Chapter 38

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Chapter 38: Soho

      After taking care of the matters of the Oxford-Maximilian residence, the following day, Raoul went with Francis to visit a familiar friend in Soho, London.

The particular establishment that they visited is a clinic which has been established recently in Soho year 1877. Further inside the clinic, there was a room that was used for welcoming guests and not for the patient of the clinic. Unlike the simple decorations adorned in the waiting room for the patients in the clinic, the room for the guest's welcoming is more elaborate and gives a warm and homely vibe.

Raoul smiled as he was given a cup of warm chocolate by his friend. Just like Francis, his friend was already familiar with his warm chocolate drink addiction. And his friend is also aware of his second favorite drink is coffee.

After taking a sip, a warm smile spread on Raoul's face.

" Thank you for the drink, Lou. "

Louis Conneau upon hearing his cute nickname frowned. Raoul has taken the habit of calling him Lou from his childhood friend, Lionel– The former second republic prince of France.

It was a small miracle that Raoul wasn't calling him Loulou just like Lionel. And speaking of the former prince, he glance at the opposite corner of the table where Lionel was silently staring at the various stuff that Raoul brought to them with fascination.

Among those things are disposable gloves that are made of rubber. Raoul explained to them that the disposable gloves are one time used only despite Louise thinking it to be such a waste. With his current living conditions, he must keep the costs of their daily expenses to a minimum. But as a Doctor, Louise could understand where Raoul was coming from.

It was necessary to dispose of the rubber gloves to maintain cleanliness and hygiene when he was doing his medical work.

Other than him, many doctors and nurses would find disposable gloves useful to them. Raoul has also told them that by the time when Raoul has already left France, the gloves and the other products should have already been released to the public in France along with the other products that Raoul brought to the table.

While he glance at his childhood friend for a moment who was staring at the objects in fascination, Louise then commented to the current heir of the current republic Ministry of Higher Education.

" While we are glad about the gifts that you bought for us, hearing your simmered-down version of the reason why you are here is very amusing. "

For all of Raoul's peculiarity and craziness for all of the years that Louis has met him, he never thought that the prospect of being arranged on many blind dates by his Aunt for the prospect of his future wife was one of Raoul's weaknesses.

It was very effective since it resulted in the young master running away to another country to settle and endure this country's absurd Victorian etiquette and manners.

Raoul glared when he heard the comment and replied.

" While I love my Aunt... I think the moment that I turned 15 she have beaten my Uncle at the prospect of being meddlesome. After my 15th birthday, the many playdates started and have not stopped until I find the right girl for me... – It was simply outrageous. I am only 15! I am too young to get engaged and married! "

Other than that reason, considering his circumstances, Raoul thought that he has a very low chance of falling in love or being interested in any lady.

It wasn't easy falling in love... And Raoul thought that it was better for him to focus on other things than his love life.

After chatting with Louis, Raoul handed him an invitation for the ball that would happen two weeks later on the Oxford Maximilian manor. The former prince is also invited to the party.

As Raoul and Francis left the clinic in Soho and took a ride from a carriage, he gave one last look at the clinic.

Lionel... The former prince of France was just now an ordinary person. He could have lived in Mayfair– one of the most beautiful parts of London, but he refused the offer when he and his mother got offered refuge here in this country.

He has instead chosen to live here in Soho and away from his mother who was now also dead just like his father. Last year, the former Queen died after spending her days grieving for her husband.

The Mayfair is a known area in London where affluent nobles and aristocracy live, unlike the Soho where nobles are nonexistent in this area. Considering the Cholera Outbreak that happened here in Soho during the 1850s, it is the biggest reason why the nobles living here are gone and moved out.

Nowadays, Soho is known as a place to live for poor people. Through maybe the reason why the former prince decided to live here was that this place was also known to harbor refugees from another country. An example of these types of people are those musicians, poets, playwrights, and writers – these people could be described by the people here in Soho in other words.


Soho is known to harbor refugees that have escaped to their country. Every day as they spend their time in this poor part of London, there wasn't a time when they aren't filled with thoughts of returning to their country and starting a movement or revolution.

Normally, people here in Soho would be wary of foreign people living here but since those people are determined to return to their country, the people's attitude is complacent and indifferent. Even when those revolutionaries are speaking their plans once they returned, people learned to just let it be and that their plans aren't worth losing sleep.

Eventually, the carriage that Raoul and Francis are riding passed Oxford street and arrived in Marylebone and a certain specific street located there.

After paying the coachman, Raoul then went to knock on one of the doors in the buildings.

Francis sighed as he watched his young master. This is so much worse than before. Why did his young master already knows that person's address when he have just met him in a very short time?

Since when did his young master learn when he wasn't looking... Or did his young master already know it before he met that person?

The door then opened and a lady around her twenties stared at Raoul in confusion. Still, Raoul tipped his hat in greeting and introduce himself.

" Good day Miss, I am Raoul Oxford-Maximilian and I am here looking for Mister Holmes. "

" Another client again? Sherlock is currently busy with another client but you can come inside and wait on my guest room.    "

Raoul was ushered to the guest room with Francis. Yet Raoul can't stop staring at the brown-haired lady with green eyes for a few seconds before averting it. Of course, since Sherlock is a young handsome man, why didn't he think that Miss Hudson wouldn't change? Why did she become a young pretty lady?

This world is so damn confusing...

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