Chapter 20

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Chapter 20: A visit from his royal highness

A blissful and sweet dream was interrupted by the loud and panicked shout that came from Francis.

" Monsieur, it's time to wake up! There was an urgent event that you must attend! "

It was rare for Raoul to sleep indulgently and for a long time nowadays. Even if the first book was published, Raoul has already the other books and works that needed to be published in the future on his mind. Francis must understand that he was very exhausted last night because of his sudden burst of inspiration. For him to be disturbed by him, it was too cruel.

" Young Monsieur! "

He was being shaken when he buried himself deeper on his pillows and blankets. It was unfair. Raoul decided that he can't fall into a blissful dream anymore since he was disturbed. He opened his eyes slowly and came face to face with Francis. Glaring at him because of his disturbed sleep, Raoul asked.

" What is so important that you needed me awake this time Francis? Could you not ask the mother of it? "

" We have a special guest today, young monsieur. "

" Guests? "

If it was an uncle or Mister Clovis if it was his mother who would attend to them. But looking at Francis's grave expression, it was neither of those two guests. Who could it be?

Francis helped Raoul to get up from the bed. Then he decided to carry Raoul and dragged him to the bathroom. Undressing him and placing him in the tub. Francis opened one of the faucets in lukewarm water started filling the tub. Then, he left leaving Raoul in the tub while waiting for it to be filled with warm water.

The warm water was making him comfortable and sleepy again.

After a while, the door to the bathroom opened again with Francis carrying a bunch of things other than his clothes and a towel to dry his body. He places it on the side before approaching Raoul again and closing the faucet for the warm water. He opened the faucet for the cold water dosing Raoul's head. Raoul shivered as the cold water hit his head.

" Cold! "

" Are you feeling awake now, Young Monsieur? "

" Yes.. "

Raoul grumpily replied. He stared at his reflection on the water in the tub. Despite being awake, Raoul still felt tired.

Eventually, Francis helped him on lathering his body with a bunch of hygiene materials. Soap, shampoo, etc. He was also asked to leave the tub and stand up as he was dosed with cold water. Francis tugged the lid mechanism on the tub and watched as the water drained on it. He was then stuffed with the towel to dry his body. After that, Francis assisted him to wear his clothes for today, combing his hair, he was handed a mouthwash and a toothbrush.

Raoul stared at the vanity mirror in the bathroom as he was dosed with perfume by Francis. He wrinkled his nose at the smell. Raoul decided to ask Francis who was fretting over him.

" Is this necessary? How important is the guest that we have for today? Is it uncle's political ally? "

Francis replied as he carried Raoul out of the bathroom.

" No, it wasn't any of the Duke's political ally. "

Raoul frowned as he heard those words. Thankfully after leaving the bathroom, he wasn't being manhandled by Francis anymore. He left his room with him and headed to the parlor while greeted by the other Servants who they encountered on their way.

Arriving on the parlor, they were greeted by the sight of Raoul's mother talking to what appeared to be a teenager on his early puberty stage accompanied by two identical ladies dressed in french maid attire. They were standing side by side with the boy while the latter was sitting on talking with Raoul's mother. The boy was dressed in very fancy and expensive clothes by Raoul's observation. He instantly decided that the teenager was someone who belonged to nobility or a child of a very rich Bourgeoisie who belonged to the high ladder. He notice that the youth was very polite, well-mannered, and able to hold a conversation with his mother very well. He got a giggle or a laugh from her as he entertained Raoul's mother with his stories.

The guest, his two servants, and Raoul's mother finally noticed their presence. Henriette smiled at Raoul and introduced their special guest.

" Raoul, have come a seat with us. The prince has decided to grace us with his presence and visit our family. "

Prince? Raoul stared for a few seconds before approaching his mother and the prince. He sat on one of the vacant chairs. He notices the tea and refreshments place on the table. There was a warm and delicious pancake soaked with maple syrup.

His mother Henriette left her seat and smiled at them.

" Since Raoul was already here, then I shall leave since I still have matters that I ought to do outside of the house. "

" Please take care of yourself, Lady Henriette. "

Raoul and the Prince watched Henriette leave the parlor room. After that, the Prince stared at him and asked.

" Shall we introduce ourselves? "

" I think that it was unnecessary, your highness. We are already aware of each other's identity, aren't we? "

" It is true, but it was a basic common courtesy, aren't they? "

Raoul sighed and decided to comply with the Prince's request. It wouldn't do well for him and his uncle if he have managed to displease this prince. He also wondered what have piqued this teenage prince's interest to suddenly visit them here on Soubise and he wondered why are they even aware that Raoul was here and not on Dreux.

" Well then, I am Raoul Dreux-Soubize, your highness. "

Raoul could see a pleased smile formed on the Prince's face.

" Now, it's my turn. It's was pleasant to meet you, Raoul. I am Prince Lionel. The current heir to the throne and upholder of the great emperor's dynasty. "

Eyes filled with pride as he introduced himself, that was Prince Lionel who was greatly respected his the great emperor of France. Raoul couldn't help but feel pity as he stared at the Prince who was proud of his legacy that he has to uphold.

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