Chapter 46

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Chapter 46: Bad omens

When Raoul woke up, he was in his bed. Then there was a familiar person with him in his bedroom.

" Oh? You're awake. Young master, how does it feel that you are back in the waking world? "

Grinning, there was a slightly teasing glint in the person's dark blue eyes. Blinking and wiping the dew of salt in his golden eyes, Raoul wondered why Raoul's one of his admired and respected characters are with him.

" Sherlock? "

" You called me by my name..."

Sherlock murmured while he observed Raoul.

" ..Still out of it or do you inhaled too much sugar in your blood? Young masters should stop inhaling sugar like a drug every morning if they don't want to meet an early death. It's bad for your body. "

Raoul wondered if he was still dreaming. Is Mr. Sherlock showing concern? Perish the thought. Then digesting Sherlock's words, a faint mocking and teasing smile was on Raoul's face.

" Mister Sholmes should stop being a hypocrite don't you think? Taking care of one own's body... At least sugar was healthier than those illegal drugs that some people are inhaling and snorting out there. "

For a bit, Raoul saw Sherlock narrow his eyes before it was replaced with a normal smile. There was a hand ruffling his head.

" You're a cheeky young master aren't you? "

An amused smile was on the detective's face. Raoul felt his face burn into mortification. He quickly brought away Sherlock's hand away from his head. Raoul stared at the detective with a glare and embarrassment at the same time.

Only his mother and aunt are allowed to pat his head! And she wasn't doing it anymore since he was already 15! He wasn't a kid! (There were forced ruffles from his Uncle and Father over the years but they weren't still allowed)

Quickly composing himself and his crumpled clothes, Raoul then asked the detective.

" Why are you here Mister Sholmes? "

" Young master doesn't remember? "

" I know that I lose consciousness. But I am asking you Mr. Herlock why are you here in my room? "

" You did indeed not- "

Before Sherlock could continue, the door then opened. Both the detective and Raoul stared at the people at the opened door.

A familiar face among the people, made Raoul remember what happened earlier.

" Young master, you're awake! "

Francis quickly clambered to his side. Then Francis sighed.

" Young master... "

It wasn't his fault that he fainted again. He just receive shocking information. It wasn't his fault that the information caused him to faint again.

Raoul turned his gaze from Francis and the two other people in the room.

" Young master. "

There was a faint smile on the person's face. It was like he was relieved that Raoul is awake. The person's scarlet eyes almost like the color of blood filled with warmth. There was a faint and gentle smile on his face.

Overall the person's demeanor was giving him that the person was amiable towards him. There was a complicated expression on Raoul's face before he controlled it into calm. He returned the greeting with a slight smile.

" Mr. Moriarty. "

There was a faint and little chuckle from the Professor/Villain before he told Raoul.

" Young Master can call me William. Moriarty is my older brother. "

" You're younger brother is also Moriarty.. "

" Yes, we're family. Just like myself, Louis would prefer to be called by his given name. "

Nodding his head, Raoul replied.

" Can I call you Professor Moriarty? "

The person beside William frowned at Raoul. William patted the person's shoulders. The tense posture then calmed down.

" It's fine. My profession is something I held with pride. Young masters can call me Professor. "

Noticing Raoul's curious expression on the person beside him, William decided to introduce the person.

The person has jet-black hair, pale skin, and grey eyes.

" Young master, this is Fred Porlock. "

Raoul frowned in confusion. There is a familiarity in hearing his name he clutched his forehead while trying to remember Fred Porlock. Eventually, the trace of confusion disappeared. Raoul exhaled as he tiredly glance at both William and Fred.

'Information Broker'

A very small character in Sherlock Holmes and a criminal working for Moriarty.

" Young master? "

Instead of his usual exasperation every time Raoul fainted with excitement over the years, there was a trace of concern coming from Francis. Raoul gestured with his hand dismissive and smiling.

" I'm fine. "

" You don't look fine at all young master. Don't drink your hot chocolate anymore. "

Raoul didn't question Sherlock's knowledge about him. He is a detective and one of the best so there's no need to wonder about the Detective discovering his habits (except adding the number of every significant and talented people that he met over the years)

Folding his hands together, Raoul replied.

" As thankful, as I am for your concern and presence Mr. Herlock, shouldn't you be at the celebration? "

Raoul then turned apologetically toward William and Fred.

" I apologize for wasting your time and thank you for your concern, Professor Moriarty and Fred. Please be reassured that I would come down to the great hall. "

Despite the kind words, it was also a word of dismissal coming from the young master. William understands the young master doesn't want them in his bedroom. It was a private space and they were already intruding on it.

" I would need to change before I go back to the celebration. "

William gestured to Fred to leave. The latter acknowledge the orders and left the bedroom. But before William would also leaves, he glances at the detective. Noticing his gaze, Sherlock acknowledge it and decided to inform the young master of an important event that happened while he was unconscious.

" As the host of the celebration, your presence is required. "

Dark blue eyes stared at Raoul with calm and seriousness. At that moment Raoul realizes that he prefers the detective's nonserious attitude to this one right now.

" You have been unconscious for 2 hours, young master. For being the host of this celebration, you are held responsible for your guests and the events that would happen in your celebration and home. "

The atmosphere wasn't jovial. It was intense and there was tension in the room. Raoul has a bad premonition.

" A murder happened while you were unconscious. "

Looking at the consulting detective and the possible crime consultant, Raoul could say inside his mind that he wasn't surprised at all.

One conducts the crimes and the other solves them. Being in the same room, the chance of a mystery plot and murder happening is indeed high.

Hopefully, the two of them wouldn't turn into Conan.

One who was aware of and conducting deaths as his every move.

While the other becomes Conan's embodiment in this era. It was fine if Sherlock solves every murder case that already happened. Raoul, didn't Sherlock encounter a live crime scene at all with creative murder crimes plotted by the suspects.

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