Ch 26: Thanksgiving Break

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TW: Racism and emotional abuse. Typical American Thanksgiving shit tbh, which kinda checks out considering the history of the holiday.

No, this is not an invite to discuss that rodent piece of shit show, but feel free to laugh along with me: It's hilarious EJ's real name is Elton John. His parents ain't shit for naming him that knowing ppl would definitely make fun of him. No wonder he goes by EJ lmfao. Maybe Tim is capable of doing things right after all. Any who, enjoy the chapter!


November seemed to breeze by, which Ricky was excited about since it meant the end of the semester was near. Thanksgiving break was next week, and he couldn't wait to catch a break from school. Preparing for finals was a nightmare, and he couldn't wait to lay on his childhood bed. He also was excited since he gets to see his friends again. He hasn't seen them since Red's birthday party two months ago and misses them dearly.

Surprisingly, Nini was excited for the holidays as well. She's been wanting to see the Quinn's since it's been a while. The only perk of going back to Salt Lake before heading down to Arizona was that she'd be able to meet up with her friends that she missed a lot.

Nini was actually doing well. She ended up staying with Ricky for five days, which was longer than she expected to. He didn't mind though since he knew she was in pain, and he loved her company anyway. She also finally informed her therapist about what was happening between her moms and was able to practice healthier coping mechanisms. All in all, they both have been having a good month.

Ricky was walking down the lecture halls when he felt his phone vibrate. He smiles when he sees Lily's face appear on his screen.

"Hey, Lilybug."

"Hey, curly! Are you busy right now?"

"No, I can talk. What's up?"

"Okay, I know this is kinda last minute, but I was just curious what your plans were during Thanksgiving break."

"Oh, well, I planned to go home for the break. I'm going to Arizona for Thanksgiving though. Why?"

"Well, I was wondering if you'd maybe join my family and I for Thanksgiving dinner?"

"Would I be going as your—"

"Date? Yes, in a way you would. I don't want my mom to nag me about being single again this year."

"I'd love to, but I already had plans with Nini and her family this year. I also don't want to bail on her again after Halloween."

"That won't be a problem! My parents are divorced, so they decided to do two Thanksgiving dinners since they can't stand being in the same room. You'd be going to my mom's dinner two days prior to Thanksgiving Day."

"Where does she stay?"


Ricky thought about how drastically his plans would have to change if he agreed to it, but he admits to being intrigued. He's been curious about her family since he's aware she's filthy rich. If he went, it'd be better that he stayed in Reno until he had to leave for Vegas since it's less gas money spent. He wasn't spending Thanksgiving at Salt Lake anyway; he was only going to see his friends. His dad was spending it with Jenn's family, Carol spent it with her family, and Dana was going to the Philippines to visit her extended family and her mom.

The Quinn's were hosting it in Flagstaff this year and invited Nini and Ricky. He'd technically be closer to them in Vegas, so it actually would work out in his favor. The only problem is that Nini would have to drive alone. He'd have to give her a call after this.

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