Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: Bloody Oath and Favors

French Revolution also known as the revolution of 1789, was a revolutionary movement that shook the country of France between the yeayears87 to the year 1789. It has reached its first climax in the year 1789. It was the year that denoted the end of the ancient regime of France and the revolution of 1789 would be distinguished from the later French revolutions that would happen in the Year 1830 and 1848.

Many causes have resulted in the revolution of 1789, but the most known was the widespread inequality between the classes of rich and poor. People have also been dissatisfied with the antique feudal system within the poor class. Other causes included: the year 1788 where crop failures have compounded in the France's economic restlessness, the resentment of the bourgeoisie for being excluded from holding political power, and finally, the growing popularity of several works of intellectuals who argued for social reforms.

The revolution of 1789 resulted in several things. First was the abolition of the monarchy and feudalism in the country of France. The reign of terror resulted in at least 25,000 deaths, the establishment of a republic, and finally, the rise to power of Napoleon and wars with several countries.

After the revolution of 1789, several names have become known and have been recorded in the annals of history. But the most prominent ones are the name of King Louis XVI, Queen Marie Antoinette, Napoleon I, and Maximilien Robespierre.

Yet, it was a fact that no one would remember an unimportant person.

No one would doubt that she was an indulgent and indifferent wife to her former husband's affections.

They would only remember the false story of a provincial girl who was mistreated by her first husband and bore two sons. She was remembered as an indifferent woman who was selfish and indifferent towards her second husband that the latter learned to hate her.

No one would know her burning hatred towards the revolution.

Towards the change.

Towards the ever-mysterious Maximilien Robespierre.

Is he was what he was claimed to be?

No one would know that she bore a daughter. Passing her regrets and hatred. And the daughter passes the wish of her mother to her child. And the child passes the wish towards the next generation.

They would only know her two 'sons'

And no one but several iterations of her by molding would know the bloody wish and oath that they have promised.

The bloody oath.

The root and the truth.

Once it was unveiled,

The royal flower would pave way for a path of carnage and indulgence once again.

Maximilien Robespierre,

You who was veiled in lies.

We shall suffer in hell together,

Once the blood oath is fulfilled.


     It's been a week since meeting him. Theophraste Lupin wondered if the favor is worth it at all? He knows that it was his fault in the first place. His wife left him because of his mistakes.

The way that his son looks at him with hatred. Those golden eyes filled with fury, so bright and intense. Such a very young child, shouldn't have that kind of look in his eyes.

It's been years since his first wife has left him. Until now, Theophraste hasn't still forgotten Henriette in his heart. That day, the slap on his face was forever etched on his mind. Even until now, he can't help but since every time he remembers it and he would unconsciously caress his face to soothe that metaphorical pain.

Theophraste would never forget her beautiful golden eyes looking at him with so much hurt and anger. Her unique and beautiful eyes are filled with tears. No matter how much he begged, his wife refuse and was firm on her decision of leaving him. Bringing the fruit that they bore together along with her.

Arsene has grown from a baby to a young child. His child has inherited his mother's golden eyes. Seeing the Dreux-Soubize who also have golden eyes, Theophraste knows that it was a specific trait within their noble bloodline. Yet, Henriette's parents don't appear to inherit those special eyes. But her brother and his son Bernard Andresy also appear to have those specific traits.

He felt a pang on his heart as he remembered how his son Arsene look at him with hatred. It hurts to see him look at him with such an expression. But Theophraste knows that it was their fault. What is done is done. He has already made a deal with the certain golden-eyed venomous spider. Even if he refuse the offer, there was the possible threat of that man dismantling and destroying the hard work and effort that he made in the underworld of France for a few years. His influence would turn to nothing, and he would become just reduced to a mere crook thief. Theophraste doesn't want his fear to turn into reality. Even the second emperor doesn't listen to his advice and appeared to dislike him, Duke Dreux-Soubize wasn't to be underestimated.

On these days, the title of nobles amounted to nothing but decorations. Despite that, the Dreux-Soubize was still an important figure in the high society of this country. He has several good connections and people are still wary of offending him.

Theophraste sighed. Even though it was different from his expectations, Duke Dreux-Soubize has upheld their deal. He has seen his son and allowed him to spend some time as he promised despite Arsene being hostile to him and insisting vehemently that his name was Raoul Andresy and not Arsene Lupin.

" I wouldn't become like you. I would be different! I wouldn't become a mere crook thief. I would become a person worthy of respect unlike you! I fucking swear! "

Theophraste rubbed his chest unconsciously. Reclining on a soft and comfortable seat, he said.

" Gustav. "

The person that was kneeling on him while he was engrossed in his thoughts raised his head and look at him while asking.

" Monsieur, what do you need? "

" Inform Clement to take care of the Matters here in France while I am gone. I would take a trip to Italy in one week. "

" I would relay the message, Monsieur. "

Theophraste narrowed his purple eyes.

" I hope that there would be no complications once I returned. "

A little reward and big favor. That damned spider was hateful. He hoped that he can steal some interesting things in Italy and find what was so interesting about that random noble lady Countess Cagliostro the 3rd.

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