Ch 8: I Move On

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Lmfao y'all gonna love me at the beginning and hate me at the end of the chapter.


Ricky woke up a little earlier than his usual time for a weekend, except this time he didn't wake up gracefully, and he can thank his best friend for that.

He felt her shaking him and heard her talking, but he couldn't make out what she was saying.

"Richard Michael Bowen, get your ass up! We have a busy day today."

He groaned and put his pillow over his head to block out the noise. "Ugh, leave me alone."

"I'm incapable of doing that."

"It's too early for this."

"It's 10 am on a lovely Saturday morning. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and the weather is surprisingly a little warm for December."

"What, are you a weather girl now?"

"Don't make me use force, Richard."

"I'm not getting up without a fight."

"Fine, you leave me no choice."

She removes his pillow and tosses it to the ground, along with his two other pillows so he couldn't replace the former one. She yanked the covers off of his body, causing him to cover his groin.

"Nini, I'm in my boxers!"

She shrugs nonchalantly. "They're essentially just shorts. No biggie."

"That's like saying your underwear is essentially just a bikini."

She ignores him and climbs on top of him, straddling his waist. He stiffens at the suggestive position they're in, too afraid of moving in case something else decides to wake up suddenly.

His face heats up (so do other parts of him). "D-do you have to sit on me like this?"

"Yes, if you don't get up, then I'm just gonna lay on top of you until you can't bear the extra weight on you."

He held back his smirk. She had no idea that he didn't find her heavy at all and would be more than happy to let her sit on his lap all day if it came down to it. He could tell she wanted him to get up though, so he resisted that salacious urge. He sat up and squeezed her hips, both of them secretly loving that.

"What plans do you have for us today?"

She pushes back some of his bushy bed hair. "Well, birthday boy, I have a few surprises up my sleeve for you."

He smirks. "Oh, really now?"

Her hands travel down the back of his neck, sending shivers down his spine. "Mm hm, you and I are completely booked from now until the end of the day."

"Geez, what the hell are we doing?"

She smiles. "You'll find out soon enough." She hops off of his lap, much to his dismay. "Now, get up, birthday bitch. We have one hell of an itinerary today, starting with breakfast."

"So, that's what I'm smelling?"

"Yep! Now hurry up and get dressed! We don't have all day!" She skips away and closes the door behind her to give him privacy.

When Nini asked Ricky if he had plans for his 16th birthday a month ago, she was equally excited and shocked to hear he only wanted to spend it with her. He wasn't as big on celebrating birthdays like Nini, which is why he gave her his blessing to plan his party for him since she'd have better activity ideas. She immediately began planning what she wanted them to do when he told her, and he admitted that he was a little scared.

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