Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: Uncle and nephew

In this life, Raoul crawled at six months, and he said his 1st word at 8 months old. His 1st word was "Mama". Then it was followed by "Aunt" and "Uncle".

When he saw their face filled with happiness as a result of those simple words. He decided that he could fully accept and love them as his new family.

For the next few days, he started saying a bunch of words. One by one. Just simple different words that weren't difficult to speak in French and make sure that he could fully imitate the utterance of those words completely. Raoul just wanted to see them smile more and be happy.

As a result of that, he just thought of it as an illusion but his Uncle has probably the one who has revealed the brightest smile directed at him.

" My dear little nephew... "

That time, he was just feeling happy at the endearment. It was the 1st time that his uncle called him like that. Usually, it was Raoul or nephew. The new endearment was new but it was welcome. With that endearment, he felt closer to his Uncle. He accepted it. At that time, he just also ignored his uncle's proclamation.

" You have a bright future ahead of you. With certainty, you would grow to become one fine and extraordinary man. "

Raoul never realize that it was the start of the secretive grooming of his uncle. In his uncle's eyes, he saw Raoul as a genius. Duke Dreux-Soubize developed a plan that would shape and affect his nephew's life.

Every day after that, the servants have become more careful of their caring towards Raoul. He was loved by his mother. Spoiled by his aunt with gifts. And taught by his uncle.

Raoul probably live a life that was better than the child of the high-ranking nobles at that time. It was like that he was living the life of a prince.

Occasionally, his uncle would gift him with toys. It was nothing like the soft, fluffy, and harmless kind of toys that was from his aunt. The one from his uncle consists of toys of the useful and challenging type. Raoul played with those toys easily. And with boredom, since it was too easy. He was also not an infant or child, so he would never find fun in solving those puzzles or using those challenging toys.

He should probably realize that he has stepped into another landmine.

Raoul always pushes the towards his uncle after they finish playing. His uncle would always wear a very bright smile on his face. He would see his hand tremble and Raoul would feel secretly worried if his uncle has an illness. He never realize that towards people that were looking at the distance, his uncle would look like a very creepy man.

" Thank you, my dear nephew. You have fixed the toy today faster than the last time. "

At 9 months old, Raoul started walking. His Aunt and Mother decided to take a picture of him to commemorate his every special moment. His uncle agreed gleefully while wiping the happy tears from his eyes when Raoul started walking towards him.

That time, Raoul thought that it was too much of a reaction for his uncle to cry just because he started walking.

" I'm proud of you little nephew. You have done well. "

After that, the servants become more careful with handling him. There were also more gifts from his Aunt. And his uncle didn't waste his time on gifting his storybooks and telling him stories by reading those said stories. Past 1 year and a month, he can already read French. At age 2, he can already write. A few months after that his uncle started teaching him lessons about painting.

At age 3, his uncle said that it would be good for him to learn how to play violin and piano.

" Your mother Henriette knows how to play violin and piano. She would be happy if you surprised her by playing a composition. Do you want to give it a try? "

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