Chapter 37

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Chapter 37: Criminal Count's Death

     " Count Blitz Enders died by a stab in his throat. The corpse is lying on the bed and his eyes close before his death. The instrument used in Count Blitz Ender's death is a knife which was also easily found at the scene of the crime. Count Blitz Enders's position and where the weapon is found suggesting the high evidence of the guard's conclusion... "

Sherlock Holmes muttered as he stared at the corpse. After the guard announced the death of Count Enders, Sherlock and the others went to the place of crime– the room where Count Blitz Enders was detained.

" Count Blitz Enders has indeed killed himself. "

Sherlock added. Before, the corpse of the commoner killed by Count Blitz Enders was an interesting puzzle. But when he has already guessed the time of its death, the corpse becomes less interesting. The only thing keeping his interest in the commoner's corpse was the mastermind. And now with Count Enders killing himself, there was another interesting puzzle to solve again.

" Why would Count Blitz Enders kill himself? "

The young master Raoul stared at the corpse with a frown. The noble was unfazed by staring at a dead body. It shows that he has experience in seeing corpses and has already been desensitized by them.

" Count Blitz Enders hates commoners... Is the thought of being removed from his privilege as a noble too much for him? Doesn't he want to live? Is status really important in life?  "

" Sometimes, there are more things important in life for some people. Count Blitz Enders is a noble who views commoners as nothing more than parasites. For him to be reduced like in their state, he would rather die than live as a commoner. "

Mr. Williams muttered sadly. Eventually, time passed as Sherlock Holmes investigated the corpse of Count Enders. Mr. William has bid his farewell to them and Francis was desperately wanting his young master to stop looking at the corpse.

After meeting this detective, Francis was afraid that his young master would start acquiring bad habits from Sherlock Holmes.

Watching Sherlock, Raoul sighed. He can't do much of anything. He was useless while watching Sherlock continue his investigation. The longer that Raoul spent his time here, the harder it is for him to bear. He wouldn't last much longer staring at the corpse of Count Blitz Enders.

Just like Sherlock had concluded, it wasn't Raoul's first time staring at a dead body. During the past few years, he has had several experiences that he hasn't had in his past life.

But even though he had seen dead bodies, there was still a limit on what Raoul could stomach and endure.

Closing his eyes for a second and taking a deep breath, before Raoul could excuse himself from the crime scene, he then heard Sherlock mutter.

" Killing himself by stabbing his throat...The way that he killed himself is a message. The Pharynx is connected to the Larynx where the vocal cords are located which is responsible for our voices. Voices form into words. There is a high chance that Count Blitz Enders would kill himself when his crime was revealed and he was captured. To live as a criminal and a commoner is worse than death for him. But someone came and convinced him to kill himself. Manipulating him since he knows the truth and identity of the mastermind. "


A day later after the death of the commoner and Count Enders, the Noahtic returned to Southampton, Hampshire England.

Clovis Durand was dissatisfied with his play being interrupted but an accident is an accident. It was unavoidable that such an unexpected crime would happen.

With his frustration with his play being interrupted, Raoul decided to be lenient toward his criticism of the musical play.

Next time Clovis Durand swore that such a thing would never happen again with his stories. He would never his plays to be a playground for criminals and destroy all of his effort and the troupe's effort and hard work.

As Raoul listened to the maestro express his grievances, as long as the maestro didn't encounter Sherlock Holmes or any detective out there that existed, Maestro Clovis Durand would be fine.

The moment that the Noahtic is back in Southampton, Sherlock then left.

Raoul was both disappointed and surprised by the situation. He was disappointed that Sherlock wasn't interested in staying in the Noahtic and instantly left. But he was also disappointed that Sherlock was different from his expectations.

Physical appearance and personality-wise...and his abilities and attitude.

Shouldn't Sherlock conclude who was the mastermind behind this case? Why Sherlock didn't say who is the criminal?

But with many people existing in the Noahtic, Raoul could understand that it wouldn't be easy to pinpoint who is the criminal.

Sherlock is just a human after all... He was just one man who was exceptionally talented when it comes to deductive reasoning.

Staring at the detective's silhouette in the distance, Raoul was reminded of the things that he had ignored for the past few years.

After listening to the maestro's complaints and watching Sherlock leave, together with Francis, Raoul left Southampton and headed towards Oxford where the Oxford-Maximilian manor is located.

The rumors of the current heir of the Oxford-Maximilian returning then reached the ears of the people living in Oxford. The neighboring people living near the manor then sent their greetings toward Raoul who had returned after 7 years.

After that, Raoul let Francis handle the matters regarding the manor. Francis would hire a few servants to help him with things around the Oxford-Maximillian residence. Through, Francis doesn't need much to hire many people since there are still servants who took taken of the Manor when they were gone. Even after they left 7 years ago, there were still people who were hired by his Aunt to take care of the manor.

But as for why Francis was in a hurry to hire new servants when they had just arrived, it just happened that Raoul needed to socialize with the other Oxford nobles after the last seven years.

Sighing, If he didn't want his aunt to follow him back to this country, then he better behave himself here. Truthfully, Raoul doesn't intend to go back here to England. But he had no choice since being there in France— just thinking of what his Aunt had been subjecting him for the past months was enough to make him shudder in fright.

He was a coward for escaping to this country but it was better than being subjected to socialization and many playdates for the prospect of his future wife.

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