Chapter 41

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Chapter 41: Honorary Lord Temporal

      Buckingham Palace is known as the royal residence of the monarch of the United Kingdom. Today, Raoul didn't expect that he would step inside the palace at all and much more kneeling himself in front of the current ruler of this country.

" I– I greet and pay my respects to your Majesty, Queen Victorina. "

Raoul tried hard to stop his body from shaking and feeling the shiver all around his body. But it can't still stop the continuous fast thumps of his heart.

Francis wasn't here with him inside the throne room. It was just him and the Queen. But still, Francis was with the guards and the other servants are just outside of the doors.

" Raise your head, young one. "

Raoul did as he was told. Seeing the Queen's appearance, Raoul's heart calmed down. His emotion of excitement and nervousness was replaced with confusion.

The current ruler of the United Kingdom of this world is named Victorina. The equivalent of Queen Victoria back in his world. In his previous world, it was a known historical fact that the Queen has blue eyes.

Queen Victorina is indeed different from her counterpart.

Queen Victorina in front of him doesn't possess the famous blue eyes. Raoul found himself gazing at dull green eyes. As he observed more carefully, he notice more clear differences between the Queen in front of him and the historical evidence of the Queen in his past life.

This Queen is much younger and... Pardon for his rudeness– Queen Victorina in front of him was more beautiful. Her build was slimmer than what was historically described back in his world.

After reading the letter to him from his mother, uncle, and aunt, Raoul stopped his urge to go back to France and asked them why? (And specifically in his uncle's case, he wanted to erase his uncle's smug expression)

Raoul just wanted to take a break for a while. But the arrival of the letters put that thought into the void. What the hell did his uncle and aunt do? And why was his mother agreeing to them?

On the same day in the afternoon, the appearance of the servant of one of the Queen's great officers at the door of the residence of the Oxford-Maximilian causes Raoul fright and confusion.

Then he was now here paying his respects to the Queen in Buckingham Palace and Raoul was entirely clueless about his situation right now.

What did his uncle do that the Queen requested his presence?

In the letter, his uncle mentioned that the current Prime Minister of France wanted to offer cooperation and Alliance with this country.

But he can't understand why he was involved in this.

Raoul was startled in his thoughts when he heard the Queen speak again.

" I can see the resemblance. You are indeed one of them. Bearing golden eyes makes you a descendant of Pater Europae. "

Raoul couldn't understand what his Majesty told him but he decided to be silent.

" I welcome you to my country and hope to enjoy your stay young one. Lionel has mentioned that you have an eccentric and brilliant mind. "

" I... The former prince is exaggerating Your Majesty. I am just average compared to the real and brilliant people that existed in this world. "

After a while, Raoul was then dismissed by the Queen after he was called and exchanged some small pleasantries.

After leaving the throne room, Raoul was then greeted by a worried Francis.

" Young master... "

" Later. "

Reluctantly, Francis nodded his head. They were then escorted out of Buckingham Palace later by the same servant that approached their doorsteps.

Before leaving, the servant then bowed.

"  I welcome the honorary lord temporal to our country. "

" Young master?! "

He can hear how high-pitched Francis's voice has become from panic and fear. Raoul thought with amusement. But he can also feel the meeting with the most prominent figure in this country mentally draining him up.

" Let's just go home. "

Previously, before he left the throne room, Raoul was clueless about his current situation in this country. But after he was suddenly given a title by the queen– he finally realized his position.

He was a valuable chess piece that was expected to be taken care of in the hands of possible allies.

Looking at the night sky, Raoul was tired and just wanted to rest and sleep.


The next day, there was a rumor that the house of lords of Parliament has a new peer to welcome to their group. It was rumored that the new peer has been appointed by the crown which was a very rare occasion. Nowadays, most of the members of the House of Lords are appointed by the other house of lords that was in higher positions or by the head Lord Speaker himself (which was also very rare).

It wasn't the house of lords in Parliament that receive the news but also the house of commons. There was a curiosity for the new member of the parliament who was appointed by the crown.

The parliament members' curiosity was then satiated when the house of lords' sitting happened at the Palace of Westminster.

The seat for the Oxford-Maximilian has filled again after several years as the Countess Oxford-Maximilian wasn't allowed to inherit the seat herself as she was a woman.

But staring at the new house of lords peerage, Lords temporal – the members of the house of lords doesn't know if this situation is any better.

There has been no precedence that there was a peerage member under the age of 21 in the parliament and technically a foreigner who inherited the title of a noble through technicalities and strange conveniences.

Raoul ignored the stares of the lords and their reactions. Most of the reactions were outrage than calm surprise. Before the Westminster Palace today's house of lords sitting in the Lord's chamber could descend into chaos, the Lord Speaker of the house of lord spoke.

" Silence! Before the sitting starts, I formally welcome the honorary lord temporal Oxford-Maximilian. Our new peer member is appointed by the Queen herself, those who dare to question the crown's decisions, stand up, and show yourselves! "

After the Lord's Chancellor spoke, the previous chaos turn into calm. It was complete silence and no one dared to stand up and question the new and honorary lords' temporal presence on today's sitting.

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