Chapter 30

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Chapter 30: Mary

       When the first week of July came, the country France has been engulfing in restlessness. In Sorbonne, the students who were currently taking a break from their studies are also experiencing unrest for the things that happened last month. In particular, the student Arthur Rimbaud was gnashing his teeth in anger at the foolish decisions that the people in power that this country has made last month.

Especially, the foolish emperor.

While he was walking around one of the hallways, Arthur have seen a familiar face in the distance.

" Mary! "

After leaving the girl's dormitory, Mary didn't expect to encounter Arthur Rimbaud and a few familiar faces.

Arthur and a few of their classmates walk toward her. They were then surprised when they saw her dressed impeccably and formally.

" Mary, so you're leaving? "

Marcel who was one of their classmates and the one in charge of stopping Rimbaud in his impulsive actions asked. Hearing the question, Mary who was carrying her packing bag replied.

" Yes, since it is a 2 months vacation, I would like to return to Britain. Specifically, in England. "

" Speaking of Britain, did Raoul sent you a letter? "

Marcel asked and Mary nodded her head at the question. Arthur who was listening to their conversation twitched a little as he heard the name of the annoying (but adorable) kid being mentioned.

" Yes. "

Smiling, she muttered.

" I hope that I would meet Raoul again.  He was a very amusing and entertaining kid. "

After saying those words, none of them mentioned their discoveries about the strange and interesting child that they meet. Even Arthur.

As a commoner and a disciple of famous playwright Moonlight Maestro, Raoul has been too Educated and in the grasp of the events that have been happening to their country. He was too knowledgeable for a normal kid. There was a suspicion that his big brother was the one writing them the letters, but this suspicion soon stopped when Francis went several times to Sorbonne to deliver Raoul's letter to them.

Raoul wasn't a normal commoner. As a commoner, he was too educated. His discussions with Rimbaud were filled with politics and recommended the latter associate with several people who have the same literary interest as Rimbaud.

Finally, when Raoul went with his big brother Francis one time to the Sorbonne, one of the noble students thought that Raoul seems a little familiar. Finally, the son of the Viscount concluded that Raoul looks like the heir of the Duke of Dreux-Soubize.

When Arthur learned of this matter, he felt betrayed as the kid have been keeping a secret from them. Even though he was annoyed at the kid Rimbaud wouldn't admit openly that he have found the kid endearing and interesting. Arthur Rimbaud wanted to tear all of the letters that Raoul sent to them when he learned of it but stopped when Marcel, Mary, and several of their classmates reasoned with him.

There is a reason why Raoul was hiding his status as a son of the noble. And it may have to do with the fact that he was the Heir of Duke Dreux-Soubize. He heard several rumors and good things that the general public mentioned talking about the Duke. For the nobles and affluent people, the Duke was just a good-for-nothing vase decoration at Emperor's side. His title as the Emperor's Advisor was useless as the Emperor wouldn't even listen to his suggestions. For the opinion of the normal people, at first, people were neutral towards the Duke. There weren't any rumors of him about his abuse of power.

But recently, the people's view toward the Duke Dreux-Soubize has risen. What's with him pushing for free education at primary, middle, and high school levels for all people? Even if his suggestion hasn't still been approved by the Emperor, the Duke has already built learning facilities in his territory. Other than pushing for the free 3 education levels, Duke has also been granting scholarships for commoners with potential. Last that he heard, the Duke has also been pushing for a Preschool education for very young kids around 3 to 6 years old.

" Arthur, are you alright? "

Marcel then waved his hand in front of Arthur who have been deep in thought. Mary laughed softly when Arthur glared at Marcel. Starting with Mary who dressed formally and carried her package with her, Arthur sighed.

" You better come back here, Mary. "

A few months ago, despite Arthur convincing me to don't join the commune. She has joined. At that time, she has known the consequences of joining. Arthur can feel a headache when she decided to join even with all of the effort that he took for this foolish girl. She was a foreigner. Their country's state of affairs has nothing to do with her.

At first, it seems harsh and prejudiced to people who don't know Arthur's deep thoughts. But he just wanted her to be safe since joining an activist group most of the time has ended up badly in their country.

Recently, he also heard from her that her father who has the same name as him, (much to his annoyance) has gone missing last year when he returned to Britain after sending her a telegram but she have never seen his father on the promised day of his arrival.

Mary has been looking forward on meeting her father. She hasn't seen him for several years. But at that time of the promised day... Her father's promise wasn't fulfilled as he never returned to the hotel according to the workers and since then Mary's father has been missing.

Last year, Mary have enrolled in Sorbonne as a first-year student at the Age of 17. She was closed off and distant. There was always sadness in her eyes. Even now, there were traces of sadness, longing, and grief when she was talking about her father.

" I will come back. "

While promising those words, Arthur could see a trace of determination in her eyes. It seems that this wouldn't be a simple vacation for her. Even though it was already one year since her father went missing, it looks like Mary was determined to look for her father again.

Such actions were foolish, but...

" I hope that you would succeed in your endeavors Miss Mary Morstan. "

Mary Morstan, the lonely foreign student classmate that Arthur met has become his friend. For her sake, he hoped that she would succeed in finding her father.

Bowing her head and thanking her friends, Mary Morstan left the Sorbonne. Watching in the distance both Arthur and Marcel that they wouldn't meet Mary at the start of September this year but the following next year.

Around the 3rd week of July, even much to the protest of the public, the Emperor declared war on its neighboring country while also increasing the bounty of Nostra Farsight.

On that day, the Emperor has officially gained the title 'Mad Emperor.'

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