Chapter 55

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AN: here's an update.

Chapter 55: Obsess Spider

      The next day after Raoul's return to attendance in the parliament sitting, back in Oxford-Maximilian manor, he was reading a letter from the 'real' Count Oxford-Maximilian.

His 'father'...

In other words, his uncle Jules Dreux-Soubize.

The current Minister of Higher Education of France and head of the secret organization of France which heavily involves internal and external security, anti-espionage, and information gathering.

After finishing reading the letter from his uncle, Raoul frowned and bore his intense gaze on Francis who had a nervous smile on his face.

" Why did you send him a letter Francis? "

Hearing, Raoul sounded a little upset towards him, Francis ignored the painful twinge in his heart and replied.

" You have no intention of sending him a letter of what happened during the welcome party, young master. "

Raoul grimaced when he heard the reply from the seat of his workroom. He indeed has no intention of sending a letter telling anyone from France of the disastrous events that happened at the party that he organized. Mostly, he doesn't want to worry about his mother, aunt, and uncle. But the other reason is that he doesn't want them to meddle.

" Young Master should care more of his wellbeing. "

" But I have you don't I Francis? "

Francis scowled when he heard those words. Indeed, he was here to take care of the young master. But the care that he can give the young master is limited. He can take care of the young master's physical daily needs like food, and clothes assist him every day, and accompany Raoul, but there is a limit to it.

Francis can't help and do anything with the matters of the mind. Raoul indeed relies on him a lot but his young master when it comes to his mental well-being is someone who doesn't want to burden him with those things.

He has no choice but to send a letter to Duke Dreux-Soubize even if it is against his young master Raoul's will. It was for his young master's mental health sake.

And there was also another reason...

If the events that happened recently at Oxford-Maximilian Manor someone got around to Duke Jules Dreux-Soubize before Francis or Raoul could inform him, Francis knows that his life would be at stake.

Maybe the next thing that would happen to him was the Duke would send the members of the I.R.I.S. to assassinate him and offer his head on a silver platter.

The thought of that possibility isn't too far away. It was very possible to happen to Francis. Knowing that under that smiling face of the Duke, there was a very scheming, cold, and ruthless man underneath them.

The I.R.I.S. Organization isn't just for security and espionage. If the Duke orders, the members would willingly kill anyone that the Duke would see anyone in the country as a Threat.

Sighing and glancing outside through the window inside Raoul's room, Francis was glad about the decision that he made. Even though they were in the United Kingdom, especially in England which was impenetrable by the I.R.I.S. Organization for some reason (That some reason was in the form of what Francis suspected was a secret security organization of this country), there were other ways for the Duke to acquire information.

Raoul frowned when Francis didn't answer him. He tried to gain the attention of his servant who was glancing outside of his room.

" Francis! You didn't answer my question. "

Amber's eyes stared at the pair of golden eyes glaring at him.

" I apologize young master.. "

Francis's eyes drifted to the letter that Raoul was holding. He then asked Raoul.

" Can I ask what the Duke told in the letter? "

Raoul's golden eyes glared at Francis.

'He was derailing the conversation. And now he wanted to know what uncle told me.'

After a few moments, despite his irritation towards Francis because of his slight 'betrayal', Raoul still answers him.

" Next month. "

Francis has a confused expression on his face.

" Next month? "

Unfolding the letter, Raoul was once again reading its contents and answered the confused inquiry.

" Uncle would come here in England next month. "

Hearing those words, Francis shivered. The servant has high hopes and dreams. He wishes for the best situation and circumstances after sending that letter.

The circumstances that he wishes for are for Duke Jules Dreux-Soubize to send a trusted and one of the best psychologists in their country and have Raoul talk to that Psychologist.

Francis was an optimist... But he should have already expected this.

It was the Duke after all..

The same that his young master Raoul is his young master.

Raoul was very obsessed with talented and skilled people.

Normally, most people would be envious of those types of people. But it wasn't the case for his young master.

Instead of being envious, Raoul loved those types of people.

He loved their knowledge, skills, talent, and especially if they were a hard worker.

He loved them so much to the point of obsession.

An adoration that it was like he was worshipping the ground that they walked on like a religious fanatic.

Francis has heard once from the Duke that Raoul's father the infamous phantom thief has a very deep fixation with a particular subject.

But Francis thought that the Duke was the same. Like the father and son, the Duke has a very deep obsession with his family.

He was very protective, controlling, and manipulative.

Indeed, the Duke doesn't particularly care about what the people of their country think of him and his reputation to them. But when it comes to his family, The Duke always wanted to be seen in a positive light.

Hiding some ugly things under the ground and secrets never to be uncovered.

" I have made a good choice of sending you to my beloved nephew don't I Francis? Remember to always keep your loose lips shut and don't slip your tongue out okay? You are lucky to stumble upon me here in the palace. "

The Duke is smiling as his golden eyes stare at him. The Duke doesn't particularly care that he is stepping on a corpse underneath him. Looks like he was enjoying stomping the corpse with his boots. Reluctantly, the Duke moved his gaze away from Francis and toward the corpse.

" It's a pity that I can't splatter crimson on my hands. I can only use more secretive methods. It's a pity... That he runs out of his usefulness doesn't he Francis? "

"... Yes Duke. "

" Now go and take away those books and give them to my nephew. It's endearing how he likes books. Like me, he also likes learning and information.  It's a pity that I can't give things that he likes the most. I can't just go and kidnap people around, don't I? It would also be quite difficult to keep all those people alive. After all, I am used to keeping people buried. "

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