Ch 42: Blow to the Heart

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Lily leans her head back on the couch, arms crossed over her chest as she listens to Ricky's continuous rant. She was tuning in and out of the rambling as she impatiently waited for him to finish up.

Ricky was walking back and forth in his living room as he went on about his mistrust and dislike for Walker.

"I'm telling you, Lily. Something is off about that guy. I can't quite put my finger on it, but something's off. He's just way too kind and perfect, and only crazy people in disguise act that kind all of the time. There's no way anyone's that happy. It's impossible to smile that much!"

She whips out a nail filer from her purse and begins filing her nails. "Maybe he's just happy, Richard. There's no harm in that."

Ricky scoffs. "Oh, please! He's malicious as fuck. He smirks at me when I see him and compliments me all the time."

She furrows her brows at him, amazed he thinks like this. "Have you ever considered the fact that he's just nice? Like, you do realize people like that exist, right?"

"I know they exist, but I've never met anyone that nice, you know? It comes off strategic and staged every time he approaches me. And god the way he looks at me when he's being romantic with Nini fucking gets me."

Lily stops filing and glances up at him. "What do you mean?"

Ricky shrugs. "I don't know. It's like he's challenging me in some way, almost like he wants to upset me by being with my best friend."

"And why would that upset you, Richard?"

He stops pacing and looks her in the eye. "I'm not sure."

Lily lifts a brow at him before going back to her filing. "Sure."

"Anyways, he's up to no good. I can feel it in my bones."

Lily rolls her eyes dramatically before groaning loudly, tossing her head back on the back pillow.

"Oh my fucking god, Ricky! Why don't you just marry him since you're so obsessed?! You've been doing this shit for weeks now, and I'm getting sick of hearing it!"

That shuts him up. He makes a poker face at his angry girlfriend, realizing how annoying he was being. He sighs before walking over to her. He gives her a peck on the lips before sitting next to her.

"I'm sorry, Lilybug. He just ignites a lot of anger in me that I didn't realize I had. I promise I won't babble about him anymore unless it's warranted."

Lily sighs in relief. "Thank god. I thought I'd be hearing about him for another hour or so."

He wraps his arm around her shoulder. "As an apology, I'll take you out to dinner tonight even though we were gonna stay in."

She smiles. "Can we get Italian?"

"We can get whatever your heart desires."

"Fantastic. We can head out at 6."

He smiles, kissing her cheek. "It's a date."

She decides to change the subject. "So, are you ever going to tell me about your Little Shop of Horrors show in spring?"

"All I'm allowed to say is that I'm the dentist. I'm not allowed to say much more."

"Not even a little bit?"

"Nope, nada."

She sticks her tongue out at him. "Boo."

"Sorry, babe. My lips are sealed." He kisses her one last time before getting up to go get dressed for their date.

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