Ch 45: Valentine's Day

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Valentine's Day has always been one of Nini and Ricky's favorite holidays since it meant they had an excuse to be cutesy and do couple things together, but this year was different. They both had a partner for the first time in four years, and it felt foreign to them to not hang out with one another after getting so accustomed to it. Both of them mentally prepared themselves to get used to the change and to push all thoughts of each other away.

Nini was doing homework as she sat at the register of the library when she felt someone tap her shoulder from behind. She smiles when she realizes it's her boyfriend. "Hey, babe."

"Hey, Neens. I've got something for you."

"Hm, does this something relate to today's date?"


"Enlighten me."

He hands her a box of Godiva chocolates and a teddy bear with her name on the heart area. She smiles and happily accepts the thoughtful gifts.

"Awe, Walker. This is so precious. Thank you, baby."

She gives him a swift peck on the lips before admiring the teddy bear.

Walker grins brightly when he sees she likes the gifts. "There's more."

She lifts a brow. "Oh?"

"We have dinner plans tonight an hour and a half after our shift."

Nini smirks. "Should I wear something sexy?"

Walker chuckled. "It would be appreciated after the date, but a dress will do."

"How casual can the dress be?"

"Very casual. It could be something you would find at Forever 21."

"Oo, I love this for me. I don't have to be bothered with heavy makeup or fancy getups. I love it here."

"And I'm sure you'll love the place I chose."

"Can't wait."

She got on her tippy toes and brought him into a loving kiss. Walker deepens the kiss, which makes Nini blissfully sigh. Their manager walks by and rolls his eyes at them.

"You two, knock it off, and get back to work. Spreadsheets don't make themselves, Brodsky."

They break apart, blushing from embarrassment. "Sorry." They say in unison.

They wait for their boss to go away before smiling at each other.

"Alright, note to self: don't kiss when Mr. Sikes is actually here for once." Nini says.

"I'll call you later."

He looks around for Mr. Sikes before sneaking another kiss, running off so they can resume their tasks.


Lily and Ricky decided to go the simple route for their date for once, which was Ricky's idea. He realized they've never really eaten together in their places with the exception of takeout and fast food. She's prepared easy meals for him before, but it was nothing special. He thought it'd be a nice change of pace to cook her something at his apartment. He also may or may not have come up with that idea in fear of bumping into his best friend and her beau at the same restaurant, but he'd never admit that out loud.

At the moment, he was cooking Lily and him salmon and rice. Lily helped with the salad since that was the only cooking she really knew how to do. To no one's surprise, she was very pampered as a kid and didn't actually have to cook. She's more of a bake from the box or heat up in a microwave kind of gal. And due to her horrid mother, she knew how to set up one hell of a table.

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