Chapter 62

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AN: It's been a while since I last updated this fanfic... The fanfics that I would update would be delayed a lot...

I already explained what happened in some of my fanfics what happened. And it has to do with my left hand in recovery...

also while my left hand is recovering, I've been watching One Piece and I think that my favorite characters are Usopp, Sanji, Nami, Brook, and Robin...

I adore Usopp and Nami's friendship and Usopp and Sanji's interactions. Water Seven Destroyed Me... and I kinda get why I don't remember much when I watched one piece in my childhood...

I find that I like one piece but my god Toei what are you doing with the pacing?! and what I find the most annoying was the inconsistent animation during the Dressrosa Arc... looking at Viola's boobs and figure during her introduction and comparing it to the manga illustration of her introduction....

I don't know if I should laugh or be angry.....

Anyway, I have also been reading the Moriarty the Patriot Manga Part 2: Remains in Manga Dex ... So far there doesn't seem to be a Major Villain... and it feels episodic to me..

Anyway, here's the chapter...

New Character PoV

Chapter 62: Difference

         It wasn't out of the ordinary.

Today, was any other day. It wasn't unusual to experience this kind of feeling. The sense of alienation and difference from everyone.

The gazes of pity, disgust, and indifference. He was unusual and lacking compared to normal people.

It wasn't strange that he felt helpless and useless every day. However, he would always borrow these feelings inside his mind. Don't let those feelings fester outside of his body. Not willing those people who care about him to learn of those feelings that he hid from them.

After all, he doesn't need them to worry. To feel guilty and sorry for him. He doesn't need Marcus, Maggie, and his brother to feel that it was their fault that he was feeling this uselessness because he could not walk.

" Young Master? "

While Sam Whiteley was deep in contemplation, he heard Maggie called out to him.

Turning his head away from the sight of trees and pavement of North Cross Park, Sam looked at the concerned expression directed towards him. Sam smiled at Maggie. Hoping that it would alleviate her worries.

" I'm just thinking... "

Sam uttered the unvoiced concern towards him. Hearing the young master, Maggie asked.

" Does it have to do with the contents of the newspaper this morning young master Sam? "

Towards the question, Sam gained a thoughtful look on his face. Regarding the contents of the newspaper this morning, it was different from the recent increasing disparaging news about his brother Adam Whiteley.

What was within the pages of this newspaper was information about the foreign and young House of Lords representative. Several disparaging comments were directed toward the young lord. Calling the young lord useless, unnecessary, or even accusing him as a spy. There are hidden barbs and demands within those newspapers for the young lord to be removed.

And there were those newspapers who haven't stopped accusing the young lord of the blame that happened on the murder incident on his manner towards his lack of security and letting a murder happen in his home.

It has been a while since the murder happened but there were those newspapers that still hadn't stopped disparaging the young master because of the murder. Meanwhile, the former noble lady who committed the murder hasn't had any follow-ups aside from those from the House of Spiritual and the House of Lords using her crime as an agenda to push down any legislation that would benefit the ladies.

Looking at the sky, Sam Whiteley realizes that the world of equality that his brother aspires for is hard to achieve and it is almost impossible.

People would always find a reason to make life difficult for certain people because they are different.

Pushing their selves on a pedestal and looking down on others. Superiority, vanity, pride, and the power that comes from the top hierarchy....

" Hah! "

Suddenly, while Sam was contemplating once again inside his mind, he was startled when he heard a shout from the distance. He turned his gaze from the direction of where the noise came from. Sam found himself looking at a group of young teens that had the same age range as him.

Most of those young teens are dressed in old clothes that have traces of patches and stitches. They do not appear to be someone whose body was filled with meals every day. And those young teens' eyes are filled with tiredness and emptiness that Sam doesn't have in his light green eyes.

However, other than the group of street kids who were in the same age group as Sam, there was another young teen who was different from those street kids.

A young teen whose mesmerizing golden eyes gleamed with so much vitality and light. A young teen dressed in working-class clothes that don't have any trace of patches, stitches, or dulling of the color.

A young teen whose face was filled with brightness and currently running towards Sam.

" I found you! "

The young teen says with a bright smile on his face. Now that the person is in front of him, Sam Whiteley finds this person familiar.

This young teen in front of him was the recent target to be disparaged by the newspapers aside from his brother. It was a good thing to Sam that those newspapers lessened their attention towards his brother and there were fewer life-threatening letters sent to their household.

However, this morning his brother talked to him, Marcus, and Maggie about how he unfortunately gained the attention and interest of the wallpaper puppet of the House of Lords.

How that young lord was very enthusiastic about his ideas and recently started seeking his company after every joint sitting of the House of Lords and Commons. Questioning and asking his brother Adam about equality, progress, education, science, and talking about interesting facts. Information about several things that his brother Adam doesn't know whether he should believe or dismiss considering how outlandish that information provided to him.

The young teen in front of him is none other than the honorary House of Lords representative Count Raoul Oxford-Maximillian.

" Hello, Sam Whiteley! "

The young lord greeted him with a huge smile on his face. It was very different from how most of the people would look and treat him.

" I'm Raoul Oxford-Maximillian. I am an acquaintance of your brother. It's nice to meet you. "

The young lord tipped his top hat and bowed his head in greetings.

Sam Whiteley was relieved and was in awe at how he was treated by the young lord in front of him. There wasn't any hint of hate, pity, or disgust in his golden eyes. At the same time, he wondered if he should ask Maggie to whisk him away from here and escort both of them to Scotland Yard and request someone to guard them for both their safety and security.

After all, he knows that the behavior of the young lord towards him is unusual. Sam doesn't know any of the young lord's motives towards his brother and him.

Later that day, Raoul was wincing and rubbing his head while Francis was scolding him for his actions and going away without him again. The next day at the joint house sitting, Raoul apologized under the cold and stern gaze directed towards him by Adam Whiteley.

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