Chapter 50

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Chapter 50: The Thorn Countess (Part 3)

   The reason behind Viscountess Martha Courtney's motive for attempted murder toward the thorn Countess Mariabell Astley was the fact that she discovered her husband, Viscount Courtney has been having an illicit affair behind her back. And the Mistress was her best friend Martha Courtney.

" Why? Why are you doing this?! Why can't you be satisfied with what you have? You have already stolen Count Astley from me! I still remember the days when I revealed to you that I am in love with Count Astley... You promise that you would help me win his love but you ended up stealing him from me!! And years later, I am already satisfied with what I have and you are already stealing them away from me!! I hate you, Mariabell. You are a greedy and shameless woman. It wasn't just behind my back but the back of other wives of nobles too! You are worse than the prostitutes of London! You are a vixen in heat who is spreading her legs for every noble you fancy and destroying their happy lives! "

With the reveal of Viscountess Martha Courtney's motive for murder even if it ended up an accident and killing the thorn countess's daughter, it was the same as the Viscountess ended up admitting to her crimes.

But Scotland Yard and the witnesses (formerly possible suspects) didn't know how to respond properly to the accusations of the murderer towards the thorn countess. But after a few seconds, with the information revealed of the thorn countess's dirt, if some of the audience before have already a low opinion of the thorn countess because she didn't act rationally and slapped the master of the house (Raoul) who has graciously invited them. But after the reveal, their opinion towards Countess Mariabell reached a new low.

Hearing her dirty secret being revealed in front of many people, Countess Mariabell's face turned red. Both in embarrassment and fury.

" You! "

Without thinking, she approached her former friend and slapped her. Instead of being angry, Viscountess Martha grinned with a crazed look in her eyes. And in the next moment, she returned the slap by slapping her former best friend left and right.

After that, it turned into what may Raoul call a shitshow of a catfight. The Scotland Yard has experienced some trouble in dissolving the fight between the two noble ladies. It took 7 minutes before they manage to stop them just in time before the two women started attempting to murder each other.

Assistant Inspector Gregson glared at Sherlock when he attempted no move to stop the catfight between the two nobles. He can understand the audience not wanting to interfere but Sherlock who has practically inserted in most of their cases should have held some responsibility and stopped the fight between the two women!

Gregson then turned his head to the good doctor who also didn't stop the fight and glared at him. Under the glare, Dr. Watson smiled apologetically. But the expression on his face doesn't look genuine at all.

Since this is a case that happened between two nobles, even after catching the criminal, Gregson knows that this case would be a mess to clear up for Scotland Yard.

If what the murderer Viscountess Martha Courtney has revealed was true, the information spouted by her would surely make the news in England.

Gregson sighed as he felt the incoming headache for the Scotland Yard. Other than the murder of her daughter, poor Count Astley would also have to deal with the adultery of her wife behind his back.

And maybe there was also the possibility of the Count wandering if the poor child was his daughter, to begin with, if his wife was an adulterer.

While both the murderer and the mother of the victim were being towed away by Scotland Yard, it was at that moment that Gregson noticed the returned presence of the master of the house (Raoul) and his faithful servant (Francis).

Before Countess Mariabell was also completely taken away by the Scotland yard for the accusation thrown at her, she exclaimed when she notice the presence of the young house of lord temporal.

" Wait! Stop! Please, before you take me away I need to apologize! "

Artenton glanced at Raoul who was being accompanied by Francis. The young lord's eyes were still puffy from crying but it looks like he had already calmed down. With permission from the young master, Countess Mariabell approached Raoul and she was accompanied by Lestrade.

" I apologize for harming the young master and the accusation that I have thrown. "

With a wan smile, Raoul replied.

" I understand that the Countess was dealing with the grief of losing her daughter. "

There was an expectant look in the Countess's eyes. Even if it was a little bit, she wanted to regain a little bit of her dignity and face in front of everyone. But the light dimmed in her eyes when Raoul give him a gentle but fake smile.

".. I don't I can forgive you, Countess. "


" I understand that you are grieving for your daughter but you have thrown accusations left and right at people and let your temper get to you. And with your temper and thinking irrationally, you have hurt a lot of people. Being slapped hurt..but it was fine... but for you to accuse my good friend Doctor Louise to poison your daughter was unforgivable... "

The pair of golden eyes glared at Countess Mariabell Astley.

" Doctor Louise has been striving to do his best and treat his patients well. For the past years, he has cured and helped his patients. Every death of his patient and failure has taken a toll on him but he still keeps going and strives on doing his duty. Your accusation is a disservice to the things that he has done. And it may have been my bias speaking, but I don't think I can forgive you, Countess. You should be aware of the repercussions of your adultery right Countess? The act of matrimony is unfair towards women in this era...  "

After talking with Raoul, Lestrade and the Scotland Yard took away the silent Countess Mariabell Astley.

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