Chapter 36

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Chapter 36: Lunch

      With the murder that happened in Noahtic, the ship's maiden voyage towards Amsterdam was canceled much to the protest of the people. Some nobles complained that just because a commoner was killed, they shouldn't just stop the Noahtic's destination to Amsterdam.

Raoul scoffed at the thought of those nobles. Hearing him scoff, Mr. William asked him.

" Is there something in your mind young master? "

" I was just complaining.. "

Raoul muttered as Francis helped him cut his steak with a knife. Currently, Raoul happened to find himself eating his lunch together with Mr. William and Sherlock Holmes. Francis was also eating with them and he was sitting beside Raoul.

Some people may find it strange to eat with two total strangers that they just met today, but Raoul was the one who initiated the invitation to them. Raoul was grateful to Mister Sherlock for taking a picture with him and signing it, so he decided to invite the detective to eat with him. Raoul doesn't want to feel Mr. William to feel like a stranger so he decided to also invite him.

Inviting Sherlock Holmes to lunch was considered a challenge. But Raoul has been experienced in this regard.  Maurice Le Blanc and Arthur Rimbaud themselves were forced to endure the force that was Raoul Andresy himself for the past years.

No one can reject his invitation for every meal if they don't want to be constantly pestered by him for the following days.

Through, Raoul was a little embarrassed by what he told to Sherlock when he invited the detective to lunch.

" I could be your useless Conan here in Noahtic during your investigation, Useful Kogoro Mouri! "

" Young master calm down. I know that you are an admirer of my skills, but you are using words that I don't know. Who's Conan? Hmm... I assume, that you want to help me with the investigation? "

" I don't have very good observation skills. And I can't do the deduction shit. But I want to observe you in your investigation. "

" I don't want a distraction. "

" I promise, I would be quiet. Anyway, wanna eat lunch with me Mr. Sholmes? You too, Mr. William you can come with us. "

" Stop butchering my name. Anyway, you haven't told me your name, young master. "

" My name is Raoul... as for my surname, it wasn't important. People's surname and background status doesn't define a person. What defines them is themselves Mister Herlock. "

Please, Raoul wanted to cringe and die when he blurted out those first sentences when he decided to invite Mr. Sherlock. As Francis and Uncle had said, he was creepy and unhinged when he was in his admirer mode.

Mr. William then decided to ask Raoul.

" If it would not be rude young master Raoul, could you enlighten us with your thought? "

" As I said before, I was just complaining. But I guess it doesn't matter, there were a lot of selfish people here in the Noahtic and I'm not an exception to it. Those complaining nobles are very selfish and lack compassion toward the commoner who was killed by Duke Indas. But I was also selfish for complaining about those nobles. I guess it was human nature to be selfish. "

Hearing Raoul's opinion, Sherlock scoffed and muttered after wiping a sauce on his lips.

" I'm not here to discuss philosophy with you. Anyway since you have given me those gloves before, it's mine now, kid. "

" Eh... I wouldn't recommend using them again after this investigation Mr. Sholmes. It was called disposable gloves. After being used, it was intended to be discarded. "

" Do you have an extra? "

" Sorry, only the small ones are left. "

Seeing the detective's dark blue eyes narrowing, it was clear that the detective doesn't believe him. Panicking and afraid that the detective would deduct unnecessary information from him, Raoul decided to tell some truth.

" I can't give you the other large-sized ones Mr. Sholmes. I intended to give them to a friend of mine. The disposable gloves aren't just something that could be used in crime scenes but– "

" Your friend is a doctor? You have quite a lot of acquaintances. "

Raoul looks at Mr. Holmes in surprise when he was interrupted.

" The disposable gloves would be revolutionary in the medical field, especially in surgery. "

Raoul nodded his head in agreement.

" The use of gloves would reduce the risk of infection. Anyway, how about we stop this topic Mr. Sholmes? I'm afraid that the further we delve into this topic of discussion, you would reveal some things that shouldn't be said in public. "

Right now, Raoul's fake smile deeply resembled his uncle.

" It's a detective's job to unravel mysteries and the truth. "

" and it's rude to reveal other people's secrets without their permission. So how are your findings in today's case Mr. Sholmes? "

Finishing eating his lunch, Sherlock decided to entertain the kid.

" The corpse wasn't killed today but yesterday night. The rigor mortis of the extremities and the jaw was still progressing. The time of death is 10:15 pm. "

Raoul could feel a smile lift on his face as he watched the detective tell him about his deductions. But then an obvious thought occurred to his mind.

" I was looking forward to watching Act 2 of titanic at that time. But it was ruined when the murder of Count Blitz Enders was revealed. As common sense, it was normal for killers to hide the evidence of their crime. Why would the Count reveal his true nature before everyone? Did he have some perverted hobby? Is he an exhibitionist who wants to reveal his acts of taboo and sin against everyone? If so, he has poorly chosen the wrong proclivities and more. "

" Young master! "

Francis chastised him for his behavior feeling second-hand embarrassment by the words uttered by his young master. On the other hand, Mr. William who had remained a listener between the conversation of the young master and the detective thr whole time fake coughed. Mr. William was also showing traces of embarrassment despite how calm and composed he looked.

Raoul decided to ignore Francis chastising him and continued with his thoughts.

" The reveal of the murder is very dramatic. Enough to pass on a play and wouldn't be seen as strange if that happened in a thriller, mystery, or horror genre type of play. Unfortunately, titanic isn't like that and everyone could see the scene that lay before them as very strange. At that time, I noticed the Count's genuine expression of despair before he decided to show his true nature to the audience. Count Blitz Enders was framed even though he was the murderer. "

Hearing Raoul's thoughts, Sherlock decided to continue the young master's line of thought.

" There is a perpetrator behind the scenes. A mastermind who controlled Count Blitz Enders. But one person isn't enough to reveal the Count's true nature. I asked the backstage staff of the Maestro Clovis Durand about who the people who were in charge of raising the curtain at that time but all of them can't remember clearly and told me that their faces couldn't be seen. One of the staff told me that one was wearing a guard uniform. This is an enlightening discussion, but I got to continue with the investigation.   "

Sherlock said as he left his seat. But before Raoul could tell him to wait since he wanted to observe the detective, one of the guards who arrested Count Blitz Enders arrived and brought them the bad news.

" Detective, Count Blitz Enders killed himself in the detention room! "

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