Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Stranger out of time

    Truthfully, he never expected his death to come and go. He hasn't still reached the peak of his life. But death arrives when you least expect it. His death was horrible. No, it wasn't gruesome. There is no bloody serial killer to kill him or a murderer who was out for a personal grudge.

It was just that he feels horrible when he died. He didn't expect it. So, he was bitter when it happened. He thought that he hasn't still managed to live his life to the fullest. He was still in his early 30's when he ceased to continue living. He was just still a 32 years old man. Single, doesn't experience having any girlfriend, and of course not married to any girl but his work.

It feels awful...

Yet, he never expected to be given a second chance. And it cost some of his sanity to learn that he was reincarnated back in time.

Late 19th century France?

He felt that he was one of the most fortunate and unluckiest people in the world.

In this life, he would live and die as an old man.


In a room full of things that would uncommonly be found of a child's room, there was a lone boy who sat on a chair. He was intensely staring at the book that was placed on the table.

Raoul gaze at his handwriting and frowned. Does he wonder if he has forgotten something important? Of course! He has certainly forgotten something. With certainty. His memory isn't perfect after all.

[  (1868)
• Meiji Restoration (✓)

• Dmitri Mendeleev 1st periodic table (✓)
• Steam Power Brake Patented (✓)
• Golden Spike (✓)
• Thomas Edison Electric Vote Recorder (✓)
• William James Medical Examination (✓)
• Richard Wagner Rhine Gold (✓)
 •Suez Canal = (  )


  •Franco Prussian War = ( )
  • Second Empire Fall= ( )

• Anglo-Zulu War ( )

• Boer War ( )

• Berlin Conference ( )

• French Indochina ( )

• Ethiopia ( )

• Cuban Independence ( )

   --- End 19th Century----       ]

He was just an imperfect human. His memories aren't absolute. Yet, it was better than nothing. It was fortunate enough that he knows a lot of things. Even it was just a small matter or something insignificant.

" Young master are you there? "

   Raoul was startled when he heard a voice on the door of his room. He can feel his heart beating wildly. A servant was knocking on the door, and he was given quite a scare. He stared nervously at the book. He quickly closes them.

" Yes, I am here. Do you need anything? Please, wait a moment. "

Raoul replied while he tried to keep his voice from panicking. What was written in the book by him, someone or anyone mustn't know them. He has even taken a preventive measure to write them in Mandarin.

Hopefully, it was enough of a preventive measure from someone to read the book. It would be a very rare occurrence for someone to know the Chinese language in a country of French People. And he would be an unlucky bastard if someone knows how to read Mandarin and had taken a grasp of this precious book.

" Young Master, Lady Henriette needed your presence in the guest room. "

Raoul stored the book in his secret hiding place. Then he patted his clothes and arrange the tie on his collar. He proceeds to walk towards in front of the door.

" You can open the door now. "

The door opened. The Servant was surprised to see him at front. Raoul looked at him and asked.

" Excuse me, but where is Francis? Isn't he supposed the one to take care of me? "

Raoul asked. He hoped that it wasn't quite come as rude. But rather, a polite question. The Servant smiled slightly and replied.

" To answer your question, young master... He was currently entertaining the guests. "

Raoul frowned when he heard the reply. The first one that came to his mind was his uncle. Duke Dreux-Soubize and his family. But it was a fact that the servant wouldn't call the Duke a 'guest'. He was the owner of this Mansion. It belongs to him. Not him or his mother.

" I see, then may I ask why is my presence required? "

It was strange that the council of Soubise required his presence. They would be usually looking for his mother since she was the temporary head council.

" They are specifically looking for a young master. "

Raoul narrowed his gaze at the moment. He concludes that this isn't their usual guest. Outsiders. People that aren't from Soubise. He smiled at the Servant.

" Then please lead the way. "

Raoul followed the servant to the guest room. Complicated thoughts run amok in his mind. Finally, they arrived. Henriette D'Andresy – Raoul's mother sighed in relief when she saw him. Then that relief turned into a serious and frustrated expression.

Raoul turned to look at the guests. His face turned blank.

" Maestro!! "

A chubby middle-aged man rushed towards him.

" It is you! "

His hand was being shaken enthusiastically. Yet, he could only feel dread at the situation. His mother was staring with her's 'what did you do?' look.

" I am glad that I finally found you. "

Raoul smiled at their guest.

" ... Likewise.. "

His mother walks towards them.

" My, It is quite interesting that my little dear Raoul is acquainted with the famous leader of a troupe and playwright like Mister Clovis. "

She smiled at him. Yet the smile looks so sinister on her face.

" The mysterious moonlight Maestro. " She paused for a moment. " A quite known figure in Paris. "

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