Chapter 40

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Chapter 40: The foreign young master

      After the short story Study in Scarlet, Conan Doyle's new story is titled the Tale of Speckled Band. Other than introducing a new client, villain, and case, Conan Doyle has introduced two new characters.

The servant Fritz Freeman and his young master Lowell Everett. Both are characters that came out of nowhere but Detective Holmes has mentioned that he met them in his recent cases before Watson arrived at 221B Baker Street and started living with him.

The servant Fritz Freeman appears to be loyal and dutiful and possesses good reflexes and has a good combat ability. But other than those, Fritz Freeman's characteristics aren't shown much as the young master took the spotlight.

Eccentric, lively, and mysterious. Someone who doesn't care much about manners but still treats everyone with respect. He also has an unusual amount of admiration towards the detective deduction skills and despite a young master, he already knows a lot of various random but useful information.

William James Moriarty then close the second book published by Conan Doyle after reading them.

He never expected the young master to appear again after the encounter with the Noahtic. Despite being interesting and unusual, the young master wasn't fit to be the protagonist of the stage that he orchestrated.

The protagonist of the stage of London is Sherlock Holmes. The detective would reveal the evil deeds of the nobles. And Dr. Watson came as an unexpected but good addition as the sidekick and narrator of the story that serves as the audience's eyes.

After the Noahtic despite being interesting, William didn't bother to find any information about the young master. But after Fred Porlock reported that he had seen the young master and his servant arrive on the baker's street– and now this story with the young master inserted himself as an additional character, William needs to pay attention to this unexpected wildcard.

The young master may look harmless but an unexpected wildcard can disrupt his plans.

On the table, William James Moriarty picked up the information that his brother Albert have gathered.

[ Name: Raoul Oxford-Maximilian
Age: 15 years old
Nationality: French






Father: EarlOxford-Maximilian

Mother: Countess Clarisse Oxford-Maximilian

Residence:  Oxford-Maximilian Manor, Oxford. ]

Even with the MI6 under his command as M, his brother Albert James Moriarty could only gather this info for a short time.

While William was frowning, Albert took a sip of his wine and said

" The Director especially gave me this file. "

Albert still remembered the smile that the Military Director gave him. It was unexpected for the Director to smile. And even direct him with a fake smile and an expression that looks threatening.

" Oho? The young master has appeared? It seems you encountered him and the young master gained your interest. What made him go back to this country? "

After being deep in thought, the director then told Albert.

" I am glad about your contribution to the country and management of MI6 as its leader, but I advise you to don't approach the young master at all. We don't want to provoke the poisonous spider behind his back. "

" I was advised to don't approach the young master..but since the Director said those words... I was more curious. "

After being given the file, he used the MI6 but they can't find any information that relates to the background of the young master other than him being the foreign inheritor of the noble seat Oxford.

A foreigner shouldn't have a noble seat in this country but due to his Aunt's circumstances, the young master Raoul inherited his Aunt's peerage title and status.

William smiled as he listened to his brother. Just like his brother, he was curious. But since the director that his brother respected told his brother to stay away, then they should stay away from the unknown landmine.

" Then, we should take the Director's advice, brother Albert. Let's hope that we wouldn't cross paths with the young master. "

Given the young master's fascination with the detective Sherlock Holmes, even when they are just behind the Shadows, the chance of an encounter with the young master is worryingly high.

A day later, one of his colleagues at Durham University informed William that a letter was sent to him.

It was a letter of invitation to a party  at Oxford-Maximilian residence. The sender of the letter was the said young master who was advised by the military department director Mycroft Holmes to avoid it.


    A few days later after accompanying the detective and Dr. Watson to the case of Speckled Band, Raoul was spending his time thinking of new ideas for his new upcoming novel.

Over the years, he has published a total of 5 books back in France under his pen name. Resuming his writing in 1873 and stopping in the year 1875. Raoul was occupied with helping both his Uncle and Mother for the past years.

And now that he run away from France... Raoul thought that he can continue to write again.

At first writing, novels were Raoul's weapon or instrument for stopping or convincing the former and deceased second emperor to stop his war plans but he failed with his 2 novels and maybe have become a contributor to the emperor's degeneracy to madness.

Raoul lose the reason to continue writing but regained it after returning to France and seeing the children who he visited in towns and villages give him a big smiles on their faces.

They wanted a story... So Raoul decided to give them one.

His first two books are about politics and the reality of wars. But his 3rd book is simply a story that Raoul hoped the children would like.

Many of Nostra Farsight's fans were surprised when they read his 3rd book and even suspected that this isn't the work of Nostra Farsight. But the signature and the group that published the book confirmed the credibility of his work.

His fourth novel is about the future titled Moon Dweller's Perspective. It is a story of an astronaut that recalled back his memories while he was on earth. And his fifth novel...

He decided to write as a commemoration to the original Arsene Lupin of the stories and a big fuck you to fate.

His fifth novel is called Xūn Fèng (Twilight Phoenix). The story is inspired by the Count of Monte Cristo, Arsene Lupin with a sprinkle of Chinese Court Drama Novels and Jianghu martial arts. And just like his second novel, the protagonist is a Female.

For his next novel perhaps a horror mystery would be the genre.

While Raoul was engrossed in his thoughts, Francis entered his room and informed him that a letter from his uncle, aunt, and mother arrived.

After reading all of them, Raoul sighed. It seems that his work isn't done even though he was outside of their country.

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