Chapter 17

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Chapter 17: Heir of the Dreux-Soubize

    Last year, a son of one of the wealthy families in Rouen, encountered a peculiar kid.

" My name is Raoul, Raoul Andresy. I came in this place for you, Monsieur my future scribe. "

A kid who started spouting nonsense to him.

" You see, young monsieur... you were responsible for what would happen to a certain someone's future. But that person wouldn't willingly go along with the flow. Despite that, he still feels guilty that he was changing it because of you. "

" I have no time for your nonsensical ramblings I still have to go to School. "

" Young Monsieur Maurice, how do you feel about becoming my scribe and helping me along on my future grand ambitions? "

" Please spare me of your delusions.. "

" I promise that what I have told you wasn't delusions. I would fulfill all of my goals. One of them was establishing an organization! For that to happen, I need you to join young Monsieur! With you in grasp, we would change the future! "

Maurice wanted to forget what happened on that day last year. Because of that kid, there were rumors about him after that. His reputation was sullied to some people. He was being made fun of by his peers in Rouen. It was also unacceptable the one who he considered as his close friends joined in the fun of humiliating him in public because of that event. His only consolation was that he wasn't scolded by his parents because of the rumors of him going insane. His sister also decided to get the truth of that event. Unwilling to refuse his sister, he told what happened on that day regarding the bizarre kid and his attendant.

" Maybe, the kid was as delusional as you said. The attendant with him didn't stop his young monsieur. It appears that he wanted to indulge his young monsieur in his game. As you have noticed he was with his attendant, I have never heard of someone in Rouen being affluent to have the face of the attendant that you have described. There wasn't also having young monsieur on the Rouen that was the same with your description. "

" Are you implying that I am spouting lies, my sister? "

" No, I concluded that they are in fact from another place. "

" I see... Hopefully, I would never see them again. "

In February of the year 1870, their family receive a letter one day. It was a letter of invitation. It was from the 'Residence of Duke Dreux-Soubize'. His family was invited to a birthday celebration of Duke Dreux-Soubize.

Both he and his sister was surprised by the reaction from his parents. They were shocked at first then it was replaced by smiles and traces of elation on their faces.

" Remember, the Duke Dreux-Soubize is a Noble. Someone who was in the high society of our country. For us to be invited, it was considered an honor. We are just a small-time affluent family. Truly an unexpected blessing! "

Soon, it reached the ears of people in the Rouen and their neighbors. Congratulations were sent to their family. There were envious looks sent to them and wishes when they went out of Rouen and to travel to the Dreux to attend the birthday celebration.

His family wore the most expensive and beautiful clothes that they have. His parents even never considered rejecting the invitation in the first place. It would be considered an insult to the Duke and someone like them would be never afforded the brunt that would happen in case of their refusal or rejection.

They must wear and present themselves the best when they are attending the birthday celebration of the Duke. It was considered that many nobles would attend which also makes them worried yet excited at the same time.

When they arrive at the Dreux, and eventually at the Duke of Dreux-Soubize's current residence, the family can't help but let out a gasp of admiration and appreciation at the residence of the Duke. It was beautiful.

They came across the servants who asked for their invitation letter. His father grasping the letter showed it to the servants, they were let in the beautiful residence. Inside the hall were the people who were invited. Among them were nobles and bourgeoisie. But it was out of their expectations that the party seems dominated by another type of people than those two.

They can hear the rambling and some discussion among people. The lively debate and exchange of information. The party has scholars and learners. People who appreciate knowledge and sciences.

Eventually, they were led among one of the many seats and tables in the hall. Their family makes themselves comfortable in their seats. Unlike before where they were mostly filled with uncertainty and doubt, they can breathe more easily knowing that the party wasn't only filled with nobles and bourgeoisie.

While his parents are discussing, Maurice thought that he saw someone familiar in the distance.

" Is there something wrong brother? "

Maurice shook his head and replied.

" I thought that I saw someone familiar. My mind must be playing tricks on me. "

His sister smiled at him and playfully answered.

" Maybe, someone with a very prominent position knows you are in this party. "

The two siblings then chuckled together at the statement. It was impossible. Their family is just Rouen. There's no way Maurice would know someone with a very prominent standing.

Later, as the Duke Dreux-Soubize thanked and greeted everyone on attending his birthday celebration, and with someone standing by the Duke's side along with his wife, he and his sister are wrong.

That someone standing beside the Duke and his wife appeared very familiar to Maurice. He can recognize him. It was the peculiar kid who was spouting nonsense at him back at Rouen.

The Duke then smiled at everyone and officially introduced the little kid to everyone as his Heir.

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