Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Francis

        Once upon a time, the power of the Church and the Royalty was absolute. But as time passed and progressed, they slowly lost their grip and hold towards power. It become more prominent once the legendary revolution happened in the country.

From that point, new views and political movements started rising and spreading. And now that the country of France is at the point of the end of the 19th century, There are 4 main political powers in the country. Mainly the Capitalist, Socialist, Royalist, and the Church. The last two were just a thing of the past. Yet the Royalist faction was still struggling. Clinging to their beliefs and fighting their kind. It never said that factions are united. The Factions are divided into sub-factions and usually, those sub-factions that are on the same factions are opposed to each other.

Those are just one of the things that his uncle taught him since he made the deal that day and picked up the chess piece. Dear uncle was teaching him politics. It was one of the things that he dislike in his past life. But now, it was a must to learn for him. He was now his uncle's heir after all.

Through the dislike of politics, he knows that he must walk forward on that path. In this life, he made a promise that he would die as an old man. He also swore that he would make the people that he cared to live a satisfying and happy life. And finally, he wanted to bring changes to this world. He wanted to make ripples that would turn this world better.

His fear for the butterfly effect and other paradoxes of time travel disappeared once he learned that this was a parallel world. Raoul doesn't care how small and little his action brought changes. The one important thing was that he have done something to make a change. He wouldn't just observe, stand and do nothing.

It was too presumptuous and ambitious of him to assume that he would make a change that would turn this world for the better. He was just one man, what he could do? If someone would ask him that question, Raoul would just mysteriously smile. Thankfully, he knows the history and fiction. Raoul doesn't know if those things that he feared would still happen. With some fictional people in his previous life existing in this world, things are uncertain and chaotic. But so far, some things that he remembered in history still happened.


   Rouen, France. It was the capital of the Region of Normandy. It was the place where the Maiden of Orleans Joan D'arc was tried and burned alive during May 30 1431 of the hundred years of war. Rouen has also a lot of beautiful tourist attraction sites. Mainly of stunning medieval architecture.

Francis looks around amazed by the sight of Rouen. He can't wait to explore every nook and cranny of the capital of Normandy. But he knows that the job comes first. Accompanying his young master on making an impression and making sure that his young master Raoul would be safe. Make sure that no one would try to lay their hands, kidnap or hurt his young master. It was specifically for that job that he was sent to his young master's side by the Duke Dreux-Soubize.

He still remembered the time that the Duke decided to send him towards the young master's side.

" Since the others are occupied with their businesses and missions, why don't you accompany my nephew from now on? "

" N- Nephew?.... Duke, you have a nephew? "

" Yes. It seems that the results are clear. It was a success. It wasn't known or public knowledge that I have a nephew. Good, with this it was ensured that my nephew would have more time to develop and be safer. "

" .... Uh, wait! Did Duke just say that I would accompany your nephew?! "

" Yes. Be ready to pack your things later, and be prepared to leave the organization tomorrow. "

" What?! "

" Are you complaining? Or do you prefer to be sent on reconnaissance missions outside of our country? "

" No, Duke! I will do it! I would do the mission gladly! "

" Good, it seems your wits hasn't left you. Your ancestors would be embarrassed if they saw their current descendants. "

" (Sigh) Duke... "

" Monsieur Tréville would be disappointed if he saw his cowardly descendant. "

" Duke... "

" Other than being cowardly, it seems that you forgot to be respectful to your superiors. "

" I... I apologize for my disrespect. "

" Hmm. You are still young and brash so I would let the matter slide for today. Pack up your things and tomorrow you would take the identity of 'Francis Tréville' once again. Descendant of the once leader of the Musketeers guild of Paris from a long time ago where chivalry and justice were prevalent. Yet in this era, it was nothing but a mere decoration that wouldn't help you. "

" I would fulfill my mission, Duke! "

" Yes, you will. It would be your head on the silver platter after all if you failed to do your mission. Even if you decided to run on Britain where many of our reconnaissance missions has failed, I would chase you and have your head, Francis. "

Francis feels a chill on his spine just remembering those memories.

" Francis, are you okay? "

Francis turned his head down to look at his young master Raoul who was currently looking at him with curiosity. It was a blessing in disguise that he was sent on a mission to protect young master Raoul. He wouldn't need to infiltrate other countries or be sent on exploration missions of their country and act as a good soldier. He doesn't also need to devise a plan to kill some random noble or bourgeois because he/she was being too greedy for his/her good.

He is just here on his young master's side acting as a good servant. It was an easy job compared to those things.

" I'm fine, young master. "

Francis sent a smile towards Raoul. Reassuring that he was fine and well. The frown on his young master's face was gone and the tension on his body left.

" Good. Don't worry, when we got home, I would ask the Chef to cook delicious food and make the four-layered chocolate cake for us. "

Serving the young master was a hundred times better than serving the terrifying Duke. The Reward of this job was better than staying in the organization and doing paperwork for the Duke.

" But before that, I still need to do something and make an impression to certain someone. It was what we came to in this place after all. I need to meet my future scribe and rec– what I meant was to befriend my scribe."

If there was a bad thing about his young master, it was the fact that he would randomly travel around the country and make an impression on those certain people, influence and recruit them. He was still young, but he was already showing certain traits that were similar to the Duke. Hopefully, he wouldn't turn out like the Duke.

And there was also one important thing that he need to remind his young master.

" Young master Raoul, did you forget the fact that you still need to do a favor for the Duke? We wouldn't be able to return to Soubise after befriending the young Leblanc. "

After saying those words, his young master decided to stare at him for a moment before he decided to start walking. He was probably upset that he was reminded of the favor that he needs to do for his Uncle. And it involves attending the birthday celebration of Lady Henriette's brother's son. Attending the birthday celebration of his unknown and estranged cousin Bernard D'Andresy.


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