Chapter 26

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Chapter 26: Exchanging Letters

      At the end of the first week of May, Nostra Farsight's second work has been released. The title of Nostra's second book is the Kaiser's Descent. Enthusiast and Critics of Nostra Farsight eagerly plunged their hands into the second novel. Both praise and criticism were heard from the mouth of the people.

Delivering the news to his young master, Francis stared at the calm expression of his young master.

His young master doesn't care about the praise and criticisms of the people as long as he has managed to deliver his message through his stories.

His young master once said that he wanted them to understand his point of view.

Calmly sipping a cup of hot chocolate in the morning and staring at the shore from the Soubise Mansion, Raoul's gaze felt a little bit absent-minded.

He was thinking his mind about whether he should start to write his 3rd work which also has some similar messages to his previous 2 works but is also unique on its own.

He felt that his previous two books aren't enough for people to understand what he wanted to relay to them.

Raoul wanted to change things for the better. But despite being reincarnated with his wits and fortunate enough to gain the favor of his uncle, he knows that it was useless if he wanted to change the undesirable histories of this world.

He was just a kid right now.

He can't do anything useful except write and hope that his message would make those people understand.

He wasn't also a soldier or bless with cheats and abilities like in those fictional works.

In his past life, he was just a junior high teacher.

In a few months, this country will fall into a war against a neighboring country.

Raoul never experiences war. But he knows that it was a hellish experience for ordinary people. Even for the citizens of the country who would be the victor.

In a few months, this country would be at the war with its neighbor country.

Raoul was scared of what would happen. He wanted to run away. He never wanted to see a war.

There are no victors in war.

The agenda of someone who was beside the scenes of their neighboring country was the unification of their nation. For that to happen, France must first declare war.

Raoul has created and released works to the public a novel that was discouraging war and taught the consequences of it.

He showed a bleak and cruel reality through his work.

There is no glory or honor in war.

He showed how people suffered and their justification was nothing when it comes to death.

While Raoul was engrossed in his pessimistic thoughts, he felt a tap on his shoulder.

" Young Master. "

In one of Francis's hands, he was holding letters. Raoul's eyes lit up and he motioned Francis to give the letters to him.

Unlike the usual pen pals of being his cousin Bernard or the Prince's childhood friend, Louis Conneau, Raoul has gained new correspondents after the literary meeting.

It was Arthur Rimbaud, Miss Mary, and their classmates. Raoul upon learning that the young man in front of him at that time could be that Author has resulted in him enthusiastically stares at the young author.

It resulted in Arthur being creeped out by his behavior but it didn't faze Raoul. He wasn't ashamed of his behavior at that time. It was just a natural reaction upon meeting people whom Raoul admired.

He was labeled as a creepy kid by Arthur but Raoul thought that it was worth it since he manage to befriend Arthur's classmates, the gentle and kind Miss Mary, and of course, the reluctant Arthur himself.

They have been exchanging letters for weeks. Even though Arthur's letter contents are mostly composed of 'don't bother me, 'go away 'stop sending me a letter, etc.

On the other hand, Arthur and Miss Mary's classmates sometimes send him a letter asking about Maestro Clovis Durand since they learned that he was an apprentice of the famous playwright. Raoul was happy to entertain their questions but didn't bother answering questions when it comes to when or where would be Mister Durand's next play.

Lastly, as for Miss Mary, Raoul was happy to chat with her. She was a kind and gentle lady. She was also polite and also love to tell about her experiences in England.

Other than that, sometimes she also wrote some things about her father who was funnily enough was also named Arthur. Raoul has jokingly responded to Miss Mary once he learned of her father's name that she was treating Rimbaud as her father that's why he was grouchy with her.

He was happy to learn that Miss Mary was amused by his joke and thanked him for making her laugh since there were a lot of times that she missed her father who was in India.

In return, Raoul has decided that it was unfair for her as she was the only one who told about her parents. In the next letter, Raoul told Miss Mary about his mother. How she was a caring but scary mother.

He told how he has been grounded a few times because he always makes dangerous stunts and makes his mother worry every day.

Other than talking about one of their parents, they talk about their favorite food, place, and hobbies.

Raoul didn't think that it was weird that he was exchanging letters with a lady who was several years older than him. He also didn't think that it was strange that a kid like him was making friends with Miss Mary.

It was very uncommon for a kid to be making friends with a lady. He wondered what would people think of when they learned of it? On the other hand, he was happy that Miss Mary was comfortable with exchanging letters with him. And he hoped that he wasn't causing trouble or inconvenience to her.

With both Arthur's and Miss Mary's letters in his hands, Raoul opened them and started reading and thought of what would he respond to their letters.

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