Chapter 43

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Chapter 43: A visit to Soho

         The day after Raoul's first attendance at the House of Lords sitting, Raoul was once again in Soho together with Francis. Before that, Raoul tasked one of the servants to find what was Mary's current address and location right now.

Since the day that he met the famous detective Sherlock Holmes, Raoul has realized that Mary his friend whom he has known for the past few years may not be just a normal person at all.

Miss Mary Morstan is Miss Mary Morstan. The future Mrs. Mary Watson and future wife of Dr. John H. Watson.

Last year, Raoul have lost contact with Mary. Arthur Rimbaud and the others couldn't also contact her anymore through telegrams or letters.

Everyone was wondering what happened to her. Before he arrived in this country, Raoul was also intending on finding what happened to Mary. But now knowing that she was Mary Watson... Maybe he has finally some clue about her current circumstances.

If she was experiencing trouble, why not just ask her friends? Raoul felt a little betrayed. But she must be thinking that she doesn't want to trouble them.

And before Arthur and the others graduated, Raoul had also finally revealed to them his identity as Duke Jules Dreux-Soubize's heir.

Raoul was surprised when they weren't angry. But it was eventually revealed to them that they have known for a long time. But being the son of a Duke and a high-ranking government official was a surprise to them.

After Arthur Rimbaud Graduated, it was unexpected that he ended up working in the Avenir Group as a department head. While being an employee in the Avenir Group, Arthur didn't stop his passion for writing which relieve Raoul a lot.

He doesn't know what would he do if he learned that Arthur Rimbaud stopped becoming a writer because of his interference. (Nope. He wasn't gonna kidnap a person and force them to write in his basement... No, that would never gonna happen. )

Raoul hoped that the servant would be able to find where Miss Mary currently right now. Arriving at Soho, Raoul, and Francis headed toward Louise Clinic. To his surprise, he found it already filled with patients.

Louise is busy tending to his clients. He wonders if he should bother him right now. Before Raoul could make a decision himself, the former prince Lionel saw him and gestured him to head inside the private guest room after he cleaned himself and started disinfecting. Francis has also done the same.

In this era, the germ theory may haven't still been popular around the world and is still in its very beginning stages, but it wouldn't stop Raoul from advocating it. He was glad that Louise as a doctor believed in Pasteur's Theory about germs.

And it was also a little disappointing that sanitization and disinfection in France aren't still widespread. But sooner with the Minister of Solidarity and Health and the government spreading the knowledge about it, the use of soap, warm water, and alcohol may become normalized.

Along with the Minister of Higher Education and Research, several other ministry positions have also been formed too early for this era. And some have also been dissolved to form a new one and make it more efficient.

Later as Raoul started writing things down in his book about possible things that he could do in the future, Louise eventually arrives in the guest room and his doctor's garb has already disappeared.

" Sorry for the wait, Raoul.  "

" No, it's alright. I'm glad that you have been taking care of your patients. You have been busy and have a lot of customers. But since this is Soho... Perhaps it was normal after all. "

" Unfortunately, you are right. "

Louise sighed as he took a seat beside Lionel who was reading a book.

" May I ask what you have come for, Raoul? "

" Well. I wanted to ask if you can attend the ball.. "

Raoul then glances at Lionel.

" But if you can't it's alright. "

Noticing his stare, Lionel glared and signed. Raoul then looks ashamed when he notices the former prince's glare.

" I apologize. I was glad that you would be able to attend Lionel. But I just don't want to make you uncomfortable in the presence of many people. And it must be stuffy with so many nobles attending. "

Lionel signed again and Raoul replied.

" Yeah, I thought so... I was supposed to only send invitation letters to the people and nobles that I would invite to the party. But something happened you see. "

Louise was curious and asked.

" Other than you knocking on our doorsteps the other day with the famous detective and asking for a snake catcher? "

Raoul averted his eyes.

" Well, it was needed to catch a swamp adder. "

" Swamp adder?! "

Louise stared at Raoul incredulously.

" The snake catcher was needed to catch a Swamp Adder of a noble. Seriously... There should be an exotic pet law. "

While Louise was staring at Raoul in concern. Lionel was unfazed and signed again. Raoul saw it and sighed.

" Ugh... Well, I guess it's no use distracting Lou if you Lionel can't be distracted... Originally, people that supposed to attend are the people that I invited. But because of the unexpected situation, my very first organized party would be packed with nobles that may also be not just from Oxford but London and others. "

" What is the unexpected event? "

Louise asked as Raoul started to look uncomfortable. The latter averted his eyes.

" It was an unexpected situation. But I met the Queen and I am now an Honorary Lord Temporal of the House of Lords of this country's parliament. "

Both Lionel and Louise stared into Raoul with shock. But after a few seconds, Louise sighed.

" Only you... Raoul.. only you. But I am interested in why did that happen. The Queen wouldn't make you a lord temporal out of nowhere. "

Louise then narrowed his eyes and asked.

" It's the Duke Dreux-Soubise isn't it? "

Raoul nodded his head.

" As expected. But that isn't the only reason you came here to us right? You wouldn't just inform us of your new status if there wasn't something you need. "

Raoul then gestured to Francis. The latter then took an envelope and handed it to Louise. The doctor then unsealed the envelope and started reading the files inside it. After a while, Louise stared at Raoul in doubt.

" Your uncle wanted me to be in charge of the Avenir group branch that would be established here soon in Britain? "

" Yes. You and Lionel are his choice. Don't worry he would send people to help you on establishing Avenir. "

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