Ch 3: Here's to New Beginnings

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Nini and Kourtney barge through the doors of East High, Nini smiling like she just got told she won free tickets to see Taylor Swift. Nini looked around the large school with a twinkle in her eye.

"Well, Kourt, it's official. We're high schoolers."

"I feel old."

"We're only 14; calm down."

"Then why do I have the back of a 60-year-old?"


They arrived at their lockers and began decorating and filling them up with the things they didn't want to carry.

Kourtney smirks. "So, how are you feeling about seeing you know who for the first time in two months?"

Nini smiled and rolled her eyes. "I know what you're thinking. I don't have a crush on him anymore."

Kourtney wasn't believing that for a second. "Uh huh."

"Seriously! I don't!"

"So, if he were to let say walk down the hall right now, you'd be able to not be a blushing mess?"

"I can confidently say that I could have a full conversation with him without blushing or stuttering."

"Yeah, we'll see about that because he's coming your way."

Her eyes widened. "Wait, what?"

Kourtney points her finger at him, making Nini peek over her shoulder. Nini quickly freshened up in her locker's mirror before turning around to face him. When she finally saw him after so many weeks, her jaw practically hit the floor.

Ricky definitely blossomed during the summer.

His hair was a little longer, and he apparently had a growth sprout. She can tell he'd been working out, which shouldn't come as a shock to her since he texted her saying he's been hitting the gym to pass time since she wasn't there to hang out with. And to top it all off, he just had to wear those fucking gray sweatpants.

Overall, he was more gorgeous than the last time she saw him, and it was annoying.

She felt her cheeks already heating up as he finally stood in front of her with his adorable smile.

He doesn't waste any time as he wraps his arms around her and squeezes her tight. He slightly lifts her off the ground, causing her to get on her tippy-toes. She took note of the cologne he was wearing since it was her favorite, and it really didn't help her.

"Nini! I've missed you like crazy! Did your hair get longer? And when the hell were you gonna tell me you got highlights? They look good by the way."

He was confused as to why she wasn't responding at first, but then he realized it was because he was squishing her face into his chest. He loosened his grip on her so that she could speak.

She rested her chin on his chest and beams up at him. "It did get longer, and I got it done last Saturday, I figured it'd be a nice surprise." She registers that she had inclined her neck a lot more than she used to before she left. "Jesus Christ, I leave for two months, and you become the Green Giant!"

He chuckles. "Yeah, I may have grown a few inches, but I'm still the same Ricky."

"How did you find me?"

"You told me your locker number yesterday, and you always go to your locker before your first class."

"Oh, right..." Sometimes she forgets how well he knows her.

Kourtney clears her throat, making them look at her.

"Oh, sorry Kourt. It's nice to see you too."

She playfully rolls her eyes. "Yeah, yeah, you too, Bowen." She faces Nini. "I'll leave you two alone. I know you guys want to catch up. See you at lunch." The two girls peck one another's cheeks before Kourtney walks away.

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