Chapter 19

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Chapter 19: Prince Lionel

" Finally! "

In the last week of February, Raoul finished all of the manuscripts and chapters for the first book.

" Congratulations, young monsieur. "

Francis was by his side helping him with arranging the manuscripts into a neat pile. Raoul let a faint smile reveal on his face. He can feel a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment as he stared at the stack of pages being arranged by Francis on the table.

" Francis, send it to uncle. He should know what to do. "

" Yes, young master. "

Francis picked up the manuscripts and arrange them into a very neat pile. Holding them, he bowed to Raoul and left the room. Sitting on the chair, Raoul's position on the seat is relaxed. The tension on his body was untensed when Francis left the room while bringing the manuscripts with him. He trusts Francis to bring the manuscripts to his uncle at the Dreux. His uncle should know what to do with the manuscripts once they reached him. He would let his uncle the Duke Dreux-Soubize handle it. The publishing process and the complications of publishing that book.

Raoul slumped on the chair and sighed. He massages his forehead. Then he stared at the table. Even the finish the first one, that doesn't mean that he would stop. Raoul picked the pen on the table and started writing on the blank pieces of paper.

" Back to work.. "

Raoul murmured and yawned. He felt tired. Yet, he continued. In his mind, he envisioned the scenes and events that he would write in the pages. Raoul would squeeze the inspiration and knowledge on his brain to their fullest as long as he manage to create another story.


In the first week of March, a book was published and released to the public. The name of the book was " Metamorphosis of Faust ". And the author of the book was a person named Nostra Farsight. No one knows if the Author was a he or a she. The only thing that was known was that the "Metamorphosis of Faust" was the first work of this beginner Author.

In the first week, people didn't know about the book. But the Metamorphosis of Faust was devoured eagerly by the people by the second week of March. Experts criticize the book for its morbid and pessimistic foretelling.

The book theme is centered around war, deaths, and the effects of war on the people. Just as the title of the book suggests, the book was centered on its protagonist named Faust. The author Nostra Farsight mentioned that he take inspiration from the classic German tale of Faust and Mephistopheles. It was also mentioned in the book that the parents of the protagonist named their child Faust because of the tale of Faust and Mephistopheles.

Other than war, what was noticeable in the book was that there were also fantastical and fictional elements placed on the book. The names of the fictional places, magic, etc. People could see the clear traces of fantasy embellishing. The Author combined both fantasy and the gruesomeness of war to create a unique and compelling tale.

The book circulated to the public. It also reached the hands of a certain person. He was someone who was known by the people of France. The only child of Emperor and Queen, Prince Lionel.

Currently, the 13-year-old prince Lionel was inside the carriage. He was one of the people who have read the book during the first week of its release. Now, he was inside the carriage in the process of rereading the story. The carriage was on its way to Soubise. Opposite where the prince sat, his two attendants stared at him.

One of them frowned and asked.

" Your highness, is the story really interesting like from what I heard from the rumors? "

Prince Lionel moves his head slightly. He has his head raised a little from the book and glances at one of the attendants accompanying him. The attendant who asked the question was a lady. Fayette was one of the mermaids in honor of her mother who was ordered to serve him since his 10th birthday alongside her twin sister who was currently beside her. She was someone who has always a bland expression on her face. Fayette was a person who always remain unperturbed to any situation. Someone who was always calm and collected.

Prince Lionel then replied to her, answering her honestly.

" In my opinion, I don't like the story. "

" Why? "

" It is too morbid and pessimistic for my palate. "

" May I borrow the book, Prince? "

Fayette asked the Prince which cause her twin sister Edith beside her to become affronted by her behavior.

" Fayette! "

" What? "

Fayette asked with a nonchalant expression.

" You also wanted to borrow? "

Edith feels herself becoming angry and embarrassed for her sister's behavior.

" That's not it! "

She then glance at the Prince who was looking at them with an amused expression on his face while dangling the book like a fish for a cat. Edith pursed her lips.

" Prince, you should be offended by her behavior. "

Prince Lionel merely smiled as Fayette took the book from him.

" You have been taking care of me for a few years. You should lighten up Edith. "

Edith crossed her arms as she glared at her sister who started reading the book. She then decided to snatch it from her.

" Edith! "

" I would be taking it from you because of your rude behavior to the Prince. I would be the one who would read it first. "

" How shameless. "

Fayette said to her. Prince Lionel's smile becomes brighter because of their antics.

" Pot Kettle Black. "

Fayette told Edith who was now engrossing herself in the book. Despite that, she didn't take back the book from her twin sister. Instead, she decided to ask the coachman of the carriage who has been quiet within their entire journey.

" Pierre, when will we arrive in the Soubise? "

" We are already here in Soubise. "

Pierre, the coachman replied to Fayette. She then glances at the window of the carriage. He was right. She could already see the greenery outside of the carriage. Some people and the distinguishable mansion that was one of the residences of the Duke Dreux-Soubize. It was said on the information that they have gathered that the son of Duke Raoul Dreux-Soubize lives here in Soubise while his father the Duke stays in Dreux with his wife.

How strange. She wondered why does their Queen want the Prince to befriend the Duke's adopted son?

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