Chapter 24

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Chapter 24: Meeting of Literary

     When Raoul decided on something. It was hard for him to stop him from achieving that goal. Few things could only stop him from his goals. One of those few things was his mother Henrietta Andresy and sometimes, maybe his Uncle.

Since he was talked to his ears by his mother and had been prohibited to continue writing for one week, Raoul decided to turn his focus and passion somewhere. This time, he wouldn't allow Francis to become a tattletale again and may have used some underhanded means just to keep his mouth shut and exchange some favors from his uncle.

Raoul sighed as he pictured the cunning and devious expression of his uncle on his mind. He wanted to keep those 'favors' towards the Duke Dreux-Soubize as little as possible.

He didn't want another 'accidental' meeting with that irresponsible and accursed Theophraste Lupin.

The next day, after his talk with Francis, he was accompanied by him in going to the city of Paris.

Before meeting with Clovis Durand, Raoul also went to talk to Louis Conneau, the Prince's childhood friend. Raoul recommended some books that Louis might find interesting. After a while of conversation, he bid his farewell to the prince's childhood friend.

At the end of the party, Raoul decided to keep some correspondence with the royal doctor's son.

Compared to most children of people from high society, his disposition and attitude were something that Raoul found likable. The thing that he likes about Louis the most was that the teenager was an academically driven person.

Other than that, Raoul convince himself that he shouldn't feel guilty since it was necessary. He wasn't doing anything bad by gathering information about the current status of the royal family matters and regarding the daughter of the current Countess Cagliostro of the foreign country.

After the celebration, since he decided to keep his correspondence with the prince's childhood friend, Raoul learned that Louis and Josephine decided to exchange letters about the things that they found interesting.

Josephine– The daughter of the current Countess Cagliostro the 3rd seems also wanted to exchange some letters with him but she didn't want to make her mother angry.

Sometimes, Raoul was itching to know about the relationship between his uncle the Duke Jules Dreux-Soubize, and current Countess Cagliostro.

He wondered if what his brain has supplemented on his mind was right. Could it be that the current Countess Cagliostro was his uncle's former ex-girlfriend?

Raoul could already feel a headache just thinking about it. Other than that, he was also worried about Josephine.

He has already met Justin Ganimard who was known to have a major role in the story of Arsene Lupin. The head of the Lupin Task Force–the mad pursuer who wouldn't stop at anything and was determined to catch the devious and tricky thief Arsene Lupin.

Recently, Raoul met Josephine who would probably inherit the position of being Countess Cagliostro and in the book, she was considered the most famous villain in the Arsene Lupin Adventures.

Raoul could feel a headache just thinking if he would also meet the other characters. Other than a headache, he was also more determined to not ended up like Arsene Lupin in the book.

He wouldn't end up as a thief. He wouldn't end up as a womanizer. Arsene Lupin wasn't his name. He was Raoul Andresy the child of a kind woman named Henriette Andresy. And sometimes, he also has the identity of Raoul Dreux-Soubize, the heir of the Duke Jules Dreux-Soubize.

After the end of the conversation with Louis, he bid him farewell. It appears that there were a lot of troubles in the palace from what he gathered. But Raoul decided to don't think about it right now since there was a Meeting for the Literary People that he wanted to attend.

Together with Francis, Raoul went to the Sorbonne. Specifically, the location that Monsieur Clovis Durand has emphasized to wait and meet them. As they went to that specific area in the Sorbonne, Monsieur Durand was indeed true to his words.

" Maestro! "

Raoul was greeted enthusiastically, but he could feel his face becoming gloomy. He hurriedly went towards Monsieur Durand to keep his mouth shut.

" Please... Monsieur, Durand. Did you forget what I have requested from you? "

" Oh! I have forgotten! I apologize! It's been a long time I have seen you personally Maes– my apprentice I couldn't help but get thrilled by seeing you again! "

Before he accepted the invitation from Monsieur Clovis Durand, Raoul have requested it from the well-known playwright. Raoul has remembered the habit of the Monsieur. He keeps calling him Maestro and he thought that it would be strange and very suspicious.

Originally, Raoul has already known that there would be a literary meeting around the Sorbonne since he receive an invitation from the host of the meeting. Not as Raoul Dreux-Soubize the heir of the noble, but as Nostra Farsight a mysterious recent novelist who become well known in the city of Paris.

Maybe, he wasn't just well known in the capital, but in the country itself.

Nostra Farsight was well known not in a good way but because of the first work, the mysterious novelist became infamous.

He recently learned from his uncle that there was some even talk among those people in a position about the prohibition of the book.

Among the literary meeting that would happen today and as someone aware of some things in history, Raoul knows the certain unique trait of this country.

Revolution – A rebellion and progress.

The country wasn't lacking in those people who wish either of those two things. And among the circles of society, the literary circle– they are the gem of those kinds.

There was suspicion for Raoul that his vest Nostra Farsight was invited for those reasons. Raoul wasn't interested in the meeting itself. It just happened that after the meeting, there would be a literary exhibition. It was the one that he was looking forward to happening. And maybe, since he would come as a commoner and apprentice of Monsieur Clovis Durand, he could ask for the autograph of those people.

Just thinking about it, Raoul could already feel himself floating in clouds and he couldn't help but smile brightly.

Staring at Raoul who showed a disturbing smile on his face, the play writer Clovis Durand couldn't help but show an uncomfortable expression himself. Under the stare, there was an illusion that he was locked up in a base and was forced to continuously write plays until he have exhausted his source of inspiration.

On the other hand, Francis sighed already used to the iconic creepy expression that would appear on Raoul sometimes once he went on his daydream fantasies.

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