morning, after reading the information– Raoul could see that Francis was very worried for him.

On the other hand, Raoul who has read the newspaper was feeling different emotions. The number one was fear. He was uncertain of the unknown and what would happen in the future because of this. After the fear, there is excitement. He was excited that since the Emperor took notice of Nostra Farsight, then Raoul is doing something right. His actions can cause a ripple in this world. There was growing hope that Raoul could change some things for the better.

And finally, there was amusement. Raoul wouldn't expect the Emperor to do a bounty so that he could catch him alive or for people to offer any information.

Raoul couldn't help but compare himself to a wanted criminal knowing that he has a bounty. But Nostra Farsight is just a mere writer. Through even Raoul knows how powerful words are sometimes, the emperor's response towards Nostra was a surprise.

Later, after reading the news while he has already eaten his breakfast for the morning. Henriette Andresy went to Raoul and asked him about the news. She was worried for her son who has now caught the attention of the Emperor.

Though she was mostly unaware of most of the things going on behind her cousin and his son. Her cousin Duke Dreux-Soubize is the leader of a secret organization in France established for reconnaissance, assassination, and information gathering towards other countries.

Meanwhile, her son who was secretly a reincarnated individual was planning several things for the future.

She was informed of some things. Just like how she was aware that her son was Nostra Farsight.

Seeing that his mother was worried for her, Raoul quickly reassured her that he would be fine.

There are only a few people who know that Nostra Farsight is him after all. And no one would think that the mysterious writer is just a mere child.


    At the end of June, Duke Jules Dreux-Soubize arrived at the Soubise commune. He was welcomed warmly by the servants of the Andresy Manor which was formerly known as the Soubise Manor. While warmly welcomed by the servants, the Duke was given a wary attitude by his dear cousin and was welcomed by a sour expression adorned on his nephew's face upon seeing him again.

" Are you not glad to see your favored uncle again, my dear little nephew? "

The Duke of Dreux-Soubize asked after his enthusiastic hug was rejected by both his dear cousin and nephew. Entering the manor, Jules hoped that they would finally return one of his many attempts to hug both his cousin and nephew.

Alas, it was fated that he would try the next time that he would meet both of them again.

After his hug was avoided, Henriette ushered him to go inside and not embarrass himself in front of all of the servants of the manor.

Jules accepted the offer and headed toward Raoul's room under the latter's protest and outrage.

Later, inside Raoul's room, the owner of the said room was accompanied by his servant while he sat on the chair. Opposite of him was his infiltrator uncle who have barged into his room without his permission.

Raoul scowled as he watched his uncle drink the tea brewed by Francis.

The stopped scowling when his Uncle sighed after drinking the tea. Instead of relaxing after he drank the tea, there was tension on his uncle's body and a frown was etched on the Duke's face.

Raoul knows that there was only one reason why his uncle visited him.

After the news of the prohibition of Nostra Farsight works was released to the public, it was unexpected that it would escalate into chaos.

Raoul who has always had a neutral opinion toward the emperor was surprised by the emperor's actions after the prohibition and hunt towards Nostra Farsight.

Previously, there was a trace of excitement and amusement for the Prohibition and Hunt declaration of the emperor. Now, there's only worry and fear remaining.

He was just a mere writer. Raoul would never expect the Emperor to take drastic measures.

All of the copies of the book are ordered to be burned– Raoul could understand such preventive measures.

Those people who wouldn't follow the rules and dare to spread their stories are punished.

Even those people who only accidentally utter words, and character names from his book didn't escape the punishment from the emperor's new orders.

What Raoul found horrifying the most was what happened to those who dared to claim Nostra Farsight or give any false information regarding him and discovered their lies.

They were sent to jail according to the public news.

But staring at his uncle who have sent him a letter during the 3rd week of June, Raoul knows that it wasn't just mere imprisonment.

It was horrifying.

Raoul thought that this world and his former world had only a few differences. They wouldn't be too different from each other.

But the current second emperor and the one from his former world were too different from each other. Aside from their names. It was like comparing 2 different people.

It was too late to realize

While Raoul was engrossed in his thoughts, Jules then muttered.

" The second emperor was a man once worthy of admiration for me... "

Raoul watched his uncle show a look of sadness on his face.

" But it was fascinating how can an illness and 'legacy' bring a once admirable man into throes of madness isn't it? "

The Duke Dreux-Soubize revealed a smile that was full of mockery before his expression became unreadable to Raoul.

" This time, your uncle wasn't here to just have a mere chat with you or to have a serious discussion. "

Raoul then watched his uncle take out an envelope. Curiously, Raoul then opened them and started reading.

The more he read, the more Raoul can feel dread. His hands started shaking and he can't help but stare at the Duke with confusion and sadness.

" ..Why?... "

The Duke Dreux-Soubize shook his head.

" Isn't it enough? "

" Sadly. You're too idealistic for your good my dear little nephew. You have once compared the course of history as the pond and you as a ripple within it. But I think that you have underestimated the flow of history. It isn't a pond but a very deep ocean. Mere ripples wouldn't be enough to change its trajectory. "

The envelope, inside it, was containing all of the information that the Duke's subordinates have acquired. It seems that war is inevitable and the Emperor didn't listen to the message of his works.

Raoul had been far too naive. His uncle is right.

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