Ch 48: Caps and Gowns & Smiles and Frowns

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Today was the day. The day they finally get to kiss school goodbye for the rest of their lives alongside their peers. This experience was much more freeing than their high school graduation since this was their last ceremony, and they were actually going out into the real world.

Ricky was kind of on edge since the reality of his situation was seeping in. Everything went by so fast. Graduation seemed like it was ages from now, but it snuck up on him. He was excited to start his future with some of his favorite people. Ricky hated that Nini's last name was on the other end of the alphabet since that meant he couldn't sit near her. Unlike high school, they weren't allowed to lounge around backstage before lining up since there were more graduates.

Ricky was bored out of his mind as he waited for his name to be called. When they finally got to the B's, he forced his eyelids to stay open. He stretched when his row had to stand up, and he looked for his and Nini's family in the bleachers. He finds them sitting in the fifth row from the front, all waving at him as they prepare their cameras. Lily blew a kiss at him, making him smile. His hands get sweaty as he slowly approaches the stage. He watches as the dude in front of him shakes the dean's hand and feels his heartbeat pick up with anticipation.

"Richard Michael Bowen."

He could hear his family scream for him in the bleachers. Bowie and his girls all blew air horns as they promised, and he chuckled when he saw one of the staff warn them. He just hoped they wouldn't get kicked out before Nini walked. He could hear Nini cheering him on from the crowd of graduates. Ricky shook the dean's hand and accepted his diploma with a smile. He saw someone holding up a heart formed with their hands in the sea of graduates, and he already knew it was Nini. He made a mental note to do it to her when she goes on stage.

Ricky tuned out of the ceremony while he waited for The S's to come up. He was happy his class was pretty small compared to others since this event would be more miserable. When the R's finally ended, he sat up straight in his chair since Nini was in the first line of the S crowd. He smiled as he watched her walk up to the stage, already preparing to cheer loudly for her.

"Nina Salazar-Roberts."

Ricky got out of his chair and screamed as loud as he could. "That's my best friend!"

Their families both cheered for her, and he unfortunately heard Walker in the student body clapping as well. Bowie and the girls once again blew the air horn despite their warning, making Nini blush as she accepted her diploma. Ricky snickered when he saw Bowie get escorted out while the girls got to stay. While Nini was walking back to her seat, he lifted his hands and mimicked the heart she made. She smiles when she sees it and blows him a kiss.

There weren't many graduates towards the end of the alphabet, so they got to the tassel portion of the graduation rather quickly.

"Graduates, it was a pleasure having you all here at the University of Nevada. We are so proud of every single one of you, and we can't wait to see what you do in the future. Now, will all the graduates please rise?"

Ricky smiles as he stands up since he knew the big moment was coming.

"Please move your tassels to the left side of your cap."

All the graduates due as told, waiting for the part they've all been waiting for.

"Ladies and gentleman, I present to you the class of 2025!"

All the former students throw their hats into the air as everyone celebrates. Confetti shoots out of the canons near the stage as the students try to find their way to the parking lot to take pictures. Ricky grabs his cap from the ground and squeezes his way through the large crowd until he finally makes it out of the coliseum. He goes to the spot that his folks agreed to meet at and saw them already there. Ricky beams as he runs over to them.

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