Chapter 51

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Chapter 51: The Repercussions of the Incident

Durham, Moriarty Manor. It's been 3 days since the event that happened in the Oxford-Maximillian manor. News has circulated in England about the adultery of the Thorn Countess. Various newspaper companies in England have written articles about it. Regards to Viscountess Martha Courtney's crimes, it wasn't as popular as the Adultery Scandal of the Thorn Countess Mariabell Astley.

For the people of Moriarty Manor, it was sickening that the nobles, newspaper journalists, and the public were more concerned with the Thorn Countess's adultery scandal than the crime of Viscountess Martha. They cared more for her sinful and lustful affairs than the death of an innocent child.

In the newspapers, there are articles defaming the Thorn Countess for her Scandal. Some articles offered false pity and sympathy for the Count and the noble wives of the various nobles who have various affairs with the Thorn Countess.

Various articles are written by journalists and writers called the Thorn Countess a vixen, wench, or succubus. There were even those who said that she was worse than the prostitutes of London. No, some of the prostitutes in London are better than her. Some of them have no choice but to become prostitutes because they need it to earn money and to survive. But the Thorn Countess herself was doing those scandalous and sinful immoralities for her pleasure and selfish desires. Not being satisfied with her already pleasant life but being greedy for more. She doesn't even care if she destroyed families for seducing those men.

It is just her just dessert for whatever happened to her daughter as was implied to be said in some articles. It's  God's Will that the accidental murder of Viscountess Martha is a punishment to have her precious daughter killed.

Reading the current newspaper in his hand, William couldn't help but crumble the newspaper.

" Brother? "

Louis look at his brother in concern while he was preparing tea for his brother William and Albert. He was also preparing a tea for Fred and Moran who was with them.

Letting out a sigh, William made a faint fake smile attempting to placate and don't worry his little brother, and says honestly.

" I apologize. I lose my composure for a few seconds. Some of the articles written and people's were unpleasant.  "

Listening to the conversation between his two little brothers, Albert joined while taking a sip of his tea.

" Yesterday it was also one of the topics in the Parliament. And it would be one of the topics in the parliament as well. "

The other people in the lounge of Moriarty Manor's attention was piqued by Albert's words. Taking a sip of his tea while grimacing at the taste, Moran commented.

" So those greedy nobles are using the incident of Thorn Countess to fuel their agenda? They are trash and scumbags. "

Albert smiled slightly as he look at his reflection in the tea.

" It wasn't just those nobles who were making an issue of the incident. It was also the people from the Church and the House of Commons. But there were those whose intentions weren't evil but noble. It was unfortunate that the incident would cause some issues for Altruistic people in the House of Commons. Yesterday, some people in the Church and House of Lords were pushing back against the agenda of making better rights for women because of the Incident. "

Louis frowned. Because of the actions of the Thorn Countess, she has caused damage to the betterment of their country. Even if she hasn't mistreated commoners, her selfish desires for her pleasures have still incited chaos. In his eyes, she was still no better than those nobles who have mistreated and abused commoners.

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