Ch 58: Beautiful Goodbye

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Enjoy throwing your phone at the wall after this 😈


Ricky threw a relaxed bachelor party at his dad's place with all his friends. He wasn't feeling the whole adventurous night out ordeal like the men in the Hangover. He didn't want to have a massive headache the day of his wedding anyway. Well, he'll probably have one regardless, but the liquor headaches are the worst.

As expected, his friends were acting rambunctious. They had already been through a couple of card games and took a break to do karaoke. Ricky was having a good time for the most part, but he couldn't help but notice one of his friends was notably distant all night. Nini was standoffish and only spoke to a few people. She of course spoke to Ricky when she entered, but she hasn't since. He's missed her this past month since she's mostly kept to herself since the breakup. He knew to give her some space when she was heartbroken, but he expected her to respond more after the third week.

Most of the time he was occupied with his wedding planning, so he didn't attempt to come over. When he did have free time, something came up that stopped him from checking on her. The only comfort he had in that was that Gina and Ashlyn were handling her and keeping him updated. Despite this, he still missed her, even though he didn't like that ache in his heart when he saw her. When he was finally able to break away from a convo with Red, he searched for his other best friend. After looking for a minute, he finds her sitting alone in the keeping room as she sips on the jungle juice Ashlyn prepared.

"Hey, stranger."

She jumps at the sound of his voice, but she softly grins at him. "Hey."

"What're you doing here all alone?"

She shrugs. "Just needed some space."

"It seems like you've needed space for this entire party."

She sighs and sits on the couch. "Sorry, I guess I'm just not in the party mood."

He sits down beside her. "Yeah, I get it. If you wanna leave—"

"No! I'm not leaving your bachelor party. That'd be shitty."

"Well, I don't want you to feel obligated."

"I'm fine. Besides, you shouldn't be worrying about me and my stupid feelings when this entire weekend is about you."

"I'll never not worry about you, Neens."

She blushes. "I feel the same about you."

"You sure you're fine?"

She rested her palm on his knee. "I'm gonna be fine, so please enjoy your party."

Red runs into the living room. "There you two are. We were about to play Kahoot! Come to the living room!"

Ricky nods. "Just a second."

Red goes back to the living room, leaving the star crossed lovers be.

"If you don't wanna join, that's okay."

"I'll at least watch. I know the Kahoot! is about you, so I'd probably win by a landslide. I'd feel like a cheater since it'd be far too easy."

"That's fair actually."

"Guys, come on!" Red yells from the other room.

"We should go before Red rips our head off."

Nini puffs air from her nose. "Good idea."

Ricky offers his hand to help her off the couch, and he doesn't let go until they go into the living room. Red was the host of the game; however, Ricky is the one who made the questions so that everyone could play.

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