Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Time and Routine

     Time Travel. A concept of movement between certain points in time, analogous to movement between different points in space by an object or a person. Typically, it works with the hypothetical device known as a time machine. Time Travel is a widely-recognized concept in philosophy and fiction. Particularly popular in the genre of Sci-fi also known as Science Fictions.

One certain topic was popular regarding time travel. To quote a certain question that was popular on certain forums “ If you could travel back in time, where would you go? ”

  He was once scrolling through the forum. Bored and with nothing to do but lurk in the forums and browse through the internet. The topic caught his attention since it was popular and as a child, and still until that time, he would sometimes think the concept of time travel.

  On that year, he answered on the forum. “ It was impossible for time travel to exist. There are many paradoxes to consider, even if the concept was true. If time travel is possible, I would like to live in the present. It's no use to keep living in the past; no matter what, you must steel yourself and keep moving forward. But it wouldn't be bad if I could get the autograph of famous people and meet Pasteur. Then Maurice Leblanc, Arthur Conan Doyle, John Watson... ”

A few years later, that day that he answered in the forum was completely forgotten. Along with his long list of people that he wanted to meet.

From a College Student, he becomes a secondary school teacher in his country. His life was exhausting yet worthwhile at the same time. He feels satisfied with his current life.

But in the end, all of it ceased to exist. At the age of 32, he died in an unfortunate accident.


         Soubise. It was one of the many Commune of France. Currently, in the year 1869, it was recorded to have a population of 732 people.

   The Commune is a level of administrative division in the French Republic. It was analogous to civil townships and incorporated municipalities in other countries. The Commune was established during the period of the French Revolution.

    On the Commune of Soubise, the head or the supervising person of the place was Henriette D'Andresy. She was the temporary leader of the municipal council of the Soubise. The real mayor of the Commune was unfortunately occupied with his other important task and managing of territories. So he decided to appoint his cousin temporarily with the approval of the upper government on the rural and peaceful commune of Soubise.

During the recent year of being the municipal head of the rural commune, the cousin of the Duke Dreux-Soubize has earned the approval of the people. Various projects on the commune have been reenacted including the establishment of a school in their commune that has a primary and secondary level of education. She also fosters and encourages the commune's agriculture aspect of fishing and farming. And also she started establishing seminars and lessons for any adult and able women and men who wanted to learn crafts and arts.

The new and temporary head of the council was beloved and endeared to the people's minds. They would never think that the development and advancement of the commune would happen. It was an unexpected change. But it was welcome and better than stagnation.

Henriette D'Andresy – They were very thankful for the changes that she have done.

The woman that was admired and earned the gratitude of the Commune on the other hand was currently fretting in worry and anxiousness.

She was gritting her teeth and gripping the hems of her dress. She sat on a chair, as she waited for her son.

" Is he already here? "

She asked one of the maidservants that we're currently looking at her with understanding on her face.

" I am afraid that young master would take time to arrive, lady Henriette. "

At the answer, Henriette could only sigh and feel more worried. She was frustrated. Very frustrated and worried. It was so many times, that she was always like this. This fret and worry in the afternoon was a routine for at least 2 months. Waiting for her son to go home every afternoon.

Why did she even allow her son to leave in the first place?

" I'm home!  "

Waiting at the main door while sitting at the chair, Henriette blinked her eyes as she saw the silhouette of her son in the distance. And heard his cheerful voice.

She gets up from the chair and walks towards her son.

" Raoul!! "

Her son's cheerful expression instantly become nervous. There was also a trace of guilt in his eyes. Raoul wince as he saw the furious expression on her face.

" Hello, mother? "

He chuckled nervously.

" You didn't arrive at the appointed time. I thought that something has happened to you! "

Henriette was starting to feel tears gathering in her eyes.

" I'm sorry mother. "

Raoul lowered his head. Henriette didn't know if her son felt very apologetic or not. Her son said those words so many times that it feels that those words already lost their meaning. Henriette took a deep breath and sighed.

" Where's Francis? "

" I have requested him to do some errands, Mother. "

Henriette frowned as she heard her son. It started at least 2 months ago, Raoul started to go to nearby towns without her permission. The 1st week that it happened she was very anxious and furious with her son. She knows how unusual was her son. He didn't act like a child. And think like a child. Still, despite his unusualness, Henriette saw it as a blessing in her life. Raoul was a very intelligent child. He was also kind and considerate. He already knows what is right and wrong. Her child always strives to do what is considered right.

And it included going into nearby towns, befriending children, telling stories, and teaching them how to count, read and write.

Since the day that he started talking and walking. One important thing that Henriette learned about her son was that he gives very high importance to knowledge and learning. He was a child that has a hobby of collecting books, things, and signatures from some people. And at a young age, Raoul already knows what he wanted. Spreading knowledge to all of the people, even it would always result in her worrying about her son every day.

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