Chapter 61

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AN: It's been a while since I updated... Here's a short chapter. Is Moriarty The Patriot Manga on hiatus? It hasn't been updated for a while...

Chapter 61: House of Commons Representatives Struggles

    Carrying a stack of papers, A young woman glances at the scene outside of the window of this residence. The woman has blonde hair tied into an updo. She has a pair of blue eyes. Seeing the clear blue sky outside, the young woman is reminded of her current circumstances.

She is trapped like a bird in a cage.

" Miss Mary, I advise you to hasten your pace. "

While Mary Morstan was lamenting her current situation, a person interrupted her. She glanced at the person who called her. It was a young man in short-styled brown hair. He wears a three-piece suit with a white shirt and dark tie underneath.

The young man was calm and collected. He didn't show any emotion on his face. For Mary Morstan, this young man is a very cold person.

An emotionless being who didn't deserve to be called a human.

Closing her eyes for a bit and opening them again, Mary's blue eyes hardened. Her expression became calm and there wasn't any trace of sadness or longing that could be found like before.

Mary can't show more weakness in this place. She can't afford it. She needs to be indecipherable to keep going.

She can't let that snake keep pointing at her with metaphorical blades when the situation is already precarious as it is.

She can't let the snake destroy the life of her precious friend.

Hopefully, her friend would remain away from the grip of a dangerous and hideous snake. Away from this country and place. The snake's attention would remain on her and the people of their country.

Unknown to Mary, Raoul has stepped into the nest of that dangerous snake.

Soon, the snake would make his move on his new prey and cause their downfall.

How could he resist when this new prey is so very enticing?


     After today's sitting Adam Whiteley was walking together with the few other British House of Commons representatives in the corridors of Westminster Palace.

" (Sigh)... Those nobles again... "

One of the House of Commons representatives walking with him muttered. His voice was full of frustration. Adam Whiteley could understand the frustration coming from his acquaintance Reuben.

Hearing Reuben's frustration, one of Adam Whiteley's other acquaintances from the House of Commons Chester turned to look at Whiteley and asked.

" Whiteley, like Reuben, your proposal got rejected again... Aren't you frustrated like him? "

Reuben's gaze turned to look at Whiteley. Seeing his two acquaintances waiting for his answer, Adam replied.

" I am frustrated. "

The two looked surprised for a moment before Chester muttered.

" Then... "

Adam Whiteley continued speaking.

" Nevertheless, being frustrated would amount to nothing. I can't let the rejection of the House of Lords on my proposal stop my goals and ideals. The next time that we have a sitting, I will make sure that the House of Lords won't find any loopholes and excuses in my proposal that they wouldn't be able to reject it. "

" Whiteley... "

Reuben and Chester stared at him in awe. No matter how many times the House of Lords stopped Whiteley's various proposals, this man in front of them was relentless. Someone who wouldn't give up on pushing his goals of equality and more rights for the commoners and the general public as a whole.

Reuben and Chester's frustration disappeared as they stared at Whiteley who had a determined gaze in front of them.

' If it was Whiteley, maybe he could do it. '

The two thought inside their mind. While the 3 House of Commons representatives stopped their walking in one of the corridors of Westminster Palace, someone interrupted them.

" Well said, Monsieur Whiteley. "

Reuben, Chester, and Whiteley turned to look in the direction where the voice came from. Not far away from them was a familiar face of someone.

' Ah, the wallpaper puppet. '

The 3 of them instantly thought inside their minds upon seeing Raoul Oxford-Maximilian. The Wallpaper Puppet. It is Raoul's unofficial title for the people around the House of Commons.

As for the reason for that title, the House of Commons thought that the foreign noble was just there existing as a wallflower in the various sitting doing nothing but just existing. Upon the foreign young master's first days of arrival introduced as an Honorary Lord Temporal, many House of Lords representatives tried to curry favor and attempt to gain power through the use of the young master. Eventually, the House of Lords representatives realized that they wouldn't gain anything beneficial from him. Aside from being inducted into the House of Lords by the Queen herself, the young count was nothing but a mere decoration.

Many wonder why the foreign young master was inducted into the House of Representatives other than the mere legality reasons of being the heir of the Oxford-Maximilian house. The House of Commons was among those who were wondering about the queen's decision.

One speculation or theory that runs among the common representatives is diplomacy. The Queen only wanted to foster good relations with their neighboring country France. Considering their long-standing history of being enemies and rivalry, some people doubt that.

Reuben and Chester cast a doubtful look toward Raoul Oxford-Maximilian. Adam Whiteley couldn't blame their attitude toward the infamous Wallflower puppet.

Smiling towards them, the young noble stroller towards Whiteley. Bringing his right hand forward, the young noble says.

" Mr. Adam Whiteley, I have been watching you for a while... "

Face with the smiling young noble, Whiteley couldn't help but be enveloped with a foreboding feeling.

" ...Despite the rejections you face because of your proposals, you still push forward and won't give up on your goals and dreams. Making everything better for the commoners and the general public... "

Reuben and Chester cast a wary look towards the young noble and a worried gaze towards Whiteley.

" I find you as someone worth admiring. I think that you a truly an amazing person. I need you to be my friend, would you accept it? "

Face with the grinning young master who was gazing at him with intense golden eyes, Adam Whiteley is in a predicament.

It seems that the Wallflower wasn't a wallflower after all. There was something beneath the harmlessness that was dangerous. Golden eyes were staring at him with Greed and Obsession.

It was like he was the little Red Riding Hood about to be eaten by the wolf.

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