Ch 12: Sixteen Going on Seventeen

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This is what Beck/Bex and Bowie look like. Enjoy the chapter! It's a longer one :)


They all were quiet for what felt like an eternity.

Ricky and Nini were looking at Beck as they waited for her to say anything. Beck was clearly in shock since her face had gone pale as she stared down Nini. She appeared as if she'd seen a ghost.

Suddenly, Beck snaps out of her trance and opens the door wider. "Please, come in."

Ricky and Nini glance at one another before walking in. The moment Nini enters the small, quaint apartment, Nini couldn't help but observe her surroundings. The walls were decorated with paintings and family pictures, she heard a teapot on the stove, the fridge had drawings taped onto it that were definitely hand drawn by young children, toys were spread across the ground, the space smelt of citrus due to the wall air fresheners. All in all, it was a very cozy environment despite the size of the apartment.

Nini looked back to Beck and noticed she was visibly nervous due to her shaking hands as she poured some water for them.

"You two can sit on the couch. I'll be there in a second."

Nini picked up on her shaky voice as well. It almost sounded like she was about to cry, and Nini started to feel guilty. The pair sat on the sofa and waited patiently for her to finish prepping whatever she was whipping up in the kitchen. Beck came back with a tray of snacks and two cups of tea, placing them in front of them both.

"Please, have some. You must be parched from your travel."

"We actually just ate, but I'd love some tea right now. Thank you." Ricky says as he reaches for the mug.

Nini kindly rejected it with a hand gesture, making Beck put the tray on the coffee table. She sat in the reclining chair across from them in a posture that looked unnatural, most likely due to her discomfort.

They were all quiet at first since no one knew how to start this conversation before Nini couldn't bear the silence any longer.

"I'm not here for like a kidney or anything, just for answers."

Beck chuckled. "Alright."

Before Nini could ask, the sound of one of the doors gets everyone's attention. The two little girls Nini saw earlier ran out of a bedroom with a tall man with long curly brown hair following behind them.

"Mommy, can we have a snack?" One of the girls asked.

So, these were her children.

Beck wiped her hands on her jeans. "Um sure baby. Bowie, do you mind taking the girls to the park? I'd rather deal with our guests alone."

Bowie dubiously looks at the two teens before nodding and escorting the girls out. After they were gone, Beck awkwardly smiled at Nini. "So, I imagine you have quite a few questions."

"Yes, a lot actually."

She closed her eyes and exhaled before opening them again. "Ask away."

"Well, I guess I'll just rip the band-aid off now." Nini built up the courage to ask the burning question. "Why did you give me up?" She says so low it came off as a whisper.

Beck smiled sadly, knowing that question was coming. "I had a feeling you'd ask that." Nini spots that Beck's eyes were beginning to water, and she could tell this story wasn't gonna be a walk in the park.

"It's okay if you don't wanna tell me. You technically don't owe me anything."

Beck waved her off. "No, don't worry about me. I just get a little emotional about it is all." She wipes away the stray tear on her cheek. "I'd like to start off by saying you weren't thrown away or given up without a second thought. It took a lot of strength for me to give you up for adoption. I wanted to keep you so bad, Nina. I really did, but my situation was horrible at the time. I couldn't provide for you."

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