Chapter 34

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Chapter 34: Out of control play

         With the Noahtic Maiden's voyage, it was said that the famous playwright Moonlight Maestro and his troupe would perform a play. Many people who boarded the ship were enthusiastic when they heard the name of the Maestro and his troupe. They were looking forward to his play.

Over the years Clovis Durand has become a famous playwright throughout the world along with his troupe's name. His plays and the actors have garnered a good reputation among story enthusiasts.

When the morning arrived on the Noahtic, people were surprised when the play Titanic started.

Different from the Opera Cleopatra tells the tragedies of the last empress of Egypt and her futile love with the Roman emperor, the play Titanic wasn't set in the ancient era, but in the current era right now. It tells the story of all kinds of people boarding the ship to America. And those people, carry their dreams with them upon boarding the ship.

At first, most of the nobles don't know how to react to this play as it features a lot of commoner characters, but as they watch the musical play, they become engrossed in the story.

The Audience was captivated by the story. They also felt that they were in the world of Titanic themselves.

When Act 1 ended, the audience felt fear for the fate of the Titanic when it struck the iceberg.

Everyone was tense as they waited for the curtain to rise for Act 2, but then an out-of-control scene from the play happened.

The play Titanic is ruined as the audience watches Count Enders murder a commoner. And then one of the audience in the front seat went to subdue the noble murderer.

And now lies the current scene...

" Let go of me, Bastard! "

Count Blitz Enders glared at the filthy parasite that was restraining him. Francis was unmoved by Duke Inda's words. Instead of letting go of him, he tightened his hold on Duke Inda's hands. Francis also holds the head of Count Blitz Enders and causes them to be forced to kiss the ground.

The guards and the man watched the scene of Francis humiliating the murderer noble. One of the guards decided to gather his knowledge and walk toward Francis.

" Young man, we are grateful for restraining Count Enders. But if you hold his head like that, I'm afraid that Count Enders would die of suffocation. "

Francis then replied by taking out a rope from his coat. He then glances at the man beside the guard asked.

" Can you help me tie him up? "

The man then whistled and shrugged. After Francis finally tied Count Enders in both of his hands and feet, he then gestured for the guards to take the Duke.

" Young man, isn't it a bit too much? "

One of the guards asked while they felt baffled at the scene of Count Enders tied up like an animal. Francis then scoffed at the question.

" You can carry his body. And it wasn't bad to be cautious. What would happen if he suddenly escaped? "

While Francis was talking to the guards, Raoul was staring at the man who began observing the corpse. Raoul can feel a growing despair.

" The corpse is more interesting than the perpetrator of the crime. "

The man muttered. Raoul cringed every time the man used his hands on the commoner. Finally, he can't bear it anymore.

" Francis! "

" Yes, young master? "

Francis who was talking to the guards glanced at his young master. Raoul then has the urge to facepalm when he hears Francis address him.

This is why Francis wasn't invited to join in participating in Maestro Clovis play last year. Francis was a very horrible actor and had a very slippery tongue. This is also the reason why his uncle doesn't trust Francis with the secrets of his secret organization and why he was sent to become Raoul's servant.

Francis can only send an apologetic look to his young master when he notices his error. Raoul just decided to ignore it and asked.

" The gloves, did you bring one with you? "

Francis nodded his head and took out a small pair of gloves. Raoul can feel his smile twitching.

" Are you insulting me? I want the L size! "

" But young master, even though you are already 15 years old, you're still small. "

Raoul feels a vein pop up on his head as he glared at Francis.

" Just give me the L-size gloves damn it! "

Raoul shouted while blushing. Francis decided to hand the L-size gloves to his young master. While watching the man who was observing the corpse and using his hands, Raoul decided to shove the gloves in the man's face.

" Even the culprit is already known... I can't bear to keep watching you mister putting all of your fingerprints on the victim's body. "

" Fingerprints? "

The man muttered as his dark blue eyes stared at Raoul. The latter took it as a sign of the man asking him about it.

" Did you know mister that no human fingerprints are the same? All of us have a unique fingerprint. Even identical twins don't have similar fingerprints. "

Suddenly Raoul found the man staring at him intensely.

" Interesting... "

Then the man started to approach Raoul. Unconsciously Raoul stepped back.

"  Lord William Russell, who was once a member of a parliament, are you familiar with him? "

Raoul stared at the man in confusion and shook his head.

" May 6, 1840, Lord William Russel was murdered by his Valet. During the case, a provincial doctor named Robert Blake Overton suggested that Scotland Yard look for fingerprints. The Scotland Yard then dismissed his suggestion... Are you perhaps an acquaintance of his? "

The man muttered as he stared at Raoul thoughtfully.

" ..The answer is no. You are a noble disguising as a commoner. Your servant has called you "young master'. Hmmm. But it is quite strange that for a noble, you perfectly act like a commoner. Your servant is french... And also very unusual. You have a perfect British accent but you are also a foreigner like him in this country... "

With every conclusion of the man, Raoul could feel himself shudder internally. He decided that it was enough. Raoul was afraid that if the man keep going further, all of his secrets would be revealed.

" Mister, can you please stop psychoanalyzing me? Who do you think you are? A wanna be a detective? "

Instead of frowning, the man smirked.

" What if indeed I am, kid? "

Raoul stared at the man in disbelief. But when he carefully thought about it, what kind of people would suddenly start observing if not forensic investigators or detectives? Since the former hasn't been established, it should be the latter.

But before Raoul could say anything, the man then continued speaking.

" If you don't know me, then you are unfamiliar with the state of London. Since you are enthusiastic about fingerprints, you should be aware of my presence since you are interested in crimes. My name is Sherlock Holmes and A consulting detective. "

The man then took off his coat and let it hang on his right shoulder. Sherlock's dark blue shoulder-length hair tied into a ponytail swayed a little as he moved.

" Since I introduced myself, introduce yours, kid. "

Sherlock frowned when he noticed the young man just staring at him blankly. He waited and he was getting a little impatient when the young man hadn't replied. Before he can show his annoyance, he starts muttering to himself.

" Sherlock Holmes? ... Sherlock Holmes.. Herlock Sholmes. Herlock Sholmes. Hehe... It's so funny.. "

After giggling a little, the young man then proceeds to lose consciousness.

" Young Master! "

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